Chapter 41: Potential Love

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Ahmed's P.O.V:


After a couple of ice hockey matches with BMd and Sara_in which Latoya and I got served_it was time for her to leave.

"It has been a delight meeting you all, again thanks for all the fun" she said addressing us all politely, I liked how she sometimes acted so courteous and  it was a part of her perfection.

"Hey wait let me walk you back" I offered running after her, she tried to object and decline but I wasn't gonna take a no for an answer. We walked out of the fun city and awkward silence fell upon us, gosh I hated these moments!

"So...." I started trying to spark a conversation "how did you find my friends?" I asked, really the dumbest question ever.

"They were awesome, always something fun is happening whenever they're around" she replied chuckling. Well at least we know one thing for sure

"They said the same about you too, they said you were funny, cheerful and...beautiful" I said awkwardly, that last one I added it myself.

"Oh....thank you I guess, that's really flattering" she replied looking at the ground blushing, these sort of little things and actions are what I liked most about her, like these little spontaneous moves and these small reactions. Oh God I need to say something.....ANYTHING! 'Probably a confession' my brain suggested, I knew that I should do that cause I would probably never see her again cause I'd be ran out of excuses to see her but I didn't know what to say! 'just speak what you feel!' my brain urged me on, I took a deep breath

"Hey Latoya," I started getting her attention, "have you ever heard of 'potential love'?" I asked her my palms are already getting sweaty,

"No, what is that?" she asked also nervousness starting to creep on her.

"Well it's....I don't know, it's like....." I stuttered at first but the words flew out of me easily later as I already understood it, "It's like when you like someone but you don't 'love' them, but you feel that you could tho, you can picture yourself falling easily for them and it wouldn't take much time to do so. It's like the bud of a flower ready to blossom but it's just not quite there yet. You know you like someone and always think about them but you know you don't love them yet, tho you could you just know you could" I finished off out of breath, I looked over at her and she looked like she'd stopped breathing, is that a good or a bad sign?

"Ehm, yeah I think I'm familiar with the term..." she replied finally breathing again, it's now or never. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her making her stop too and when she faced me I took her left hand in my right and she didn't seem to flinch badly but her hands were shaking tho,

"Well good, cause that's kinda the way I feel about you...." I said looking at her straight in the eye, PHEW! that was a big load off my chest.....No it wasn't! I was literally panicking on the inside, WHAT HAVE I DONE?! 'calm the fuck down will you?!' my brain chided. Oh God now she's gonna think I'm a clingy, possessive and a creepy guy! 'Potential love'? WTF WERE I THINKING! she'd only known me yesterday she barely KNOWS me!

She stood there mesmerized for about a count of two minutes_not a good sign!_staring back at me in the eye her mouth dangling slightly open, shit!

"Oh...umm I don't know what to say..." she started, oh great I'm fucked.

"You don't have to say anything if you want, if you don't feel the same you could easily just forget about me and I promise not to step foot in the whole mall again if you want to" I hurried on trying to fix anything of this crap

"Just forget all about you?" she repeated her mouth now falling into a full gap, she blinked rapidly a couple of times before her body shook with a humorless laugh_I do not like where this is going_she did half a pivot before turning to face me again her face breaking into a full wide grin and put her free hand on her forehead and shook her head

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