Thoughts no. 4

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I like your hair and that kind of stare

The intensity of your gaze, the soft smile on your lips, that chinito eyes, the way you run your hands through your hair, and your voice. I always wonder how you lift up my mood smoothly, like a pro in dominating my soul.

Seated far from me, you glanced back more than twice, catching my eyes. My heart was full of mourns today, but it suddenly vanished — seeing you and hearing your voice calmed my mind.

A soothing sound of amorphic gleam in-rhymed with my pleas to heal. Sometimes flashy, and at certain times the reds bear no validity, whatever color it may be, your flags doesn't matter to me. For my heart becomes serenely rested with the thought of your gaze, your soft smile, your laugh, and your voice — your presence is what it takes to soften me.

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