A Few Thoughts From Chane Laforet

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I was once what one would call human, and I was once what one would call a slave. Now, honestly, I am not sure what I am. Can one call me human when I do not behave like one, or when I do not convey my thoughts and emotions like one does? I was never taught to be human, or to have feelings. All father taught me was to obey and serve under his guiding hand. I was a prisoner in my own mind. All these years I've followed him, and only him. I did fathers bidding, whatever he wanted. There was no concern over me, and I was willing to risk my own life for someone who viewed me as an experiment. So I wasn't human, I was merely an object to be toyed with. But after that fateful train ride I realized that I was just a pawn in fathers game, I was never loved. I realized that I didn't have to be a blank slated assassin, but that I could have feelings. I could do things for myself. I guess you could say that he showed me that. His carefree attitude and his complete and utter devotion to me, that astounded me. How could somebody love me and claim to know me when I didn't even know myself? Why was I loved by this person, whom I didn't even know? Who was this man? I had many questions, that remained unanswered for a long time. During that train ride I was reborn, and I finally felt human. Now I know what I am. And as I walk down down this aisle i see only him. I don't see our friends, I don't see Jacuzzi and Nice smiling at me. I don't see the Gandor Brothers looking on approvingly. No, I don't pay attention to any of that. I only see him. I see his fiery red hair contrasting with his black suit, I see his smoldering Crimson eyes. I see him looking at me. I feel him grab my hands, and I hear the minister began to speak. And I think to myself. Why do I love him? Is it because of his ruthlessness, or his devotion? No. I love him because he is himself. And I am me. I am Chane Laforet. And as I marry Claire Stanfield I finally realize that. And now, I think I can be truly happy.

(A/N: this was just something that came out of my mind when I was writing in a notebook. I wanted to really explore Chane's mind. This is also a teaser of my next work, a long running baccano fanfiction. Be on the lookout for it. I hope you enjoyed this)

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