Nice Gets Kidnapped and Jacuzzi Blows Up A Building

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"Yes, bulls-eye, nice one!" Nice yelled this out as the bomb collided with the safehouse. Bricks and debris skidded off in every direction as the dust gathered into the air. The sudden boom of the delayed explosion almost knocked the gang off of their feet. Nice laughed as the debris flew. She thought about how fun, and unusually reckless, her job was. As a Bootlegger she was always on hand for her explosiveness, both literally and figuratively. She was often seen blowing up buildings for fun and almost getting caught in the blasts. That was one of the reasons she clicked with Jacuzzi so much, they were best friends. Her recklessness balanced out his extreme paranoia.

Nice laughed as she saw a few of the Russo goons running out of the destruction, cursi ng and calling to their colleagues. As she stood, staring at the blast, she felt a hand tugging on her arm. Nice turned, and smiled as she saw it was Jacuzzi. His eyes were wide and he was almost hyperventilating. "Nice, come on! We have to get out of here!" He attempted to pull her away but she wretched out of his grasp, smirking. "Just give me a minute." She stood with her hands at her side, staring at what used to be a building. She did this; she destroyed everything with one final blast. Nice threw one final grenade, pegging a struggling man in the side.

She could feel the explosion through the ground, and it almost knocked her off of her feet. Jacuzzi darted behind her, catching her before she could hit the ground. She steadied herself. "I've got it, I'm not helpless." Jacuzzi started sweating. "I-I-I'm so sorry! But nice, we need to get out of here, and now!" She sighed, looking over her destruction one more time. "Okay, I suppose we can now." They ran away through a back alley, Nice laughing and Jacuzzi yelling. He stopped for a second, to catch his breath. Nice, who was fine, stopped as well. She smiled. "You okay Jacuzzi?" He nodded. "I think we should have brought at least Ronnie along, we need some muscle." Nice laughed. "We can take care of ourselves, you worry too much."

Jacuzzi sighed as they began to walk along, side by side. "I just don't want you to get put in danger and for it to be my fault." Nice laughed, shoving Jacuzzi lightly. "When have I ever cared about danger?" He laughed. "I suppose you're right, just try to be careful, for my sake at least. I get worried when you stand so close to the blast." Nice sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I promise. But I just wanted to feel the debris crumbling, to see what happened when it went off." Jacuzzi laughed nervously as Nice sighed happily. "I'll never understand you." She smirked. "That makes two of us."

Jacuzzi bit his lip. "I just, well, I feel like we got out of that too easily, you know? They never let us get away that easily." Nice nodded. "I agree. Let's just get back to the base, where we have all of our guys. We'll be safer there." The base was a few blocks over, just behind the Daily Days Newspaper Office. They could get there in a few minutes easily. The two continued to walk to the base, lost in their thoughts.

A loud boom sounded in the distance, shaking them. Nice turned to Jacuzzi, frowning. "I don't think we're alo-" With that a hooded figure leapt in, grabbing Nice. Jacuzzi yelled, "Let her go!" Nice began to scream. "Get away from me ya creep! Lemme go!" She began to be dragged away and Jacuzzi leapt at it. "Get away from her!" With a single flick of the wrist Jacuzzi was thrown against the adjacent wall, coughing from pain. "Jacuzzi!" With that final word she was dragged away into the night.


"Let me go! This is no way to treat a lady!" Nice was dragged by the hooded figure into a strange building, and thrown into a large room. She growled at her attacker, practically foaming at the mouth. "Ya know you're lucky I don't have anything on me!" She heard laughter coming from another side of the room. It echoed and bounced so she couldn't tell where exactly it was coming from. Nice growled again. "This is not funny!" The laughter intensified as a large man in all white stepped forward. He began to clap as he smiled at Nice. "I have to admit kid, you've got spunk! Moxy! I like it! But, unfortunately, you have outlived your usefulness. You see, I'm Ladd Russo, and you've bombed us too many times for us to like."

Nice struggled against the rope, narrowing her eyes. "What are we supposed to do when you kill our men?" Ladd laughed=, doing an elaborate spin. "That's life baby! Deal with it! It's time to rid the world of you once and for all. And maybe your little boyfriend will show up and we can deal with him too! What fun!" This man was insane. Nice was furiously struggling, trying to think up a plan. She was an idiot for using up all of her bombs at the site. She should've known that something would happen.

She would have to hope that Jacuzzi would rescue her. "Whatever you do to me won't be nearly as bad as what my friends will do to you!" Ladd laughed. "Sure, of course. He can try." Ladd called out. "Lua baby, a moment please?" A slender girl walked forward, standing next to Ladd. "Lua baby what should I do to this girl? She's the one who killed Ricky." Lua stayed silent, looking thoughtful. Ladd smiled. "She doesn't talk much you see." Lua whispered something in his ear and he laughed. "Just what I was thinking baby!" He kissed her. "You're smart doll face, you know that?"

Ladd turned to nice, a look of madness on his face. "We'll make her into a pretty explosion, so big that the whole town can see!" Nice growled. Jacuzzi had better save her soon. She cocked her head, hearing a ticking noise. It seemed to be counting down. She smiled and waited for the timer to get low. "Hey Russo?" He turned to her. "What?" She giggled, staring into his empty eyes. "Boom." With that the wall exploded and Jacuzzi ran in, looking relieved when he saw Nice. "Oh Nice, you're okay!" Nice smiled at him. "Thanks for coming for me. The bomb was a nice touch."

He laughed. "Of course, for you I needed something that would explode. I hope you don't mind me raiding your room?" She smiled as he undid the ropes. "It's fine." Suddenly they heard coughing. Ladd, who was shielding Lua, stood up. He was covered in dust. "Now now you lovebirds, I can't let you leave so easily." Before he could react Jacuzzi pressed something into her hand. Nice smiled when she felt the familiar shape. "Hey Ladd, you should know that I wouldn't leave. Not without a boom anyway!" She hurled the bomb, dragging Jacuzzi as it exploded.

Jacuzzi laughed. "Glad you're okay, are you good?" Nice sighed. "It has certainly been an eventful day. But really, thanks for saving me." Jacuzzi stopped walking, grabbing Nice's hand. "Why wouldn't I? Nice, we've been together for so long and...and... I think I might love you." Nice smiled, kissing Jacuzzi. He smiled nervously at her when she pulled away. "You know what, I think I might too."

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