Cooking skills

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The next day;

Stacy's POV

I woke up to this same ceiling and sighed, I looked around then I remembered what happened last night and my face warmed up as I hoped I won't see that Andrew because I don't know how to stand before him now.

I quietly entered the shower and a hot bath had already been prepared with a towel and a bathrobe, I was quite surprised, hasn't he had a bath?? Well, I would use it and run another one for him

"Miss Stacy, are you awake", came Cathy's voice

"No, I'm not", I replied

"It's quite impossible to speak while asleep, master said you should take your bath and come downstairs for breakfast", she said and I sighed, so the bath was for me afterall, that's so sweet of him.

After bathing and getting dressed and walked downstairs, looking around once again

"Hey", came Andrew's voice who was standing at the end of the stairs

"Good morning", I said looking as brave and bold as I could but still wouldn't dare look into his eyes

"Bet you had a great night sleep, breakfast has been served", he said giving a gentle bow as he showed me the way to the table, okay!! This treatment was something else

"Thanks", i said as he brought out a chair for me to sit before taking out some dishes and served it to me while standing some respectful distance away

"How is it", he asked when I took a spoonful of the tea

"Nice but too thick and sugary, why would you add sugar?" I asked and he though looked a bit disappointed but still shrugged

"How else do I make a tea?" He asked and I sighed

"Boil hot water, this is definitely Lipton, just pour the water into a cup and let the drinker of the Lipton choose the way he wants to do it, don't add sugar for anybody when making a cup of coffee, Lipton or even ordinary tea, what if I was a diabetic patient, you could have worsened my situation", I lectured and he nodded seriously

"Alright, I'm sorry and thanks", he said taking the cup from my presence and brought forward the vegetables sauced chicken which was accompanied by rice

I took a spoonful of the food and almost spit it out but had to endure because it would be a disrespectful thing to do so I finished the food in my mouth with a smile

"How was it", he asked and I wondered if this man has ever cooked before because it's as if he poured all the whole salt in the house and even borrowed some salt from the beach water because I don't understand why it's this salty!!

"I've never tasted anything worse in my entire existence, Andrew. This is so bad!! I mean, I know you're rich and all but c'mon, it's just rice and stew!!" I said looking astonishingly at him

"I...I watched some tutorials and I...I just tried to impress you but it seems that cooking is not my element", he said taking the plates away

"You don't have to cook to impress me Andrew, just the little things you do is impressive enough for me, I don't need you to overwork yourself", I said feeling sorry for my earlier outburst

"Really? Any little thing I do?" He asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes, he was back to being a complete pervert

"You should seriously learn how to cook", I said dryly as I stood up from the chair

"Just a minute, let me get dressed and we would go have a proper breakfast at a restaurant", he said and I shook my head

"No, show me the way to the kitchen, dear Andrew", i said with a smile

"Why?" He asked and I shrugged

"The obvious, I want to cook you something delicious and you would tell me the difference between this food of yours and mine", i said with a sultry wink

"You've become very bold and comfortable with me, that's a nice start but I can't let you into the kitchen, you might hurt yourself", he said and I frowned

"Hurt myself, I'm sorry but i am finding it hard to understand what you're saying", I said

"I cooked something like this and look at me, I almost got myself burnt with not only heat but knife too, I can't possibly allow you to pass through the same toture", he said and I chuckled

"That thing you call toture my dear friend, is what I call cooking, now Cathy please the way to the kitchen", I said turning away from him

Andrew's POV

She hurt my pride a little with her comments over my foods, who knew all those things she said, I did exactly what was said in that tutorial but it seems like the teacher didn't know how to prepare the tea and chicken sauce as well.

I watched as she followed Cathy's direction to the kitchen, I was gonna marry a woman who would take care of me!! For the first time I felt very proud of something I did right by myself although it was orchestrated by Pascal but it was my decision not to call off the engagement.

Camille never cooked for me, she never even suggested once to enter the kitchen, it was either the cook made something or we ate outside. She kept insisting that she needed to keep her skin fresh because she was a beauty cream promoter and I never argued about it, this was something I felt I had to do for her, you know, make her comfortable, listen to her likes and dislikes, just anything that would keep us going. Pascal saw a lot of faults in her which I didn't see but now, I was realizing day by day that Cami wasn't the person for me, that lady never supported me the way Stacy had done for the past few months I've worked with her

"Pascal Willow is by the entrance", Cathy said and I checked the time, man, it's past eight already

"Let him in", I said

"Yes master", she said as I rolled my eyes, I can get used to a whole crowd cheering for me but not a robot doing my orders

A minute later, Pascal came in and I smiled

"Bud", I said as we hugged each other

"I've missed you", he said and I chuckled

"I didn't miss you though, how was New York", I asked as we both sat down at the couch

"Awesome, it was marvelous, where's sister in law, did you leave her alone in bed, huh", he asked poking me teasingly and I chuckled

"She's in the kitchen", I said

"Nice! Thank goodness I ain't full yet, I could have missed such a special breakfast treatment coming straight from a chef herself'", he said and I smiled

"After condemning my cooking skills, she decided to make us something unlike Cami would do", I said and he was staring at me with wide eyes

"Your cooking skills?! Do you have cooking skills?...I mean when did you start entering the kitchen?!" He said much to my irritation, classic Pascal, well he's here anyways and I'm happy that he's present though he's annoyingly very honest.

"Master, young miss asks for your attention in the kitchen and she said you should come over now", came Cathy's voice

"Sounds urgent but what could have happened?" I muttered as I stood up followed by Pascal as we headed to the kitchen.

Could it be that she was worse in cooking and actually started s fire? no the smoke alarm would have went off

Could she have fallen while taking...oh no, she might have fallen!! I thought as I hurried my steps to the kitchen.

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