We need to head to New York City

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In Italy

Pascal's POV

"We have a serious problem", I said impatiently to Andrew who has no idea of what's going on

"What's it", he asked and I sighed

"Lucy has been kidnapped and Drex is behind it", I said and Andrew looked at me in confusion for a while

"What do you mean kidnapped and who is Drex?" He asked

"Drex Hudson", i replied and he immediately tensed up

"Is that imbecile still alive? How dare he, why didn't you tell me this, look, I'm heading back to New York this evening, this is total thrash!" He said and I nodded, I expected his strong reaction

"You won't go to new York, Andrew", i said calmly

"What do you mean by that", he asked

"Who is this Drex to you again? Your business rival, right? Good, we need to understand his motive, he can't be working alone because he's not brainy enough for something like this, my men are currently at his heels and I just want us to reason and think about this so that we would be one step ahead of him at his own game", I said hoping he understands where I'm heading to

"What's your suggestion", he said noticably calm

"Alright, we should notice that Drex isn't after Lucy at all. It's you he wants and in order to get to you needs someone who's absence would hurt you and that would have been Stacy who is an easy catch for him but Stacy isn't home so he would do the obvious", I said

"But it's so cheap of him to kidnap an innocent school girl", he said and I cleared my throat, there was no way that school girl was innocent but let's not get distracted now.

"Also I need you to think of another person who would derive pleasure from hurting you through Stacy", I asked the obvious

"Camille?" He asked and I nodded

"Remember that Camille knows this Drex guy and since they both share a common goal, they would work together and that's where the crafty and shaddy ideas come from", i said and Andrew looked shocked as if suddenly linking the dots.

"This...this...this is terrible!! I never imagined that...oh, I messed up, what do you suggest we do now", he asked i shrugged

"Nothing, we just wait", I said and he frowned

"What do you mean by wait", he asked

"I understand what you are feeling, trust me, the person that was kidnapped is my girlfriend and I feel worse but...", He cut me short with an amused look

"Your girlfriend? That's nuts!", he exclaimed and I scoffed

"What? A man got to have one isn't it", I asked and he nodded

"Impressive, I thought you would remain single forever or get married to the library", he said laughing as I rolled my eyes

"Go ahead and mock me, I've got a girlfriend now, that's what matters", I said as my phone rang and I picked up

"Hey man", i said casually to the now forgotten competition

"He's dead, I still can't wrap my head around it man, I found him dead and hazel was nowhere to be found as well", he said and I stood up completely losing my composure. This was it!! No holding back anymore

"We need to go back to New York City now", I said in a low baritone, there was no way any of those bastards would get away with this now

"What's wrong", he asked and I looked at him trying to get myself at a hold but I couldn't

"They killed...they killed him", i said and he looked confused

"Killed who", he asked

"Stacy's Father", I said and a loud gasp came from the door, both surprised, we turned to the door to find Stacy with her hand hold her mouth with wide eyes

"Hey hey", i said quickly getting up to meet her but she ran off, damn!! I should have held my tongue.

Andrew's POV

There was a lot of things going on in my head right now, I was still processing the ruthlessness of Camille when Pascal hit me with something more drastical. Stacy heard it and I wondered for how long she stood at that door hearing is, I knew I should have stood up to console and tell her everything would be fine but I couldn't... I tried but my legs weren't responding.

"Look man, I would leave for New York this evening and you stay with her, do you understand, she's your fiancee and she needs you now, I would go talk to her for now but you do the rest later", Pascal said as he quickly left.

I was in pain, in an emotional pain, it take a fatal blow to unfaze me and this was more than fatal. How much more would she do? I never imagined that Camille would be this heartless, she portrayed a calm and kind lady to me, I only thought that she bagged a lot but now I've come to realize that this lady was dangerous, not only that but toxic as well. Is it not me that she wants then it's definitely me that she would get.

With this thought, I stood up and headed to the room, took my phone and some documents then headed to the airport, there was no way I would let her hurt someone else.

This had to end somewhere and it was with me it would end, she isn't to allowed to hurt Stacy, Lucy or Pascal. If a dog refuses to hid to it's master's commands then it definitely needs to be tamed or gotten rid of of and in Camille's case, she needed to be gotten rid of.

I wanted to call her and speak my mind but I thought otherwise, she was angry and yet didn't explain her reactions to me clearly, she only left me to see and witness her brutality, why don't I give her a taste of her own medicine.

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