Chapter 6

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Missus Fahlia's face glows as she smiles at me. My Father, however, remains the same, with his stoic countenance.

What a joyful reunion with my ever-so-cheerful Father. And he supposedly made me with his sweat and liquids. I can feel the love.

"Oh, Nathan, Aria! Come, sit here with us!" Missus Fahlia gestured, and Nathan was about to comply, but I politely and formally declined.

"I'm afraid I am not worthy of sitting with the masters of the family." Missus Fahlia, and Nathan, boo-ed. Because, he can't just go ahead and sit while his dear sister stays standing, now, can he? Although it might be my choice to refuse, but still.

"Come on, it's fine, Aria! We're family! Right, Louis?" Father nodded, with no emotions of approval appearing ( There was, however a tiny bit, of disapproval directed at me, as he hesitated before nodding. ) ( Oh, what an extremely loving Father I have. His affectionate actions surprises even me. )

I bow my head. "You're too kind, Missus." I replied. She agreed with a pouting "Fine, stay there!"

Missus Fahlia stood from her seat and walked to me. I was going to bow my head once again and step back, but she cupped my cheeks, stopping me on my tracks.

"You've grown a lot, Aria. You're as tall as me now, but when you were a child you only reached my waist, at best! And your hair's now a beautiful strawberry blond, just like your father's." I redden a bit at the sudden shower of compliments. ( And Father seemed to blush a little, too, at the compliment of his hair color. ) "You've become more beautiful, too!"

"I am very much honored by your praises, Missus." At this, she chuckles a bit. Her every action flows with grace, I thought.

"You just can't be honest and say thank you, can you?" She said. I glanced at Father, and although emotionless, I felt that he's giving me his approval to go ahead.

Okay then. "Thank you very much." She smiles widely, and shakes her head up and down. "Yup, that's better! Now if you would just smile a bit-?" And I complied, turning the sides of my mouth up a bit.

She chuckles, again. "That really is a bit. But that's okay for now. Although next time it will have to be a huge one, okay? Now off you go. You still have a lot to teach to Nathan here, right?"

I nodded, "A lot indeed, much to my displeasure. I just wish he is a fast learner." ( "Hey, I am a fast learner. And for who am I doing this again?" Nathan argued. ) "Well then." I did a 45 degree bow and headed for the door, with Nathan following behind. I reached for the gold-coated doorknob.

"You've grown."

The sentence made me stop. It was just a simple, two word sentence. You've grown. That was it. But somehow, it was powerful enough to make me stop, to make my chest grow with happiness, to make me smile. Thank goodness I have my back turned to them.

No, it wasn't a huge smile, a lot smaller than a huge one, but it can't be considered a smirk or, a grin, or whatever else. Just, with one look, you could tell, "Ah, she's smiling." That was the kind of smile my mouth unconsciously wore. And I can't make this smile go away, even if I want to. Although I'm not entirely sure I want to.

"Well, what are you waiting for, sister? Are you not going to respond to Father Dearest?" Nathan teased, snapping me out of my reverie, and I made a mental note to let him have a taste of my fist later.

"Your prai-"

"AHEM!" Nathan coughed, or rather, faked a cough. Missus Fahlia looked absolutely worried and hurried to his side. Please, Missus, I'm sorry for my rude language, but get a hint. A fake cough, that's all it was. And Nathan's already in highschool, geez. What's got your bees buzzing?

"A distraction. . . Stopped me from talking for nothing. . . Now I've got to repeat it. . ." I murmured. "Again, my gra-"

"COUGH! COUGH!" Nathan interrupted, again. He continuously coughed, and after the 5th ( fake ) cough, the Missus finally got it. She imitated Nathan, and soon the coughing's already in the air.


Le wild cough resounds.

Well, I didn't count Father to be one of the coughers. That was completely unexpected. Is the sun rising from the west?

I decided to give in. "Fine." Nathan grinned, and the Missus happily smiled. "Thank you very much for the compliment."

. . .

Silence. So this is what I get for honestly ( and informally, although forced ) expressing my gratitude? Gee, thanks a lot.

"You deserve it."

Another unexpected answer. I simply nodded and hummed a mm. Then I took hold of the doorknob and went out.

It wasn't that I simply nodded, it was because it was all I could do to hide my smile, hopefully.

It's been a long time since Father last praised me.


Apologies for the super late update! Schoolworks have been a huge pain in the bottom, so I didn't have the time to update any chapter. But! Since I've adjusted to it, I've become able to update. I'll probably be able to update a little faster. Atleast I won't make you wait for more than a month anymore.

Also, my first time doing this comment etc etc. Comment, Vote and Follow! Did I do it right? Idrk, but anyway, do comment. Suggestions, your opinions, was my writing alright? I don't know, so I really need you guys' opinions!

Well then. Lovelots,


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