Chapter 8

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"Okay, I'll be going now, Nathan." I said, and stood up. After I found Caleb, we returned to Nathan's room and waited for the other two to return. During this waiting time, Caleb took the opportunity to call his friends and sweet talk each and every one of them. Their rather sexual exchanges almost made me puke, and made me envy Mana who brought her earphones.

After Caleb's 57th call (I did not bother counting, it was Zach who supplied the number), Jack and Luke finally returned, which brings us to the present situation.

"Already? Stay until dinner, sister! Please?" Nathan asked.

I shook my head, "I can't. Brother's here, isn't he?" Nathan looked shocked as I said this. He must have thought that I didn't know. Well, newsflash: I know.

"Yeah, but--"

"No buts." I saw how Nathan's face changed to sadness, and the only thing I did was smile bitterly. I'm really sorry, Nath, I really am. But as long as I'm near you and your family, nothing will go right.

"If Aria is leaving, so am I." Mana stated firmly, and reached out her hand to get her things, but Zach took them faster.

"Nuh-uh Mana. You know I came here in Dad's place, and you're not going without me." Zach stuck his tongue out.

"I honestly don't care Zach. You're the heir and Dad's dealings doesn't concern me." Mana crossed her arms, and raised her head slightly. Zach made a defeated groan.

"Mana, you and the others stay here. You've been wanting to introduce Luke, Jack and Caleb to your brother, haven't you? Luke, especially." Mana made a face, one of embarassment and shock, and I chuckled.

In the corner of my eye I saw Luke's countenance turn to one much like a red, gaping fish: he blushed a furious crimson and had his mouth open. Oh, oh, oh! A reaction I didn't think would show this early.

"You traitor," She mumbled. I patted her head. I just smiled a small one to her, knowing that their feelings might possibly be mutual.

I then headed to the door, before Caleb spoke up.

"Wait, let me drive you to your house." He offered, without the sweep-hair-back-and-Colgate-worthy-smirk nor frivolous words.

I stared at him, looking for any sign that he might have underlying motives. He doesn't look like he has any. But people who lacks obvious motives are the dangerous ones.

And Caleb's not an exception.

"Thank you for the offer, but I'll just call my chaffeur." I turned my back to them, and once more, was, rather unexpectedly, stopped by Caleb.

"Uh... How about I walk you out? You know, it's a long way, you're bound to get bored." I felt my eyebrows raise, and the others just stared at us. That's quite a pathetic excuse from an extreme womanizer if you ask me, although I'm no expert.

"Oh. Well if it's just that then, feel free." I agreed, caught unguarded by his urging. He never did seem like a person who insists on something.

Caleb strode to my side, took my bag, and opened the door while I stood stupefied. Again, he never did strike me as gentlemanly, he just stood out as the womanizer. Maybe he's a good person deep inside and not just a random playboy.

I have been getting quite a lot of surprises today; what's next? Would Caleb kneel down and beg? Quite unlikely.

We walked in comfortable silence in the hallway, and I felt a stare bore holes in my body. While it's not good to be over sensitive, it doesn't help if one's dense about such things. If so, what should I do at this moment? Should I act as an over sensitive lady and ask Caleb's reason for his staring, or play the dumb girl and move along?

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