Bursting Passion

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You woke up to the sound of birds and trees rustling with the wind. The sun shun on your face and you smiled slightly as you got up. As usual, you did your normal routine for mornings. Though, when you got to the stage where you went out to get the mail, you hadn't expected an invitation from England.

"H-huh... An invitation?" You quietly said to yourself. You kept your eyes down at the sealed invitation as you entered inside. Sitting down on the couch, you skipped all the others and quickly opened it.

Hello Hana. This is a simple invitation to my party in celebration of my 23rd birthday. As Hong Kong and I worked hard to achieve this, and both of us would be most definitely happy if you came. Speaking of Hong Kong, you wouldn't mind being escorted by him to the party, would you? Perhaps you're wondering what type of party it's going to be, it's going to be a masquerade party. Er, I know it's quite odd I chose this sort of theme, but I'd like to try something new. Any who, it'll start at 6 after. Thanks in advance.

- England

You were filed with excitement and couldn't but help but release a smile. You thought of Hong Kong in your mind.


It was finally England's birthday. Just yesterday, you found a dress along with a mask, which was quite scintillating and coincidental. Taking a deep breath, you opened the huge door to be revealed to groups of people, chatting, holding a cock-tail. Then you spotted Hong Kong talking to Japan. Both of you exchange glances. Both of you walk to each other, though, he didn't smile. Almost as if he didn't mind being with you, but hated being in such fancy clothing and a fancy mask on his face.

"Hello.." he said, linking your arm unexpectedly. Your eyes widened a bit. "H-hello!' Stuttering, he then asked you a question. "Are you hungry.... would you like something to eat?" he smiled, but his smile told a tale. It was quite obvious he was bored at the party. "Mh, no, thank you!" you said politely, blushing a bit.

Hong Kong looked over to England who was sipping perhaps a cocktail. As England socialized with the guest, Hong Kong looked left to right. Then, all of a sudden, he grabbed your hand directing you outside. "Want to do something... fun?" He showed a smirk, which caused you to laugh a bit. "I...um, sure?" You acknowledged. He took off his mask setting it on the ground and so did you.

He took out a package of Fireworks, you knew that a certain someone was for sure, going to get pissed. You laughed a bit. Hong Kong set the fireworks up confidently. You watched him do what he did. Then a question hit you. "Is it dangerous? Or in other words, will I get severely hurt?"

"I'll protect you Hana!" Once again, you were stunned at his words. This caused you to blush a bit. He got out an extended lighter and it began to spark. "Alright! All done, all we need to do is run away!" He grabbed your hand and retrieved you to a safe spot.

Then, colours pranced in the air. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?" you heard from afar. Both of you laughed. "HONG KOOONNG!" yelled the angry English-man.

"I feel so bad...!" you hushed amazement. "Wǒ ài nǐ..." He said quietly.

"Wǒ yě ài nǐ!" you replied. As firecrackers filled the air, he pulled you into a sweet, passionate kiss. He held your hand and both of you gazed at the night sky.

"HOONG KOONG!" said England. "Run!" both of you say excitedly in unison. Both of you began to run as England chased the both of you.

The end

Note: Wǒ ài nǐ means I love you. Wǒ yě ài nǐ means I love you too. I'm pretty sure you guys figured that out by your selves because you're all smarticles *weird laugh* xD Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this One-Shot.... ;3; Bye-byes!

Hetalia - Reader x CountryWhere stories live. Discover now