Prussia - First kiss

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For the past few years, you've been writing in your diary. Simply it was because you felt as thought that a diary would be a good place to keep personal thoughts. You hid this diary under your bed and secured it with a lock.

Any who, you've liked Prussia for quite a long time despite him being cocky. Though, what most don't realize is how much of a caring person he is. Memories fill your mind and you smile a bit.

-flash back-

You were on a school field trip and it was up in the mountains. The teachers flirted with each other as you watched the other students being clumsy and careless. The climb up the mountain and as they reached flat ground upon the mountain, the moan and groan. "God! Finally, gosh, I want to go home!" Said a girl panting as her boyfriend out an arm around you.

Just by hearing her words, you clenched your fist, wanting to throw a fist full of 'be fricking thankful for what you have'! You let this slip off of you and took a seat on a rock. Then, you notice that some of your peers were smirking and nudging each other. "Pfft, haha, I know right!" One of them said, loudly and mockingly, making sure that she head.

"Hey! ( Y/N ), why are you single? Probably because you're not one of us!" She raised her hand up, showing the people who were nudging each other. She laughs and chugs down some water. This angered you so much. Maybe she had nicer features and gets all of the guys attention, but she had a heart as ugly as you're thinking of right now.

"Oi! What are you talking about?" Said a familiar voice. As you bobbed your head up, you saw the German standing tall and proud. "What do you-" she as cut off and Prussia put an arm around you, brushing a kiss on your cheek. He turns his head towards you kindly and he smiles.

You blush a bit.

"Alright! Resting time is over, let's go go go!" Said a teacher, clapping his hands together. You got up from the rock and the mean people who teased you gave a look to you. It out further ado, they continued to climb up.

"Thanks..." You whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"No problem!" He replied.


You were walking to school and an instinct had told you that you should bring your diary to school today. No reasons why, it was simply an instinct inside of you. As usual, English period first then Gym onwards to science. Sighing, the bell rang and you gathered your items needed and headed down to English.

Everyone took their seats and the English teacher came in. He stopped in the middle of the class and faced the students. "Alright class, I'd like you to open your textbooks to page 90000000!" He said boringly.

Time flew by and before you knew it, it was already time for lunch. You got your bag and went down the hall, turning, then entering the cafeteria. The scent of food hit your nose as soon as you opened the door. As usual, everyone was in their groups. The populars and jocks were mixed together in one section of the cafeteria, then the nerds followed by the rest.

You caught a glance of one of the populars putting some foundation on as she chewed on her carrot. Then, you spotted Prussia in the corner of the cafeteria, lonely, eating at a table. Almost as if that area was deserted.

You got in line and got your food as fast as possible. Then, as quickly as you can, you got your food.

Well, without you knowing, one of the populars sticked their leg on in order to trip you. You fell accordingly to their plans. One of them felt pity for you and they stood up from their seat to help you. "Miranda, enough already!" He said. You looked to see both a guy and a girl on their knees trying to see if you're alright.

In front of you was the discarded tray of food. "Are you okay?" The girl said worried. You tried to stood yourself up, and although you didn't need it, they supported you as you got up by holding your arms. "Pfft, why do you care about that bitch? She deserved that."

Another one of the populars stood up from their seat. "Goddammit, I'm so sick of being a bitch to others. It's not worth being your friend; your heart isn't what others think it is. As others think it's gold, once you look closer to inspect it, it's fake. You're so fake!" The cafeteria was silent and they turned their heads to see what the commotion was about.

You stood their silently and caught Prussia glancing at you. You couldn't help but run away, and get away from all of this. Calmly, Prussia got his back pack and packed up his lunch going after you.

As you walked away from what has happened, you reach the doors to be revealed to sunlight. All you wanted was some alone time and so, you sat at a tree. "Hey!" Prussia walked in Front if you, creating a shade in front of you. "Hi..." You sighed as you looked down to your nails.

"You didn't eat..." He got out a-not-yet eaten sandwhich and he passed it to you. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah!" He handed it to you and you thanked him. As you thought the German would start jumping up and down, he didn't. He was quite calmed and quiet. "Are you alright, you don't seem yourself!" You ask him.

"I'd like to tell you but..." he hesitated to continue. " 'but?' " you say.

"Promise you won't freak out!" He said. "Promise!" You replied, feeling your heart beat. "I-I like you..."

Your eyes widened. "Do you... Like me back?" He asked as you stood their amazed. "Uh..." You said breathless. Taking out your backpack, your took your diary, opened it and tore out the pages that consisted of that day when Prussia helped you.

He read it to himself quietly.

Dear diary,

I can't believe at how Prussia was nice to me. He was sooooo cool and if only one could see their faces when he put his arm around me. Gosh, a reason why I like him. I'm such a girly girl. WOOOOO, I'm so happy! He smelled good and oh my gosh, it proved to those girls that I'm not a freaking loser! I'm so happy! I love you Prussia!

Well, my mother is calling me for dinner, I got to go. I'll write again later! :3

He finished reading and his face lit up with a smile that revived the cracks of your heart. He hugged you into an embrace. "Girly girl!" He mocked happily.

As he didn't expect it, you pulled him by his shirt closer to you and kissed him. "My first kiss!" You said with a laugh.


;3; yay, I finished it! Yay... Also, about that page 9000- I don't know xD, I did it for the laughs! Okie? I hope you enjoyed this story! :D

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