Norway - Secret Admirer

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For the past few days you've been getting love letters in your locker. You had no idea who this was. Opening your locker, you saw a paper folded in half with a heart on it.

I heard what happened to you yesterday, you know, of when those group of people decided to push you around. I just wanted to let you know that even though you may not know who I am, they'll be apologizing to you, perhaps around after school. Well, I really like your hair today. It suits you.

- Your secret admirer

You blushed a bit as your back hit the lockers. "My... hair?" Then, a group of people walked up in front of you. It was the people who pushed you around yesterday. One of the girls smacked one of the guys arms, telling him to apologize. "W-we're very sorry." They nodded in unison. "Yeah, we really are." A girl looked down, then up to you. "We were all hoping that... that you'd maybe accept our apology."

"Also, I'd like to give you this. I don't know who, but it's maybe a he, well he told us to give you these!" she held out a bouquet of flowers, passing it to you. You held them and a fresh scent of freshly cut flowers lingered in your nose. "I forgive you. But, may I ask? Do you have any other information about this 'he'?"

"He was somewhat tall!"

"Thanks!" You say. They walked away and remained in a bunch. Then, before you knew it, the bell rang and students washed out of the school, wanting to get home. Then you there took the time to put away your books and binders as the flowers were set aside.

Cautious, you gently picked up the flowers and walked home.


The next day, you had waited to see a note inside you locker. 1st period there wasnt, but then now it was the last period and your hand sweated a bit. You opened your locker once again to find another note. It was dyed in pink and had fancy hand-drawn hearts for a border. But, this time, there was a thick ribbon tied around it and the paper had a scent to it. A very sweet one. You looked around to see that every one else was too busy in groups or with his or her partner. Then, you began to read.

I think that I've been doing this for a long time now. I'd like to see you at the roof top Today after school...but, I'm not sure what you'll think of me. So, perhaps when you get there, can you wear a blindfold? That's basically what the ribbon was for...

Thanks Seyali!

- Your secret admirer.

You looked at the time on your left. "40 minutes, if only time can go faster!" Sighing, you try to smile as you headed to class. People hurried and got to their classes and so did you. Finally, at the end of the hall you entered the last class. It was art class.

You seated yourself in a chair. Then Ms. ZZEEBRAALLUUULIOSOlolwut entered the class and walked to the front of the class. "Alrighty! So we will be painting once again. Rather than me always telling you what to paint, I think that you children should express your feelings." You zoned out and looked down to the canvas not yet to be painted on yet.

The class passed by slower than you though and finally, the bell rang. "Oh, that's the bell. You can leave your painting where they are because I'll have you guys first thing in the morning. Bye!" She says, waving to the students that left the class. You gathered your things and immediately headed for the roof top with the ribbon in your hand.

Opening the door, you were finally at the top of the roof top. Then, you tied the dark coloured ribbon around your head and made sure to cover your eyes. A breeze bristled through the sky and you heard the trees sway in the wind. Suddenly, you heard foot steps behind you. It startled you.

"Is it... you?" He didn't reply but the footsteps grew louder, then it stopped. You sensed that 'he' was there in front of you. All of a sudden, he embraced you into a hug. That was when you smelled something familiar. Instantly, you remembered the scent on the paper.

It was him.

Your heart skipped a beat just at the thought of it. He smelled sweet just like the paper. Unexpectedly, a loud bang appeared in the direction of the door. "HEEEY! NORWAY!" Called a loud voice. "Norway?" You say shocked.

You heard a sigh come from him.

"I got a date, Faleleleli and I are going to a restaurant. Just letting you know that so when you get home you wouldn't get all worried. Bye Norway!"

"F-fucking Denmark! I'm sorry Seyali." You heard Norway say. "That jerk ruined can take off your blindfold." You did as he had said and you were revealed to the sunlight. "'s okay!" You hugged him and Norway was shocked to see you do so.

With his free arms, he wrapped them around you. "I love you..." You whispered.

"I... do too!" Then, he pulled you into a kiss.


*dies from cheesyness* ;3; ehehehhehehehehheehehehehehehheehehehhehehe

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