Part 1

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Taylor stood at her classroom door on the first day of kindergarten with a line of students in front of her. She pointed to a little board which had 3 colors on it.

Pink - high five
Blue - wave
Purple - hug

It's a system she has had since the start and she always loved letting the students display how they prefer to be greeted and sometimes even what mood they are in before starting the class.

Taylor's favorite time of the year is back to school, it's always so fun for her to meet new students and re-decorate her classroom too. Helped each student with their greeting and showed them where she would like them to put their stuff and where to sit. She found it so important to interact with each individual student for as long as needing before moving on to the next.

She thought she had got through everyone when a young boy headed into the room however she noticed a small girl standing patiently waiting for her turn. Her little backpack was drowning her and she had gorgeous blonde hair with a small wave in it at the end. She was twisting her body to keep herself occupied, watching as her skirt followed her.

"Hi there, I'm Miss Swift. What's your name?" Taylor asked her in a gentle voice.

"Harper Kelce." The small girl told her.

Taylor smiled massively, that's the girl she had been told about. Apparently her dad was a famous football player who had recently retired and started coaching his own team. Taylor had been warned about late drop offs from time to time and possible late pick ups and had agreed to keep the child safe in the classroom in case of any lateness from Travis, her dad.

Harper looked at her options and very hesitantly opted for a hug. Taylor grinned and opened her arms for the young girl who threw herself into Taylor's embrace and held onto her tightly.

What Taylor didn't know was that harper hadn't ever had a female in her life. Since she was a baby it had just been her and her dad. Her mom and left as soon as she had the baby and wanted absolutely nothing to do with her or her dad anymore.

Taylor has always hated being the one to break a hug however she didn't sense Harper letting go any time soon so instead she leant back. "You look so nervous. You don't have to be scared. Here, I can show you where to put your backpack and we can hang your coat up." Taylor told harper, noticing her furrowed eyebrows and the anxious look in her eyes.

Harper nodded, looking to see Taylor's outstretched hand and carefully taking it, not wanting to hold on too tight and seem desperate. She followed Taylor and had help before being offered two seats. "You can either sit in the far back corner or the seat by my desk, it's up to you." Taylor offered, scanning the room for any available seats.

Harper pointed to the far back seat and Taylor walked her over. While she did that she began to speak to the class. "Okay, welcome to school." She told them all, now heading to the front of the room.

The day went by fast. Taylor only did a few basic get to know each other activities and let the children spend most of the afternoon interacting with each other and making friends. She loved watching each child's face light up when they spoke about things they loved and found similar interests with others.

Pick up time went by easy and fast, all but one child got sent out to a parent safely. That one child being little Harper. "Is your daddy late?" She asked Harper, who nodded slowly.

"He said he would be late." She replied quietly. Her shy personality had made the day drag on for her, she hadn't really interacted with many people other than family before so she wasn't used to all of these children talking to her and trying to make friends. She just wanted to go home and have a nap before dinner but her daddy still hadn't gotten her.

"I've been instructed that we wait in the classroom and he will get you from there when he's here, let's get back inside." Taylor told her, just above a whisper. Harper followed Taylor back to the classroom where the teacher sat down and got to work on her computer. Harper sat down at her desk that was all the way at the other side of the room.

"Come sit over at this desk, you don't have to sit over there when we aren't in class." Taylor told the little one. Harper smiled and headed over. She had her coat in her hands and her little backpack was on but her daddy was nowhere to be seen.

After about 30 minutes Taylor saw a tall figure in the doorway. She met the man's eyes and she was immediately taken back. She had never seen such a handsome man. His smile upon seeing his daughter was just contagious And she was shocked at how loving he seemed.

Harper ran over to him, her arms wide and he scooped her up, spinning her around and kissing her forehead. He quickly threw her up and caught her, eliciting giggles from the small girl. "Sorry I'm late, I got here as soon as I could." He told Taylor.

The blonde woman shook her head, trying to hide her flustered state. "No no, don't worry about it. I'm happy to sit with her until you get here whenever you need. If you just send her in with a note so that I know that would be great. She is great company while I do my work." Taylor replied, standing up straight and also gathering her own things.

"I can do that." Travis told her with a smile. He was so charming and perfect, so much better with kids than anyone Taylor had ever been with. Over the summer she had been through a horrible breakup and maybe a man like Travis was just what she needed. A proper man.

"I'll show you out." Taylor told him, locking up her classroom and walking out of the building. As she headed to her car she noticed him putting Harper into a high end car. A complete difference to her old cap that seemed as though it could fall at any minute.

Her and Travis shared one last glance before they both got into their cars. Taylor could feel butterflies in her stomach just looking at him but she couldn't let that happen. Not with her student's dad. How she could spend a year seeing him daily without falling for him was the main issue.

Miss Swift To You - Taylor Swift & Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now