Part 9

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"Come on, you love school, we're going to have a really fun day!" Taylor stated with both desperation and enthusiasm in her tone as she tried to get Harper out of the car at school. The small girl was holding tightly onto the seat belt plug, making it impossible for Taylor to get anywhere near it, in order to unplug it and get her out of the car.

About 10 minutes into the battle, Taylor decided she needed to use a different tactic to go about those with the child. Clearly there was a wider problem around this situation that needed to be solved before the girl would even walk through the doors. The older woman carefully closed the door and headed around to the other site, getting into the car and sitting in the seat beside Harper.

"We're not going in. but what we are going to do is sit here until you tell me what's really bothering you so that i can help you." she told the upset child who was now looking down at her little shoes. "Those are cute little boots." the blonde woman stated, pointing to Harper's shiny little black boots. The young girl smiled a little and shyly thanked her dads girlfriend, clicking the top of her boots together.

Taylor reached out and placed her hand on top of Harper's two that were still holding onto the buckle. "You can relax, I'm not going to force you into the building but we need to figure it out ok?" she whispered. Finally Harper's little hands moved away from the buckle and now on top of Taylor's hand, gently spinning the rings around taylors fingers.

"I wanna hang out with daddy." Harper mumbled, finally looking up and allowing her eyes to meet Taylor's eyes. Taylor turned her hand over slowly and held onto harpers. "If you have a good day at school today I will make sure you and daddy both get a day off to spend time together. How does that sound?" Taylor asked.

Harper nodded slowly and reached over for a hug to which Taylor accepted while unbuckling Harper and lifting her into her lap. Finally she managed to get the small girl into school and at her desk. "Are you sat in my place?" Taylor teased, making sure the classroom was all in place and setting up the little tables too.

"Ok so everyone will come in and we're gonna have our circle time and say what our favourite animal is so why don't we plan your answer ready so you're not on the spot when we do it. Then we will get to our tables and do a bit of phonics and some maths then you can go to recess with your snack. Then we will come back in and you will do some art before lunch. Then you can go to lunch and after that we will do a bit of science before we go home. How does that sound?" Taylor explained, she could sense harpers anxiety around the day and knew that her introverted personality could sometimes cause her to freeze up during their carpet time.

Harper nodded a little and went quiet for a moment before eventually speaking up again. "Kitties." She mumbled. "Hm?" Taylor replied.

"Kitties my favourite animal." The girl responded which caused Taylor to grin.

"They're my favourite too! I have three kitties at home and they are so cuddly." Taylor told harper excitedly. Harper giggled and looked up at Taylor. "I wanna see them!" She squealed.

"You can come see them sometime. Look I'll show you some pictures." Taylor smiled. She got out her phone and started showing some pictures to Harper. This distracted the child right up until the class were ready to come in.

They had she smoothest day in a while and when Travis showed up to pick harper up Taylor felt so proud to be able to give him some positive feedback on the day instead of negative. "She had such a good day today, I'm so proud of her." Taylor explained to Travis, going through each thing they did and how harper managed with it.

Travis wasn't paying much attention though, he was too busy getting lost in Taylor's ocean blue eyes. He could only think about how perfect she was and how amazing his life had become since getting with her. It had even become beneficial for harper too which made him love her even more. In such a short time they had gotten so close and he just couldn't believe how lucky he got. It was so evident that she wasn't just with him for him, she loved his daughter too and that meant more than anything to him, harper is his world and he knew Taylor valued that. And he knew she wasn't in it to stay.

That's all he ever wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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