Part 2

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About a week into the school year most of the students in the class had settled. All but one were loving school and that one just happened to be little Harper. She hadn't quite found her crowd yet and was finding it hard to go into school with no tears.

"Come on Girlie, you gotta go into school, how else will you learn? I thought your teacher was nice." Travis told his daughter on the drive to school. The small girl gave him a little nod but continued to sob the whole way there.

Getting Harper into school proved to be a challenge for Travis but eventually she joined the back of the line for her class, little sniffles coming from her button nose and tears pouring from her beautiful ocean blue eyes.

Taylor did her morning greetings to everyone and as usual Harper was at the back. She had never seen the poor girl in tears before and her heart broke at the sight of the small girl wiping tears away from her little eyes. Taylor slowly knelt down and gently brought Harper's hands down from her face.

"Hi there, what's wrong, Honey?" She asked the small girl quietly.

Harper put her backpack down and reached inside for a bite they Travis had written for Taylor while they were in the car before walking her in. Taylor gratefully took it then pointed to her color chart. As usual Harper opted for a hug so Taylor opened her arms and watched as Harper's small frame crashed into her.

"It's going to be a good day." Taylor whispered to her before breaking the hug and leading her inside the classroom. She set the whole class on a coloring task while she organized her day. She then reached for Travis' letter and opened it up.


Today training might run over time so I may be about 30 minutes late for pickup.

I also wanted to add that Harper is finding it hard to come into school recently, she hasn't made any friends and just spends her time outside playing all alone. She also feels upset about not being with me during the day. We had a lot of tears on the way and she hasn't seemed to be her cheery self when she's been getting in from school.

Please keep a close eye on my girl for me. I worry about her being in such a big group and being so shy.


Taylor looked up at the class who were all chatting and noticed Harper sat at the back in silence, getting on with the task she had been asked to do. Taylor's heart immediately broke for the poor girl so she got up and decided to change the plans. "Please can everyone leave what they are doing and come sit on the floor in a circle?" She asked, grabbing a little teddy bear from her drawer and sitting down.

The whole group came wandering over and sat down, all trying to sit with their friends. Harper seemed to stand and watched where everyone went, hesitating on where she was supposed to go. Taylor gave her a warm smile and shuffled up, patting the space next to her for her to join.

"Okay so we're going to go around the circle and when you hold the bear you get to say your name and something about you that makes you different from everyone else in here or that makes you stand out." Taylor told them all in an excited tone. She wanted them to see the activity as more fun than it actually was. "I want you all to listen very carefully to the others though because maybe you will have something similar to what they say." She added.

Taylor handed the bear to the person next to her and it made its way around the circle slowly. Most of the answers were just basic child things like...

"I have a pet turtle."


"I've seen a ghost."

She laughed at a few and watched as it made its way back around to Harper who hesitantly looked up at Taylor. Taylor gave her a small nod and she looked down, talking extremely quietly. "My name is Harper and I have no mommy." She said before handing the bear back to Taylor.

Taylor looked down at the door girl, realizing what words had come out of her mouth. "That's a very brave thing to say in front of everyone Harper. Well done." Taylor praised. Harper looked at the bear in Taylor's hands the whole time that they were in the circle.

Once the kids went out to play Harper made her way over to her usual corner where she would sit alone however this time she felt a gentle tap on her back. She turned around to see Taylor who had a hand outstretched for her. Hesitant the young girl held onto the end of Taylor's fingers, not being able to properly reach her hand and followed Taylor over to a group of 4 girls who were playing together. "Hey girls, do you think that Harper could join in? We don't want anyone left out do we?" She asked them.

"Of course. Come play harper." one of the girls said, moving aside so that Harper could stand with them. Taylor gave Harper a gentle push over to the girls and smiled when the small girl's face lit up.

The rest of the day went by fast and eventually just Taylor and Harper were left in the classroom. Harper had moved to the desk by Taylor's and was coloring on some paper while Taylor got some work done. "How are you feeling after today?" Taylor asked, breaking the silence.

Harper looked up and shrugged. She enjoyed playing with people but she still missed her dad. "Just want to see daddy and have cuddles. I need a nap." Harper mumbled. Taylor chuckled at the last part.

"You can have a nap here if you want to, I have a comfy little beanbag chair that you can get on and you can put my jacket on you, your daddy is still going to be another 20 minutes." She told the small girl who got up and nodded. Taylor moved a fluffy white bean bag chair over to her own seat so that she could keep an eye on Harper then told her to get comfy. Once the small girl was curled up she lay her fluffy jacket down over her and tucked her up.

"There you go, now you can sleep and before you know it you'll be waking up at home." She told harper who smiled and nodded. She didn't sleep though, instead she just lay there looking up at Taylor while she worked. She couldn't help but wonder if that's what it would be like to have a mommy. If all the other kids in her class got to be tucked up for their naps.

She felt happy and seen around Taylor, something no other female had ever made her feel. Her dad had had so many girlfriends since she was born but none of them were comforting or gentle. Taylor just seemed to naturally be that way. She just wished that Miss Swift was her daddy's girlfriend.

"Where's my little princess?" Travis asked, walking into the room and looking for harper. The small girl immediately closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, listening to what the adults said.

"She's out like a light. You've got a precious girl right There Mr Kelce. You're a lucky man." Taylor told him quietly. She watched as Travis lifted her onto his arms and Harper cuddled right up into his chest. She wanted that so badly but she just hadn't found the right guy who wanted kids yet.

"How has she been? Did you get my note?" Travis asked her.

"She's had a much better day, we did a task where the class got to share something that makes them different so that they could all see that no one is the same. She was so brave and spoke in front of the class. While everyone was playing I walked her to some other girls and they seemed to get on really well. I'm very proud of how she's done today." Taylor replied.

Travis gave Taylor a small nod and looked down at Harper in concern. He hated seeing her so upset about going to school and just wanted it to be fun for her. "Hey, I know you worry but she's okay. I promise you, she's just shy and that's okay. It makes her so much more lovable." Taylor told him, looking down at the girl with adoration in her eyes. She just wanted to protect her at all costs. As long as she was in her class Taylor would make sure to do

Just in case you wanted to see what 5 year old Harper looks like...

(This is not a real child it has been made through AI)

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