Part 3

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"Okay. So, on Monday I want you all to bring in a special stuffed animal that you love and that means a lot to you. We're going to have a teddy bear picnic and we can introduce our stuffed animals to each other as a reward for being such a well behaved class and for listening so we'll. Don't forget that I want you to draw out a family tree over the weekend too for you to bring on Monday." Taylor instructed the class. It was the end of the day on a Friday and she couldn't wait to get home and relax but she had a much longer wait with Harper. Travis had sent a note with his daughter saying that he would be up to about 45 minutes late.

"Thank you, Miss Swift." The whole class said as Taylor told them to get their things. They all thank her every day after all of their classes and she found it absolutely adorable. She took them all out and kept Harper beside her, making sure each person went to their correct parents.

They then headed inside and Harper sat down at the desk by Taylor. "I don't have any work to do so how about we make a start on your homework? Maybe I can help you set it out all pretty and we can use some of the supplies we have here." Taylor suggested.

Harper slowly nodded and looked in her backpack for a piece of paper but Taylor beat her to it and handed her a big piece of paper. She also got some child safe scissors and colored paper as well as some glue and colorful pens. Taylor knelt down beside Harper watching as she stared at the paper.

Pulling up a chair, Taylor pointed to the middle of the paper at the bottom and tapped it lightly. Harper looked at Taylor's nicely painted light blue nails. They were almond shaped and clearly recently done. She had never had her nails painted, it wasn't Travis' type of thing.

"Why don't you start by drawing a person there and putting your name." Taylor told her. Harper slowly nodded and drew a little person then wrote 'Harper' in scruffy writing underneath, completely getting the spelling wrong. Taylor reached over for her coffee, taking another sip and placing it down on another desk.

"Okay so a little bit up and maybe around here why don't you draw your daddy." Taylor told her, pointing to a space just above the drawing of Harper and to the left.

Harper did as she said and Taylor helped her spell out 'daddy' correctly before pointing the space next to it.

"This is where your mommy goes. I know you said you don't see her anymore but do you think you could draw her?" Taylor asked her in a gentle voice. She had a feeling it would be a touchy topic for the young girl. Harper looked down and shook her head.

"I never met her." Harper mumbled. Her hair fell down in front of her face and Taylor could see sadness in the girl's eyes. She was missing so much and the thought that she had never felt a mothers touch before completely broke Taylor's heart. How a woman could just walk away from a newborn baby hurt her to even think about it.

Taylor reached over and tucked some hair Out of her face and behind Harper's ear to keep it out of the way. "That's okay, maybe your daddy can help you with that part. What about any uncles or aunties? Does daddy have a brother or sister?" She asked, taking the hint to move the topic along. Harper nodded and drew one stick person.

"How do I spell Jason?" She asked. Just as Taylor went to explain she heard footsteps and turned around to see Travis in the doorway. He gave Taylor a small smile before walking over to harper.

"What are you doing, Bug?" He asked, looking at her drawing.

"Family tree!" Harper squealed, holding it up to him. He studied it for a moment and noticed the blank space for her mom. He then slowly looked up at Taylor. "Um, is she allowed to have one half missing?" He asked.

She could see the hurt in his eyes, the feeling of being left with no explanation. Betrayal. The poor man had been left alone with a newborn baby and a big career to keep up with. He was still trying to fully figure out how to take care of harper correctly but he had no idea how to approach the conversation about her mom.

"Maybe a mother figure could be added but if not then I understand." Taylor told him, a sympathetic smile spreading across her face.

"She um, she doesn't have one... never has." Travis whispered the last part and Taylor's heart melted for the small girl. She looked down at Harper who was adding all of her cousins onto her family tree.

"I understand. You're welcome to stay here while she finishes. I actually wanted to talk to you about Harper." Taylor told Travis. The tall coach nodded and took a seat at the other side of Harper.

"She's very behind the other children her age. Obviously she is still young so I'm not too worried as she will probably catch up but I think that the quicker we catch her up to everyone else, the better." Taylor explained. She pointed down at how harper had spelt her name and Travis immediately nodded, completely agreeing with the teacher.

"I will work on it at home when I have time. It's just a bit tricky with schedules and stuff." Travis explained. Taylor gave another nod before helping Harper out with a few more parts of her family tree. Eventually Travis stood up.

"Right then, let's get you to cheer practice so that daddy can get some work done." He said, picking up Harper's backpack. Harper jumped up excited and put on her coat before turning to Taylor and hugging her.

"Have a nice weekend." Taylor told them both when they split off to get to their individual cars. Taylor gave a final wave as she drove past the two, no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't get Travis out of her mind. His beautiful eyes and his gorgeous smile were just implanted in her brain.

Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed.

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