Part 5

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Tuesday came around fast and Taylor found herself watching a bunch of students running around on the playground. Abby had asked Harper if she wanted to play tag as of course she had agreed so both girls spent their time chasing each other around.

Unfortunately for Harper, when Abby tagged her she pushed a tiny bit too hard, causing Harper to trip and smash her face into the ground, sliding across the playground upon impact. The small girl immediately started sobbing when she could tell that her nose and lip were both bleeding.

Slowly Harper rolled onto her back and she felt two hands under her armpits, picking her up. She didn't want the other teacher though. "Harper, are you okay, can you tell me what is hurting you and how bad?" The teacher asked.

Harper slowly turned around, looking for Taylor while sobbing before running off when she saw her teacher walking over. Harper had one hand over her mouth and the other arm was open, a signal that she wanted a hug and some comfort.

Taylor immediately crouched down in front of Harper and gently placed her hand on the small girl's wrist. Harper immediately shook her head and went for a hug but Taylor was persistent. "Let me see honey? You look like you got a big bang to the nose there. Can I see what hurts most?" Taylor asked her gently.

Harper continued to sob and shake her head so Taylor pulled her in for a quick hug before taking her hand and leading her inside. Harper followed, tears streaming down her face faster than ever. "You're okay. Let's get you all cleaned up." Taylor whispered, walking into her classroom and grabbing her spinny chair. She pulled it up to a spare desk and put Harper on it before grabbing some tissues and a first aid kit.

She started by cleaning the small cuts on Harper's knees and placing little bandaids on them before looking at Harpers chin. "Just a small little scratch. I'll just put a bit of wet tissue on it to clean up the dry blood. Can you be super brave for me?" Taylor asked her. Harper slowly nodded and tilted her head up.

Taylor wiped down the scratches on Harper's chin before gently taking hold of Harper's hand that was still covering her mouth. "I won't touch it just let me look, sweetheart. I pinky promise I won't touch it." Taylor whispered, holding up her pinky. She could see blood on Harper's hand and already knew it was a busted lip. She just wanted to get her some ice and get it cleared.

Harper connected her pinky with Taylor's before moving her hand down. Taylor's face softened at the sight of Harper's messed up lip and she immediately stood up. Taylor found an ice pack in the freezer and wrapped it up in tissues before handing it to Harper as well as some water and a paper puke bowl.

"Okay so put some water in your mouth for me and then I want you to swish it around like you do with mouthwash then spit it into the paper bowl for me." Taylor told her. Harper nodded and hesitantly did it, whimpering when the cup touched her lip.

Once she was done Taylor gently put the ice pack against Harper's lip. This caused Harper to flinch back and start sobbing. "I'm so sorry. Do you want to hold it?" Taylor asked her, holding the ice pack to harper. The small girl nodded and took it, putting it against her lip.

Taylor reached over and wiped away helpers tears as best as possible without hurting her. She was crouched down in front of Harper trying her best to keep Harper calm. She didn't even dare do anything about the nose. She could already tell that it wasn't looking good and that a professional needed to take care of that.

She called Travis and asked him to pick her up and take her to see a professional doctor to which he told her he would be about 20 minutes due to where he works. Taylor sighed but knew there wasn't much she could do so she would just have to wait it out. Luckily she had a free period next and could keep Harper in her room if needed.

The poor girl refused to even go near the school nurse.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Taylor asked the child in front of her who was still bawling her eyes out. Harper let out a whimper but reached out for Taylor with own arm, leaning forward. She just wanted to be held.

Taylor smiled and picked her up, moving her chair back to her desk and sitting down with Harper in her lap. Harper immediately curled up against Taylor's chest and sighed in content, finally starting to calm down. Taylor continued to wipe away her tears and slowly spun back and forth on the chair.

"You're okay. You really did have a nasty fall, Huh?" Taylor whispered. Harper nodded and continued to let a few tears fall every now and then. The next time Taylor looked down at Harler she was fast asleep in her arms. She could see blood on her shirt where Harper's nose and lip had continued to bleed but she didn't mind too much. As long as Harper was calm she was happy.

Thankfully Travis arrived not too long later and showed up at the classroom door. He immediately saw the state of Harper's face and quickly ran over, concern written all over him. "She needs to get her nose checked out but other than that she should be fine. No missing teeth or anything to worry about." Taylor told him.

"I tried to offer the nurse when I brought her inside but she refused so I just helped her. I hope that's okay?" Taylor asked him. He knelt down by his daughter and gently stroked her cheek before looking at Taylor.

"No, of course that's fine. Thank you for taking care of her. She trusts you and I'm sure it means a lot to her that you stayed with her until I got to her. She's not used to people sticking around." Travis told Taylor with a sad smile. Taylor nodded slowly before handing Harper off to him. She had loved holding her and knowing what it's like to have a child wanting comfort from her But she knew Harper needed her daddy more than anything.

The small girl let out a little whine and as Travis went to settle her He noticed blood all over Taylor's shirt. He immediately handed Harper back and took off his hoodie, taking her back into his arms before handing his hoodie over to Taylor. "You might want this to hide the blood from your other students." He told her.

A smile creeped onto Taylor's face as she slowly put it on, watching as it fell Into the perfect place for an oversized hoodie. "Thank you, Kelce. You're a great man." She told him with a smirk.

"I'll see you tonight for our meeting. Later, Swift." Travis said on his way out of the door, leaving Taylor grinning to herself.

Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed.

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Miss Swift To You - Taylor Swift & Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now