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LEADER     ASHSTAR (Ashy gray Tom)

DEPUTY  MOONPELT (Black she-cat with orange eyes.)                                                                                                        Apprentice, PEACHPAW

MEDICINE CAT  IVYHEART (Gray tabby she-cat.)

WARRIORS (Toms and She-cat's without kits.)

THORNHEART (Brown tom with green eyes and long legs.)

ROSEFUR (Gray she-cat with a red-brown tail.)

ECHOSTORM (Black She-cat with orange eyes and a white tail tip.)                                                                      Apprentice, FROSTPAW

RUNNINGMOON (White Tom with scar over right eye.)

EAGLEFUR (brown Tom with white head like an eagle.)

ICETAIL ( Small white she cat with pale blue eyes.)                                                                                                      Apprentice, BLACKPAW

APPLESTORM (Strong brown Tom with scars all over his torso from encounter with badger.)                Apprentice, BIRCHPAW

LIONTAIL ( Golden brown Tom with gray eyes and a dark brown tail tip.)                                                            Apprentice, STRONGPAW

SQUIRRELHEART ( golden brown she-cat with white spots.)


STRONGPAW (Silver tom with green eyes and a white splotch on neck.)

PEACHPAW (young orange she-cat with a gray tail tip.)

BIRCHPAW (Small gray Tom)

FROSTPAW (white she-cat with dark green eyes and silver paws.)

BLACKPAW (Black tom with gray paws and tail tip.)

QUEENS ( She-cats expecting or nursing kits.)

SPRUCECLAW (Pretty brown tabby she-cat)

RAVENPELT (Jet black tabby with blue eyes.)

ELDERS (Former queens or warriors, now retired.)


SPARROWEHEART (Black she-cat with green eyes.)



DEPUTY  OWLHEART (brown tom with yellow eyes.)

MEDICINE CAT  WILLOWSTORM  (Dark gray she-cat)                                                                                                      Apprentice, DAPPLEPAW 

WARRIORS (Toms and she-cats without kits.)   

ICESTORM (pale gray she-cat with brown eyes.)                                                                                                                          Apprentice, LEAFPAW  

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