Chapter 1

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Darkpool was more than just a medicine cat. She was one of the best medicine cats that RiverClan had ever seen, and besides, it didn't matter her skill, all that mattered was that she had an apprentice who liked her, and loved to be taught on the subject of healing. Dewpaw was smart and beautiful like Darkpool's great-great-grandmother Millie, who often visited Darkpool in her dreams and they spoke of Dewpaw's fate. Millie said that she wasn't allowed to say the exact words of her fate, so Darkpool's answer was always,

"She will be nothing more than a medicine cat, but she will find something she does not want to know."

"What? What doesn't she want to know?" Darkpool asked, her voice cracking softly.

"I can't say." Millie told her apologetically.

"Millie. I think I'm waking up."

"Let it come, Darkpool." Millie said. And before Darkpool could even move towards Millie, She awoke. 

"Darkpool. I need you. It's Nightbreeze. He's attracted greencough." Featherstar said. 

"Alright. I was just talking with Millie though." Darkpool huffed. Getting to her paws.

"Whitetail, You're in charge while I'm with Nightbreeze." Featherstar said briskly, waving her bushy tail in her deputy's face.

"Yes Featherstar." Whitetail said, her voice wavering between amusement and frustration. 

"Darkpool, I expect my mate to be well by tomorrow." Featherstar told Darkpool, her eyes strong and serious. 

"Yes, Featherstar." Darkpool sighed, shaking out her fur. "But later you really need to remind me who gave you your nine lives." 

"Why do you always want to know?" Featherstar asked, looking puzzled. 

"I need to speak to some of them," Darkpool replied, gathering the necessary herbs for green cough.

"Please go tell Streamline to bring in Nightbreeze. I have to hurry, Icedrop will have her kits soon."

"Darkpool. I know you just want to see your sister." Featherstar said skeptically.

"Tell her anyways! Even you know better than to argue with a medicine cat!" Darkpool snapped. Featherstar rolled her eyes. 


"Thank you."  Featherstar stalked off with Whitetail. Darkpool sighed softly to herself.

"Dewpaw!" She called, and her apprentice came, looking tired,

"Whaaaat?" She groaned, 

"Nightbreeze has attracted green cough. I need you to watch Icedrop for me. She's having her kits soon." Darkpool informed her, licking Dewpaw softly on the head her apprentice purred softly.

"I can't wait until I'm a medicine cat." She said happily. And Darkpool felt a burst of pride. 

"Hurry! I must get to Nightbreeze!" Darkpool said quickly. 

"Okay," Dewpaw replied. She trotted out of her den. And almost as soon as Dewpaw left, Darkpool's sister Streamline strode in, with Nightbreeze behind her.

"Hello, Streamline."

"Hi. Here's Nightbreeze. Whitetail's sending me on a patrol." Streamline said, her beautiful coat shining. 

"Thank you, Streamline." Darkpool said, licking her sister respectfully on the shoulder. And they stood there sharing tongues for a moment, until Nightbreeze interrupted by coughing and Darkpool got back on track.

"Here, have some Catmint." Darkpool said, giving him a green herb. He took it gratefully and sat down in a nest. Darkpool informed him to go get her if he felt any worse and that she would be with Icedrop. And she set off to the nursery, where Icedrop was waiting with Dewpaw.

"Hello, Darkpool." Dewpaw greeted, Icedrop nodded. 

"Oh! I feel them! Darkpool! My kits are coming!"

Obviously I'm not writing those scenes! So I'm skipping to after she had her kits!

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