Chapter 3

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Darkpool watched Streamline carefully and she saw her sister hissing and fending off the nursery. Icedrop! Darkpool bolted to Streamline's side, slashing at a gray Tom rogue, Streamline ducked under him and slashed his soft belly. Darkpool hissed and reared up and slashed his eye. He roared and fled into the bushes.

"Thanks." Streamline said. Darkpool nodded. She heard a yowling and turned to see Dewpaw pinned to the ground by a strong She-cat. Darkpool ran over and rammed into the rogue's side. The she-cat was sent tumbling away and running into the bushes, yowling for help. 

Wreneyes hissed nearby, swatting a black Tom with her claws unsheathed. The Tom yowled in pain, but before he could run, Wreneyes pinned him down and landed the death blow.

"No one messes with RiverClan!" Wreneyes shouted. Darkpool knew that Wreneyes was one of the strongest warriors in RiverClan. With Wreneyes on their team, there was no way they could lose!

"Featherstar!" Whitetail shouted suddenly, she bolted to the RiverClan leader, who was pinned to the dirt ground by four rogues. Whitetail attacked one of them and they all pounced on her, Featherstar tried to help, but was thrown off by a large burly gray rogue. She ran into the bushes and watched. 

The rogues left Whitetail covered in blood and Featherstar ran to her deputy, Darkpool followed.

"Whitetail!" Featherstar shouted. Whitetail smiled softly. "You can't die! I won't let you! As your clan leader I order you not to die!" 

"Too late." Whitetail chuckled. "I'm going to StarClan. Goodbye, Featherstar." 

"No! Whitetail, Don't leave me!" Featherstar screamed. But she was too late, Whitetail had faded away to StarClan. 

"Featherstar? Who will be your new deputy?" Darkpool asked, but Featherstar was crying to hard to hear her.

"Oh Whitetail, what will I do without you?" Featherstar murmured sadly. 

"You need to appoint the new deputy!" Dewpaw said, shaking the blood off her fur.

"Did you see that? Wreneyes sent those rogues out of the camp faster than a squirrel!" 

"I-I don't know who I'll appoint." Featherstar stammered.

"Well you have until moonhigh." Darkpool said, before gently licking Dewpaw's wounds.

"Dewpaw!" Yellowpelt shouted, "Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine, mother!" Dewpaw said, avoiding Yellowpelt's fussing as much as she could. "But Whitetail isn't. She's in StarClan." 

"Oh. I always loved her." Yellowpelt said sadly. 

"I think I know who is my new deputy." Featherstar said. And she climbed onto high rock.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath high rock for a clan meeting!" Featherstar announced. "I say these words before StarClan, that the spirit of Whitetail may hear and approve of my choice. The new Deputy of RiverClan is Wreneyes."

Hi, so this one was a bit more dodgy than my other ones, but I like it. But I have a question, do you approve of her choice? I was going to make Streamline the deputy, but I decided on Wreneyes.

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