Hawaii's First Snow Day (Indiana drift)

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The cold pricked Kaimana's skin like a needle.

She felt as if a needle was roughly being threaded in and out of her veins, making her spine shiver upward.

Chigaco was a weird place. The people were loud and violent, and the buildings towered over her. But most importantly, the sky turned grey almost every day.

Of course, it was November. She should have expected it to lower in temperature, which was something her body wasnt used to just yet.

The door handle creaked as she stepped outside, the cold from a needle to a pole piercing her body. Her breath wafted out from her mouth like smoke from a bonfire, if fire smoke was cold and bitter.

Her chin raised toward the sky, she closed her eyes and sniffed. It was unfamiliar, not like the sweet smell of flowers and ocean water.

She felt a light, fluffy feeling fall onto her nose. Like she was a painting and someone had just added a dot right into the center of her face.

She flinched at the contact and quickly opened her eyes, moving away quickly.

In the grey sky, thousands of small cotton dots fell. Dusting the surrounding area with a blanket of white.

The cotton clung to her eyelashes, making her bat them frantically to get them off. She quickly swatted her hand over her pajamas, trying to get it off to the best of her ability.

The door opened, and footsteps walked outside. A feminine voice called out to her, a hint of a Canadian twang to it. (Or whatever was close to one)

"Not used to the snow, eh?" The voice said.

Kaimana looked towards the door from which the newcomer came out.

The girl looked around 17. Her short, shoulder-length blonde hair was covered by a blue beanie. Her eyes were a light purple, and her skin was as pale as the snow around them.

Kaimana stared at Eleanor, still dusting the snow off. "Not at all..."

Eleanor smiled softly at her sister. "Weel, nota lot of people are...yoo should have seen Maggie when she stepped in snoow for the first time."

Kaiama returned a smile, but it faded when more snowflaked fell on her. "It's too cold... it's awful..."

Eleanor tilted her head and put her gloved hands in her pockets. "Awful? I woouldnt say awfool...Snoow is fun! Yoo can do a lot of things in the snoow."

Kaimana shook her head. "Not really..."

"Come oon...the first time you saw snoow, yoo stayed the whole time indoors! How could yoo know if yoo didn't try?"

Kaimana stared at her. "Hmm...I have the perfect idea! Come with me; I'll make sure yoo have the most perfect snoow day ever!" Eleanor grinned, her nose rosy red. We'll go sledding and have snowball fights and then have a cup of hot chocolate?"

"Snowball fights? How do we fight with soft snow?"

Eleanor smiled. 'You'll see! Now, come with me," She grabbed the Hawaiian's hand and tugged her inside. 'Time to get you dressed for our sister day!"


The car rumbled and growled, the front of it hoisted up into the air.

The garage in the Chigaco home was very...man-cavey.

All over the walls, American flags were hung up, along with an Illinois state flag (Which Indiana so desperately wanted to graffiti to annoy said state).

In the corner was a little counter, a mini fridge, and a drink station, along with a grill. A big TV was mounted on the wall, which Indiana was watching from the couch in the corner.

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