[10. . .]

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[1 week later. . .]

"Are you seeing someone, Dani-unnie?"

Danielle flustered up at Hyein's question, "w-what? No I'm not."

The woman then raised an eyebrow at the maknae, "are you?"

"Nope~ So you're just like Minji-unnie?"


"Almost thirty and still looking for love."

Both Minji and Danielle's mouths dropped, the two of them stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to stare at Hyein who innocently smiled.

"Yah Hyein."

"You're literally almost thirty as well!"

"No I'm not~ Technically if you're not twenty-five yet, you're not almost thirty."



Minji sighed, rolling her eyes as she began to walk again, "sure sure, whatever Hyein-ah. Just wait a few years."

Her younger sister giggled, the three entering a convenience store near where they lived.

Over the course of the week, Danielle had met Hyein again, the two catching up with all three of them hanging out whenever they all had time outside of classes and work.

Out of all of their old friends, Danielle was like another older sister to Hyein, the "sweeter" and more "loving" one.

Of course Minji was sweet and loving to Hyein too, but well, they're biological sisters, Hyein loves to tease Minji.

And well, Danielle was overall just a more approachable person, always the sunshine.

And seeing Hyein all happy around Danielle was enough to make Minji smile.

The three grabbed some snacks and a few bottled drinks, Hyein and Danielle probably teasing Minji from the bored stare the bear gave them as they walked up to the cashier.

"Hello, did you find everything okay?"

"Yeah we did, thank you."

The girls paid for their items, thanking the cashier before walking away, "let's go home~"

But then Danielle stopped a little away from the sliding front door, the siblings glancing up from arguing on who would hold their stuff.

Ding Dong...

Ding Dong...

Hyein's mouth dropped as Minji's eyes widened from who just walked into the convenience store.

Minji flickered her eyes towards Danielle, who had a mixture of different emotions swirling in her eyes.


The woman that walked in glanced up from her texting at the cashier's friendly welcome, freezing as she did so.

Her cat-like stare lingered on Danielle for a few moments, before flickering quickly between Minji and Hyein, surprise evident on her face.

Her eyes returned to Danielle, before she slowly lowered her gaze back to her phone, awkwardly stalking away without a word.

"Wait- Haerin."

The woman, Haerin, flinched at her name being called, meekly looking back at Danielle.

"Sorry uh- I'm a bit bu-"

"Can we talk?"


Danielle glanced back at Minji and Hyein, the oldest of them all nodding as the sunshine spoke again.

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