[13. . .]

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[2 months later. . .]

Hanni stopped right in front of the entrance, not budging from her spot even with Minji tugging her forward by their intertwined hands.

"Come on, the others are already here."


At the sight of her hesitant eyes, Minji pulled her hand away to wrap the same arm around Hanni's shoulders.

"You don't have to talk, she'll still feel you there."

"It's... not that..."

Hanni looked away, off to the other gravestones, "I just... I'm not... I feel like I shouldn't be here."

"Wae? You were her friend too."

"I know... But I treated everyone so badly after she died, I don' t think she'd like seeing me like that."

"Don't you remember what you told me when we met again?"

Minji rubbed Hanni's head, "that was in high school, this isn't high school anymore."

Hanni weakly smiled at Minji, gently gesturing for Minji to put her arm down so they could hold hands again.

"Yeah... You're right."

The two walked hand-in-hand down the cemetery, coming across talking as they came by a certain row. A little down the path were a group of three women huddled in front of a particular grave.

"What took you guys so long?"

Danielle and Hyein looked up from Haerin's question, "ah- hey!"

"Hanni couldn't wake up."

"More like Minji chose not to wake me up and turned off the alarm."

"I tried to wake you up."

"But you didn't, you were literally staring at me when I woke up."

"Bro Hanni you literally moved in what... two days ago? And you guys are already arguing like an old married couple."

"Maybe if Hanni woke up on time we wouldn't."

"Okay in my defense I can't hear the alarm with you hugging me that tightly my ear is literally covered by your arm."

"Okay enough you two, we get it, you guys are happy to be with each other. Sit down."

Minji and Hanni flustered up from Danielle's comment, stalking over and sitting down with the three women.

The group was ecstatic when they heard that Hanni was moving back to Korea, although that excitement shifted to lots of teasing once they realized that Hanni would be living with Minji.

Hanni had gotten everything figured out in two-months time, Danielle helping her with finding a long-term job that was similar to what she did back in Vietnam while Minji helped her move in alongside Haerin and Hyein.

And even though Hanni hadn't fully finished moving in yet since some of her belongings came this morning...

They all wanted to see their old friend, all five of them together.

They hadn't seen Heeseo together like this since her funeral.

"Heeseo-yah~ Minji and Hanni are here now!"

Minji smiled at the grave, "hey, Heeseo-yah, I'm back."

"Hey Heeseo..."

Hanni softly smiled, "I missed ya, you idiot."

Although Hanni herself was a little nervous being around here, Minji couldn't help but feel that Hanni was trying to ease the bear as well.

Minji had told everyone including Hanni what she told Danielle, that Heeseo got into that fatal car accident heading over to her place.

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