Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Justin Drew Bieber

• Carter •

"Morning, Aunt Marci!" I chirp as I dance into the kitchen and pry open the cabinet, grabbing a box of Cheerios.

"You seem oddly happy." She comments with a smile. "Good night's sleep?"

"Yep." I grin. "Where's Mia?"

"She's out with Duncan." Aunt Marci tells me.

I frown as I pour the Cheerios into a small bowl. "Duncan? Roxi's brother?" I question, referring to to Mia's best friend, Roxi's brother.

Aunt Marci nods. "Something's definitely up with them two, but Mia claims they're only going to pick up Roxi and then head off to Beverly Hills." She sighs. "I'm worried about y'all."

"Me?" I raise an eyebrow and pull the milk jug out of the fridge. "Why? There's nothing to worry about."

She heaves another sigh. "You don't know how hard it is to raise two teenagers, Car. Mia's graduating soon and going off to college and then you will next year as well. I'm worried about your futures. I'm barely thirty. I'm still learning how to raise y'all..." Her voice breaks. "I'm worried that when you girls need a mother most that I won't be able to give you what your real mother would have."

I open my mouth to say something but close it again and silently pour the milk into my cereal bowl. I didn't know how to respond. Maybe it was because I'll always need my mother with me and maybe Aunt Marci's right. She's can't do what my mother would have done for me. And maybe I'm worried too. I'm worried that when I'll need my mommy by my side that I won't have her there. And I don't. She's no longer with me. She's gone. Forever.

A tear escapes and falls into my Cheerios. I wipe it away with the back of my hand.

"Excuse me." I murmer, pushing the bowl aside and heading for the door.

"Sweetie..." Aunt Marci gives me a sympathetic look. I grab my hoodie and slip it on, pulling the hood over my head and stepping out into the warm morning breeze.

As I walked along the sidewalk, my hands shoved deeply into my pockets, I began to think. I'm clueless about my future. I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life and I only have one more year of high school left. Mia seems to have it all figured out. She was excepted into Stanford. I, on the other hand, have no idea what college or university I want to attend. I don't know what I want to be. I've never given it much thought but suddenly it feels like the whole world has weighed itself down on my shoulders. That weight won't be lifted until I figure put my future and what I'm going to do with it.

My mind suddenly flickers to Justin. He seems to have had his life figured out. He's a famous singer and songwriter. But he still has a long future ahead of him and the fame has seemed to be taking advantage of him. Or is it the fame? Maybe it's something else. Something he won't tell anyone. I want to know. I want to why he just changed out of the blue. I also wanted to know if he has the rest of his future figured out. Besides the singing, I mean.

I kicked a rock aside and it skiddled onto someone's lawn. If I could wall on forever and ever...I would.

• Justin •

"This is serious, Justin." My mother frowns at me from across the table. "You've got to be more cautious. And sneaking out to clubs at night? You know how I hate you drinking."

I stir the spoon around my bowl of Captain Crunch. "Who says I've been drinking?"

Her frown deepens. "You've smelt like alchohol every morning for the past month or two, you're hungover most mornings, and besides, the paparazzi have taken picture of you drinking." She snaps. "Don't lie to me, Justin."

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