Chapter 2

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- Justin -

I yawn and sit up, rubbing at my eyes. My vision is blurry and I have a horrible headache. Where was I? I look around. It looks like some sort of restraunt.

Something suddenly falls onto my lap. I glance down, startled. It's a girl. Her head's now on my lap and she's asleep. I frown, all memory from last night fuzzy. How did I get here?

The girl moans and sits up, yawning and stretching. She looks over at me and her eyes widen. For a second there I expect her to scream and be all like "IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!" but instead she blurts: "We spent the night here?!"

Now it's my eyes that widen. "Wait...what? We...did didn't..."

She quickly shakes her head. "What? No! No, no, no! Nothing happened! What did you-no!" Her face is horrified.

I raise my hands in defense. "Hey! Sorry! I just thought..." I run a hand through my hair. "Nevermind."

The girl sighs. She has straight black hair and clear blue eyes. Her skin is luminous...flawless. All in all...she's sorta cute.

"Why am I here?" I ask her.

"You were drunk. I brought you here. We fell asleep." She raises an eyebrow. "Remember?"

I frown. "No..." A pain ripples through my head and I wince. I place my hand to my forehead.

"I see you still have a headache" The girls murmers.

I nod. "Who are you anyways?"

"Carter." She tells me.

"You should have left me alone." I mumble. "Now my mother's going to kill me."

Carter smirks. "She was going to kill you anyways."

"Not if I snuck back into my house!" I snap.

Carter rolls her eyes just as some older chick appears. She was short black hair and too many piercings.

"Y'all spent the night here?" She looks between us. "I knew I should have woken y'all up." She sighs. "Y'all better get going before the manager arrives. He'll only think the worst."

"Thanks, Maya." Carter smiles politely and turns back to me. "Let's get out of here."

I groan and grab my leather jacket which is laying beside me, pull it on, and slide out of the booth after Carter.

I try to keep up with her as we exit the restraunt and start down the sidewalk.

"What's today?" I ask her.

"June 8th." She tells me. She looks both ways and begins to cross the street. I follow.

"June 8th!" I exclaim. "I have to go live on Ellen! I'm late!"

Carter reaches the other sidewalk and turns to glare at me. "Well maybe if you wouldn't have gotten drunk, you wouldn't be here right now." She snaps.

"I never needed your help in the first place!" I snarl.

She rolls her eyes. "I just want to get home."

"I'm supposed to be at Ellen's!" I groan and pull my cellphone out of my pocket. I quickly send my driver a text with the address so he can come pick me up.

I can feel Carter looking over my shoulder. "How am I supposed to get home?" She adds.

I sigh. "A cab?"

She frowns. "I have no money on me."

"Call someone." I suggest.

"No cellphone!" She crosses her arms. "This is your fault. You get me home."

I gasp. "How is this my fault?!"

"You got drunk!"

"You should have left me alone!"

"Maybe I should have!" She turns her back to me and taps her toe impatiently.

"Fine!" I snap. "I'll have my driver drop you off after he drops me off at Ellen's."




Suddenly my limo pulls up, the tinted window rolling down to reveal my driver.

"Goodmorning, Mr.Bieber!" He greets me in his thick Italian accent. "Your mother is worried sick! To Ellen's, right?"

I pry open the back door and let Carter slide in first.

"Yes, sir." I respond.

"I see we have guests." He winks.

"She just needs a ride. Drop me off and then take her home." I tell him and roll up the privacy window between us. I look over at Carter who's looking around the limo with awe.

"This thing is huge." She gapes.

I chuckle and prop my legs up on the small leather table in the center of the limo. "It's a limo."

"I know what it is!" She snaps. "I've just never been in one."

Carter bites her bottom lip leans back on the seat, looking at me curiously as if inspecting me.

I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

She inches closer to me and her hand moves to my hair. "Your hair's messed up." She mutters and combs her fingers through it, fixing it.

I don't say anything as she pulls back akwardly. Her cheeks are suddenly rosy. She was blushing.

I smile to myself just as my phone begins to vibrate in my pocket. I slide it out and press it to my ear.


⢠Carter â¢

I stare at the floor, shocked by my own actions. Why did I just do that? His hair was soft...

I look over at him. He's mumbling into the phone, a smile on his lips.

"Yeah. I miss you, Gramps." I hear him say. His face suddenly goes cold, expressionless. "No. We're not...together anymore."

I crinkle my forehead. I wondered who he was talking about.

"Say hi to Sammy for me." He smiles again. "Love you. Hang in there, old man. Bye, Grandpa."

Justin hangs up and sighs. He buries his face in his hand and doesn't say anything.

I slide over to him and place my hand on his shoulder. "Hey. You ok?"

He sighs again and looks up at me, his hair once again messed up. "No."

"What's wrong?" I ask him, feeling slightly sympathetic.

"He was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago." Justin closes his eyes for a second and then opens them again. "I'm worried about him."

"Your grandpa?"

Justin nods. "He's been there for me all my life. I don't want to lose him." He voice cracks but he's able to control himself, not letting the emotion take over.

"I'm sure he's strong. He'll get through this." I tell him.

"He's the strongest man I know." He mutters. "I never get to see him anymore. I've got so many interviews, concerts, appearances..." He exhales. "I'm sick of my life."

"Things will get better." I whisper. Suddenly the limo comes to a stop.

"Here we are!" The driver calls.

"Thanks, uh, sir!" Justin calls back.

"Do you even know his name?" I ask Justin with a frown.

Justin shrugs. "Is it nessecary?"

I purse my lips. "He's your driver. You should at least know his name."

Justin shrugs again and prys open the door. "Bye, uh, Carter." He begins to leave but pauses. "And...thank you."

I smile. "No problem."

He smiles back and shuts the limo's door, leaving me alone. I run a hand through my hair and roll down the window between me and the driver.

"Address?" He asks me in a rich italtian accent.

I give it to him and he drives me home. On the way, I learn his name is Jeff and that all his family lives in Italy, including his son and wife. I feel sympathy towards him. He seems to have a rough life. He was a very nice man. Even offered to give me a ride any place when I needed. Gave me his number and all. Not that I'll be needing a ride anytime soon.

"Bye, Carter!" Jeff waves as I exit the limo. "It was a pleasure meeting you!"

"You too, Jeff." I wave back and head up to my porch. What a day. I run into the house only to be embraced by my Aunt Marci.

"Dear, Carter! Where have you been?! I was worried sick!" She crys, her brown hair making it's way into my mouth. I gag and pull away from her.

"It's ok, Aunt Marci. I'm fine. Nothing happened." I chuckle.

Mia appears, her blonde hair up in a ponytail. She's still in her pjs.

"What the hell, Car?!" She crosses her arms and purses her lips. "I thought something happened to you! I came home thinking that maybe you'd decided to leave only to find you missing! Aunt Marci said it was best to wait instead of calling the police! We were so worried!"

I roll my eyes. "Guys, just chill! I'm fine! I can take care of myself!"

"Your mother would have been just as worried." Aunt Marci adds.

"My mother isn't here!" I snap back. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room." I run past them and down the hall, making it to my room and slamming the door.

I hated any mention of my mother. It brought back emotions...memories that I want to keep inside.

I miss her though. My mom, I mean. I just don't want to talk...or even think about it.

I flop down on my bed and snatch my tv remote off my nightstand. I scan the channels until I land on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Justin should be going on soon. I don't know why I care. I just do.

I pull my legs to my chest and watch patiently.

Ellen smiles into the camera. "Now, please welcome teen sensation and heartthrob, Justin Bieber!"

Justin appears. He's wearing a whole different outfit: jeans and an plaid, button-up shirt. He flashes the camera a smile and flicks his hair out of his eyes as he takes a seat opposite of Ellen.

"Nice to see to you see again, Justin." Ellen grins. "You've been all over the news lately. There's a rumor that you and Jasmine Villegas have something going on. What do you have to say about that?"

Justin laughs akwardly. "I can assure you there's nothing between Jasmine and I."

Ellen smiles back at him, looking unconvinced. "But there was, wasn't there?" She winks at the camera.

Justin purses his lips. "Can we talk about something else?"

Ellen chuckles. "Sure, baby boy. Now tell us, any new music coming soon?"

"Well," Justin flicks his hair again. "I haven't been as inspired lately but hopefully soon."

"Can't wait to see what you come up with." Ellen says. "People are starting to call you Hollywood's biggest player. Do you agree?"

Justin smiles innocently and shrugs. Suddenly he crinkles his forehead and reaches into his jean's pocket, pulling out his cellphone. Any sign of light leaves his eyes.

"I've got to take this." He tells Ellen as he stands up and disappears, his phone to his ear.

Ellen frowns. "We'll be back with Justin after this commercial break."

The tv changes to some Cover Girl commercial. I chew on my bottom lip. Why did Justin stop the show to answer his phone? All I could think about was what Ellen had said. He was being labeled as Hollywood's biggest player. Was it true? The signs were all there, weren't they? Players are known to sneak out and party and get drunk at clubs where they hook up with girls. I purse my lips. He was just like all the other Hollywood superstars. That's something I realized ever since last night. He was no different.

Or maybe he was. Maybe he had a heart after all. I had seen a slightly different side of him in the limo. He cared about his Grandfather.

I roll over and reach down beneath my bed, grabbing my laptop and throwing it onto my lap. I open it up and log in. I quickly go to google and type in "Justin Bieber player". Many different options pop up. I click the first one. It's an article with a picture of him with a familiar girl. They're kissing, ignoring the camera. I read the article.

- Justin Bieber, Hollywood's biggest and most down-to-earth heartthrob, takes the world by surprise. Not long after his break up with longtime girlfiend, Selena Gomez, Bieber is seen drunk at clubs. Pictures have been leaked of him kissing unknown girls. People close to him claim that he's suddenly taking advantage of his fame in "spoiled" ways. So what happened to that kind, friendly kid we first met back in 2009? Some people blame Selena since this all started after their breakup. Others say she was just another victim. People are also saying that fame has finally gotten around to him. What's the truth? When we asked Bieber, he simply shrugged it off, dodging the subject. What's going on? Will Bieber go back to being that sweet kid he used to be? Or will he stay the way he is now? Other celebrities who have also changed due to fame have never changed back. Will Bieber end up in their category? -

I slam my laptop shut. What had happened to Justin? It couldn't have been the fame...could it? I was convinced of one thing: that he had a heart. Behind that guy who people are calling a player is still the same kind, down-to-earth kid he first was.

And I was determined to prove the world that he could change. I don't why...but even though I met him just last night...I cared. About him, I mean. He's somehow...special. And I wanted to become that friend he very desperatly needed. The friend who would change him...for the better.

"Welcome back," Ellen exclaims on my television, startling me. "I'm sorry to announce that Justin Bieber has some family issues and will not be able to continue on with today's show. But of course we still have Greyson Chance-"

I shut off the tv, falling back onto my pillow. Family issues? I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. I remember what he'd told me earlier, that his grandfather had cancer. If it has anything to do with that, I can't imagine what Justin's going through.

Then I remember. Jeff had given me his number. He probably knows where Justin lives by heart. I dive for my cellphone which is laying on a corner of my bed and slide a piece of paper with Jeff's number out of my pocket. I stab at the keyboard, typing in his number, and then slam the phone to my ear.

"Jeff Hammond, how may I help you?" Jeff's familiar Italian accent answers.

"Jeff, it's Carter. I know you dropped me off not long ago but I need you to drive me to wherever Justin is right now."

"Justin happens to be right here in the limo. I'm driving him home." He informs me. "I'll hand him the phone."

I sigh with relief. I can hear murmering in the background and suddenly Justin's voice rings through the phone.

"I thought I was done with you." He answers coldly.

I frown. "So did I. But, Justin..." I pause. "Can I take you somewhere?"

He doesn't say anything at first. "...Where?" He says finally.

"Somewhere." I glance out my window. The sky is clearly blue. "Please?"

I hear him sigh. "If you're only trying to befriend me because I'm famous-"

"Justin," I frown again. "This has nothing to do with your fame. I had no idea who you even were at first. Trust me?"

He sighs again. "Fine." He snaps. "I'll go anywhere right now." He murmers, barely audible.

I tug at my bedsheets. "See ya, Justin."

"Yeah...bye." He hangs up.

I groan and roll over on my bed, face down on the pillow. How can this kid go from jerk to caring and back to jerk in a matter of hours?

Right now, I had one mission:

To find a way into his heart.

To save the kind, down-to-earth boy inside him.

No matter what it takes.


Author's Note: Was this chapter good? I also spent a lot of time on it. Beginning a story is always so hard for me! But i already wriote chapter three and i'm getting into the story ;] COMMENT VOTE AND FAN! I love the response im getting ;] xx MUCH LOVE

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