Chapter 12

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• Carter •

"Duncan, what the hell are you doing? You do know the ball can't fall into the gutter, right?" I place my hands on my hips and frown in Duncan's direction.

He freezes for a second and then says: " sure?"

"Yes, Mr.Great Pro Bowler! I'm sure!" I laugh, taking the ball from him. "This is how you do it." I position myself, my eyes set on the target of eight pins. Once ready, I swing the ball back and then forward, letting go. The ball rolls and rolls and rolls and...knocks down two pins before falling into the gutter.

Duncan smirks. "Yeah, Cart. That's how you do it."

"Least she was better than you." Roxi stands up, shoving her brother as she goes to make her shot.

"Yeah, Dunkin Donuts." I giggle and slap his arm. "Least I was I better than you!"

"Shut up, Cartwheel. I was just warming up." He lies.

"For two hours?"


"Loser." I chuckle.

"And I make the last shot!" Mia exclaims, knocking down five pins and twirling around to highfive Roxi.

"Aha!" Roxi squeals. "We win!"

"You're such a liar!" I gently punch Duncan's shoulder. "If you didn't suck, we would have won!"

"Well, my bad!" Duncan raises his hands up in defense. "I didn't know it was crime wanting to be your partner."

"It is if you suck!" I tease.

Duncan throws me a playful glare and I return it, stifling a laugh.

"You guys want to go to McDonalds? I'm starving." Roxi says.

We all nod simutaneously.

"I'd kill for Big Mac." I comment, rubbing my stomach for effect.

Duncan chuckles. "Yeah, and I could really go for a Hot Fudge Sundae."

"Same." Mia chirps. "C'mon." She motions us after her and we follow her, hopping into the car.

"That was fun." Duncan blurts, looking over at me with a smile.

"Yeah," I say. "It was."

• Justin •

I stare at my ceiling, waiting for the light in hall to turn off, indicating my mother had gone to bed. Once everything went dark, I slowly got off my bed, prying open my door and tiptoeing out into the hallway. I sneak downstairs, digging through each drawer in the kitchen. Eventually my eyes fell upon my cellphone.


I grab it and quickly stab at the keys, finding Carter's number and hitting 'Call'. I press it to my ear and wait as it rings.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon." I whisper. "Answer, answer, answer!"

It stopped ringing and took me to voicemail.

"Carter here! Sorry I can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I can! Thanks!"

I heave a sigh and decide to leave her a message. "Hey, Cart. I'd ask you to call me back but I can't be on the phone anyways. Call you when I'm in New York and...ungrounded?" I laugh softly. "I miss you. See you Tuesday. Bye, Cart."

I sigh again, chucking my phone back into the drawer and making my back upstairs.

Where was Carter?

• Carter •

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!" Mia, Roxi, and I cheered Duncan on as he chugged down his fourth large cup of Coke. He ended with a loud burp, smiling successfully.

"I. Am. Stuffed." He exclaims.

I throw my head back and laugh. "Just try not throw up or anything." I chuckle, putting my hands up in front of me.

"No promises." He laughs.

I make a face and suddenly my cellphone begins to blast 'Smile' by Avril Lavigne. I slip it out my pocket, seeing Justin's name blinking on the screen. I grin, about to hit 'answer' when Duncan snatches it out my hand.

"Phone's aren't permitted." He jokes.

"Duncan!" I whine, making a grab for my phone. He holds it up out of my reach.

"Duncan, please!" I argue, struggling to take my phone back from him. "It's important-"

The phone stops ringing and I sigh, frowning up at Duncan as he hands me back my phone.

"What?" He shrugs. "It's friend time."

"But that was important." I pout, looking down at my phone that's now telling me I have a new voicemail.

Duncan puts an innocent look on his face. "I'm sorry?"

"Sorry doesn't cut it." I snap.

"C'mon, you know you cant resist this face." He pouts, pointing towards his puppy-dog face.

I roll me eyes. "I hate you."

"No you don't."

"Yes I do."

"How 'bout now?" He drapes an arm around me, giving me a cocky smile.

"Still hate you."

"Still disagree."

• Two Days Later •

• Justin •

"That's a big crowd." My mom observes as we look out the limo's window. Thousands of girls are standing outside of Macy's and waiting for me to appear. I'm hyped about the 'Someday' premiere. It's pretty cool to have my own fragnance that million's of girls everywhere will wear.

But I only cared about one.

I look down at the small box which carried a very special bottle of 'Someday'.

It was for Carter. A little something to show how thankful I am to have her and how much I care about her.

"Oh, forgot to give you this." My mom remembers, handing me my phone.

I grin. "Thanks, Ma!" I say, already pressing the phone against my ear as it rings.

"Hello?" Carter's voice chirps.

"Hey, Cart!" I smile widely. "Feels good to finally hear your voice."

"Justin!" I can feel her smile through the phone. "I miss you so much!"

"Can't wait to see you tomorrow." I tell her. "I've missed you more than you can imagine."

She giggles. "How's New York?"

"Crowded." I chuckle, looking back out into the sea of people. "It's like an endless parade of girls."

Carter laughs. "Should I be worried?"

"Not at all." I promise her. "I'm all yours."

"Glad to hear." She giggles.

Suddenly I hear someone call out Carter's name in the background. It sounded like Mia.

"Oh!" She exclaims. "I've got to go. Mia and I are going rockclimbing with some friends. See ya tomorrow?"

I smile, kinda disappointed. "See ya tomorrow."

"Bye, Justin."

"Bye, Carter." I say back and pause for a second. "I love-"

She had already hung up.


Author's Note: Like this chapter? COMMENT VOTE FAN!! Don't forget to leave a quote deceiving this story :) If you don't know what I'm talking about, an example is on the previous chapter. Again, COMMENT! Marathon ends Saturday! Long way to go lol

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