Chapter 9

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• Justin •

I drop Carter off, giving her another kiss on her soft lips. She blushes and skips up to her porch, disappearing inside. If anything, I like Carter more than I ever liked Selena. Carter is...special. She brightens up my day without even trying.

When Jeff pulls into my driveway, I slip out of the limo, thanking him and wishing him a goodnight. He seemed suprised but wished me a goodnight as well before driving off to his own home.

I walk blissfully up my driveway, unlocking the front door and stepping inside while humming a random tune.

"I'm home, Ma!" I call and head into the kitchen. I find my mother sitting at the kitchen counter, her head down in her hands, sobbing. Someone's standing over her, their hands on my mother's shoulder. That someone was Selena.

I clench my fists. "Mom? What's wrong?"

My mom cries harder, not answering my question. Selena looks at me, a sympathetic look on her face.

"Justin," She says. "It's you're grandpa."

She doesn't have to say anything else. I already know.

"Justin, I'm here for you." Selena begins to walk over. I take a step back, grabbing my mother's car keys off the counter in the process.

"Justin!" Selena calls as I make a mad dash to the front door, slamming it shut behind me. Tears spill down my face as I pry open my mother's silver Lexus. I slip inside and start the ignition, trying to focus as I pull the car out of the driveway.

My grandfather. My only grandfather...

I do my best to control myself as I drive to Carter's, not caring that I still don't have a license. Only a permit.

• Carter •

"Aunt Marci?" I skip into the living room to find my Aunt calmly watching who-knows-what on TV.

"Hey, Cart." She smiles up at me. "Back from your date?"

"It wasn't-" I begin to say but blush. "Yeah."

She chuckles. "So what's up?"

I chew on my lips and perch myself on the couch's arm. " you anything about my mom? About how she got her...AIDs?"

All the color drains from Aunt Marci's face. "How did you-"

"Dont worry about how I found." I cutt her off. "I need to know how she got AIDs and I...I need to know more about my father."

Aunt Marci purses her lips. "Listen, Carter. I don't think now's the right time-"

"Aunt Marci, please!" I plead. "And...and you know what's always bothered me? Why doesn't Mia look like Mom and I? And...and at what age exactly did Mom have Mia, I mean, since she had me when she was 16."

Aunt Marci heaves a sigh. "Cart, I don't want to get into this-" She's interupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.

I curse beneath my breath. "I'll get it." I mutter, hopping off the couch's arm and sprinting towards the door. I pry it open to find Justin standing there, his face streaked with tears.

"Justin-" I begin.

He cuts me off by embracing me in a tight hug, sobbing into my shoulder. My heart breaks seeing him like this.

"C'mon." I mumble, slipping my fingers around his and start to lead him upstairs.

"Who was it, Carter?" Aunt Marci calls.

I pause. "Uh, some guy who had the wrong house. I'll...I'll be up in my room. I'm tired." I shout back.

Tears are still streaming down Justin's face as I lead him up and into my room, gently closing the door behind us.

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