Chapter 8

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• Carter •

"Justin, where are we!" I squealed as Justin drags me up the side some pier, a picnic basket clutched in his free hand. When I woke this morning, his limo was already waiting outside for me. I got dressed and skipped breakfast, a part of me happy that Justin was acting like his real self around me.

"I don't like heights." I whine as he brings me to a stop at the tip of the pier. It's not THAT high, but high enough to cause death if you slip and tumble down. I can hear the waves crashing agains the giant rock and the wind whistling around us.

"Calm down." Justin tells me. "You're safe with me." He smiles.

I heave a sigh and flip onto the cold ground, not really feeling like below at the roaring, deadly waters. "Why is this place to memorable?" I decide to ask him, trying to get my mind off what would happened if I ever tripped up here.

Justin flops down beside me, prying open his picnic basket and taking out a pretty big, beach towel for us to sit on. He spreads it out and slides onto it, motioning for me to do the same.

"It's not memorable," He says honestly. "I lied. I don't have a memorable spot. But..." He kinda blushes. "It's memorable now."

I open my mouth to respond but close it again, a slight blush rising in my cheeks.

"Do you like grilled cheese sandwiches?" Justin blurts, changing the subject.

I quickly nod. "Definitely."

Justin grins. "Great. Mine's are killer." He flashes me a lopsided smile as he takes his homemade sandwiches out of the basket.

"What did you bring to drink? Vodka?" I tease.

He frowns while he pulls out two small packets of CapriSun. "No. I'm done with the drinking."

My eyes widen. "Really?" I exclaim, my voice sounded a little more excited than I was going for. He was changing.

Justin chuckles. "Yeah. I really don't want you to think I'm someone who I'm not."

I smile and watch him place a medium-sized plate of strawberries between us.

"I'm not sure if you like strawberries," He said. "But I brought whip cream anyways." He emptied the basket, the only thing left a can of whip cream.

"I love strawberries," I inform him. "And with whip cream, even better."

I snatch a strawberry and prop it into my mouth, making a face of delight.

Justin laughs softly and takes a large bite out of his sandwich. "Hey, Carter?" He says once he's swallowed his bite of sandwich. "What really happened at the hospital yesterday? You seemed tense."

I grab my sandwich and twirl it around in my fingers. "To be honest, I don't know." I sigh. "Dr.Appleton told me something I never knew about my mother."

"What is it?" Justin looks at me, his eyes caring and trustworthy.

I close my eyes for a second, letting the breeze blow through my hair. "He told me she had AIDs." I mutter. "Dont you think I should have known? There's so many questions and secrets in family all the sudden and I have no idea how to react."

Justin throws me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, Carter." When he said it, I could tell he really was sorry.

"What about your grandfather?" I ask him, changing the topic. "How's he doing?"

Justin smiles, the expression on his face becoming a happy one. "He's doing way better. The doctor says he's responding to the treatment very well."

I grin and reach over, absentmindly giving Justin's hand a squeeze. "That's good news."

Justin nods and looks down at my hand that's still on his. When he looks up again, there's a smile clearly written on his face.

I look away, trying hard to blush. My eyes fall on the whip cream can. I take my hand away from Justin's and grab the whip cream.

"You know," I say. "This is my favorite thing about the whip cream." I stifle a laugh and lean over, taking Justin off guard when I spray a dot of whip cream in his nose.

His widen and he curves his lip into a mischievious smile. "I cant believe you just did that."

"I did!" I chirp, smearing the dot of whip cream all over his face.

"It's on!" He laughs and makes a grab for the whip cream can. I fall back and try my best to keep the can away from his clutches, all though an outroar of laughter.

"Justin!" I squeal.

He's on top of me now which causes me to go out of focus. The can is snatched out of my hands and he begins to smother whip cream all over my face.

I giggle, trying to block my face with my hands. "Justin!" I say again. I fight back for the whip cream, trying with all my might to at least knock it out of his hands.

I succeed...but the can begins to roll...falling straight down the pier and onto the roaring waters below.

Justin's still on top of me. We're both covered in whip cream, me more than him. We can't seem to stop laughing, unaware of the position we were in.

When our laughter decreases, Justin's eyes bore into mine. I'm breathing hard now, feeling lost in his hazel, brown eyes.

"You have a little bit of whip cream on your face." He chuckles.

"Do I? I didn't-" I begin to reply using one of my smartass comments, but his face is now inching closer to mine.

I close my eyes, actually wanting him to kiss me. I can feel his breath of my lips now. Why does it seem like everything's suddenly in slow motion? Just kiss me already, I wanted to say.

Suddenly someone's phone begins to blast "With You" by Chris Brown. I open my eyes and Justin sighs, slipping off me and sitting up. I do the same.

"Who is it?" I ask him.

He shrugs and slips his phone out of his pocket. All the sudden, all the color drains from his face.

"Justin?" I lean over and look at his phone's screen.

It reads: Incoming Call. Selena.

"I'm not going to answer." Justin mutters. "She's been calling me every friggin' day. What does she want?"

"I don't know." I take the phone away from him and set it aside. "Forget about it."

I grab a strawberry and pull the leaves of the top, sticking the berry in my mouth, half of it sticking out.

Before I can react, Justin's arms are around my waist and he pulls me to him, his lips on mine, half of my strawberry now gone.

We pull away, chewing on a different half of the strawberry. There's a smile on his face while I smile too, blushing deeply. Once we swallow, his lips find themselves on mine again.

He kisses me and I kiss him back, feeling my heart skip too many beats to count.

And that's when I realize that I just might be falling in love with Justin like he's falling in love with me.


Author's Note: Did u like this chappie? I DID! comment vote fannnnnn!!!! Love uuu guyzzzz!! :)) (hyper. Just drank starbucks >.

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