Chapter 32

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• Carter •

My head rested on Justin's lap as we watched endless reruns of The Vampire Diaries. It felt nice being with Justin again, you know, as a couple. I honestly missed him more than I told myself I did.

"I don't get it." Justin blurts, breaking the silence. "How come Elena doesn't see that Damon is madly in love with her?"

I shrug and sit up a little, my head now on Justin's chest. "She must be blind. Damon is the most handsome on the show."

Justin tilts my chin up so that I meet his eyes. "I hope he's not handsomer than me, is he?" Justin teases even though his face is completely serious.

I giggle and stretch my neck high enough that my lips gently peck his. "You're the most handsome guy in all of the world."

"I better be." Justin mumbles against my lips.

"Sorry to break your little love reunion," A different but familiar voice says. "But Marci is almost here."

I pull away from Justin and sit up straight to look at Cale. "Aunt Marci? Yeah, she get's off work at three, doesn't she?"

Cale sighs just as Mia appears at the bottom of the stairwell.

"She drove by the hospital." Cale explains. "She sent me a text and told me to tell you guys that the DNA results were in. She refuses to open them until gets here."

Mia bites her lip and leans against the nearest wall. "Do you really think she could be my mother? You know, after all this time."

Justin and I exchange glances. We both nod.

Mia heaves a sigh and looks down, not saying anything else.

I couldn't help but wonder what was going through her head at the moment...

All of the sudden, the front door opens and Aunt Marci walks in , a hello folder in her hands.

"Aunt Marci..." I begin to say and my voice fades.

There's a nervous look on her face as she walks over to stand in the center of the room. "So, the results-"

"Are in." I finish for her. "Cale told us."

She nods and runs a hand through her light brown hair. "The results..." She sighs and runs her index finger across the top of the yellow folder. "You ready?"

We all nod but I can feel myself becoming nervous as well. If Mia really is Aunt Marci's daughter...then who am I? Who's MY mother? Where did I come from?

Aunt Marci has already opened the folder and slowly pulling out it's contents. I can feel a knot form in my stomach. The too was silent except for the TV which was still on.

Justin drapes a comforting arm around my shoulders and lays his lips on my head.

Aunt Marci looks at the paper in her hands.

"It is 99% positive..." She reads aloud. "That Mia Elizabeth Gray is the daughter of Marcela Marie Hayes..." Aunt Marci's voice fades and she looks up.

I feel a tear run down my cheek.

• Justin •

I watch as Mia runs over to hug her newly found mother, both of them in tears.

I try to hug Carter to my chest, to comfort her, but she slips from my grasp, making a dash up to her room. I open my mouth to call after her but end up sighing.

Aunt Marci and Mia are too busy crying and hugging to notice. Cale, on the other hand, looks over at me, a questioning look in his eyes.

"It's...tough on her." I tell him as I walk past him and towards the stairs. Cale nods in agreement.

I make my way upstairs and stand in front of Carter's room, twisting the nod. It's locked. I can hear her sobs from the other side of the door.

I gently knock.

"Carter?" I call. "Let me in."

It doesn't take long. She prys open the door and throws herself into my arms, sobbing into my shoulder.

I hug her tightly, whispering comforting words into her hear.

"Everything's going to be ok." I promise her. "Just be happy for them."

She nods and her crying decreases. "What about me?" She asks. "Who the hell are my parents? Who's my family? Where did I come from-"

"Carter," I take her chin and tilt it up so that she'd be looking into my eyes. "Your family is Aunt Marci, Mia, Cale, even Karen." I lean my forehead against hers and caress her cheek. "Your family is me."

She cracks a smile and I let my lips meet hers, kissing her softly and passionately.

"Where could my real mother be-" Carter begins to murder against my lips but I cut her off.

"Your real mother? Forget her." I tell her. "Don't worry about the past. Worry about the future."

"It's hard." She says, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Then how about you just forget about it all for a while," I insist. "You need a short escape."

"I guess I do." She agrees.

"C'mon," I wrap an arm around her and lead her down the stairs. "Let's go somewhere."

"Where are y'all going?" Aunt Marci asks as we pass her in the living room.

"I think Carter needs a short escape from the world and everything that's going on." I inform her. "Just for tonight."

Aunt Marci crosses her arms and begins to shake her head. "Oh, no. One night... You two... Alone? No. I won't allow-"

"Marci," I place an assuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry. I think this will be good for her. I'll take care of her and I promise you nothing is going to happen."

Aunt Marci hesitates but sighs, walking over and placing a kiss on Carter's forehead. "I love you," She tells her. "And I always will. You're my beautiful niece and...and daughter at heart."

Carter smiles but a tear escapes, running down her cheek. "I love you too, Aunt Marci."

I wipe her tear away with my thumb and allow them to give each other a quick hug before I take Carter's hand and lead her outside.

"Hey, guys," I turn around to see Cale jogging towards him. He throws something towards me and I catch it. The keys to the Civic.

"Drive safely." He tells us, smiling.

I frown. "Doesn't the Civic belong to your mother-"

Cale raises a hand, cutting me off. "She won't mind."

I chuckle and reach over, pounding his fist. "Thanks, man."

"No problem."

I unlock the Civic and open the passenger door for Carter, giving her a quick kiss as she slides inside.

"I love you." She mutters, wiping away another tear from her eye.

"I love you more." I reply before making my way around and jumping into the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" She asks.

I grin and start the engine. "You'll see."


Author's Note: Ah, Well, Mia is Aunt Marci's daughter. Justin and Carter are back together. Carter is emotional and wondering where she came from and who her real parents are. And Justin decided that Carter needed an escape from everything going on. Where do you think he's taking her? What do you think happened to Carter's parents? Hmm... COMMENT VOTE FAN !! Story is near the end....or is it? (; xx

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