Chapter 19

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• Justin •

I'm awoken by the sound of someone knocking on the bedroom door. I'm instantly up and gently shaking Carter who's still fast asleep beside me.

"Carter?" I whisper. "Carter, wake up!"

Her eyelids blink open and she yawns, smiling at the sight of me. "Goodmorning."

I suddenly forget why I'd woken her up, reaching over and giving her a soft kiss on her lips. "Goodmorning."

All the sudden, someone knocks on the door again, flashing me back into reality. "Should I-" I begin to say.

"Hide!" Carter squeals, pushing me off the bed. I lay down beside the bed, out of view as I hear the door creak open.

"Carter?" It's her Aunt's voice. "Are you up?"

"Mm," I hear Carter moan groggily. "Yeah."

"Good," Her Aunt says. "There are some empty boxes out in the hall. Can you start packing your stuff? Our flight is set for tomorrow night."

I squeeze my eyes shut, not letting any tears escape. No matter what, I didn't want Carter to leave.

"K, Aunt Marci. I'll get right on it." Carter tells her.

"Oh," Her Aunt blurts. "Tell your boyfriend that there's no need to hide. I heard him come in last night."

"Crap." I mutter beneath my breath as I slowly get off the floor, flopping down on Carter's bed and nervously running a hand through my hair. "Hey, Ms.Gray."

Aunt Marci smirks. "Goodmorning, Justin. Mind helping Carter pack? How nice." She flashes me a smile and exits the room, closing the door behind her.

Carter bites back a giggle. "So you're going to help me pack?"

"Do you think I'll fit in one of those boxes?" I ask her.

She raises a questioning eyebrow.

I shrug. "If you're leaving, I want to go with you."

"Justin," She sighs.

"I know." I look down at nothing in particular. "I'll miss you."

Carter wraps her arms around me, placing her head on my shoulder. "I'll miss you too. You can't imagine how much."

I turn around, absentmindly crushing my lips to hers while pinning her down on the bed. "I'll miss moments like these." I tell her as I deepen the kiss, letting my tongue slide into her mouth.

She tangles her hands in my hair while holding me to her, kissing me harder.

Eventually I pull back, breathing hard. "Maybe you should go pack. I'll help."

Carter simply searches my eyes and presses her lips to mine once more, starting the kiss where we had left off.

"Carter," I moan. "Focus."

That was probably thing I've ever said. Why tell her to focus when I can barely think?

She finally stops kissing me, her fingers caressing my face as a tear runs down her cheek. "Let's go pack." She whispers.

I wipe away her tear with my thumb and roll off her, sitting up.

"Can you get the boxes?" She tells me. "I'll begin to gather my stuff."

All I do is nod and stand up, dragging myself into the hall and grabbing three boxes, taking them back into Carter's room.

"Justin?" Carter calls before I exit her room to go get more boxes.

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