Watching The Stars.

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~ Start Of Day 4 ~ November 11 ~

I woke up around 10:30AM again. I made myself some toast, ate it, then decided to go outside for a bit where I saw two people next to apartment 1.

???: I miss the mailbox that was here...

???: You would run into it whenever you were drunk so we moved it.

???: I know but I still miss it being here...

The one talking about them missing a mailbox was a short red haired male with wolf ears and tail and demon horns and wings, red shoes, black pants, black hoodie, black gloves, black eyes with headphones around his neck. The other was a male with short black hair, black eyes, a yellow halo, white shirt, gray pants, angel wings and white and yellow shoes.

???: Crimson, I know you miss the mailbox, but it still exists it was just moved-

Crimson: I know Zero. it's just weird seeing it somewhere else.

Claire: Um...Hello?

Crimson: Oh- Hello there.

Zero: Hi.

Claire: What are you two doing?

Crimson: Talking about the mailbox that was moved.

Zero: It was for a good reason.


I decided to walk away from the conversation those two were having. I walked to the park where I saw two people. One was a male with white and hot pink hair, black eyes, black and hot pink striped clothes, black hat, bandaid on his face with a pink and black torn cape. The other was a female with black, blue and light blue short hair with a red fox mask, blue ripped jeans, blue shirt, two different colored eyes one white one black, blue shoes with a cut on her nose. They seemed to be looking around.

Claire: What are you guys doing?

???: We're looking for the new person we heard about!

???: Uh- Reo- I think they are the new person.

Reo: Hmmmm...Nah. I don't think so, Mei!

Mei: Oh my god...I'm going to slap you. They are the new person!

Claire: Yeah, I moved here a few days ago.

Reo: Oh. Well, helloooo! I'm Reo and this is Mei!

Mei: Nice to meet you, what's your name?

Claire: I'm Claire! It's nice to meet you as well.

Reo: Mei...I think that's the new person!

Mei: ...What gave you that idea...?

Reo: I don't know...

Mei: ...

Claire: Well, I should get going now.

Reo: Awww no...You just got here...

Mei: Yeah, Reo is right! Come and hang out with us!

Claire: Oh, uh alright?

I spent most of my day with Mei and Reo, it was mainly just Reo and Mei pulling pranks on people while I watched. It was around 9:30PM when we decided to walk back to our homes. I started walking back to my apartment when I saw a girl sitting alone in the park. She had purple hair and was wearing a witch hat with flowers on it, she had black pants, black shoes, a grey sweater and her eyes were two different colors one was gray one was pink but they both had a white star in them. I walked up to her.

Claire: Um...Hi? Why are you here alone?

???: Hm? Oh! Hello there! I'm just waiting here so I can see the stars. It's getting late after all they should start appearing soon! I'm Luna! You are?

Claire: Oh, I'm Claire!

Luna: Nice to meet you, Claire!

Claire: It's nice to meet you too! I was going to head back to my apartment, but I think I'll stay here for a while to watch the stars with you if that's ok.

Luna: Of Course that's ok!

I spent my night watching the stars with Luna. I went back home around 2:00AM. I was tired but it was a nice night, Luna decided to stay out there for a while longer while I went home. I walked into the apartment, grabbed one of the cookies that Emily and Hitori brought me out of the fridge and walked into my room wondering what would happen tomorrow.

~ End Of Day 4 ~

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