~ Start Of Day 16 ~ November 23 ~
I woke up around 9AM and decided to take a walk around the city for a bit. I walked out of my room, talked to Alice for a bit then walked out of the apartment. When I exited the apartment, I saw two people near the sidewalk. One was sitting and one was standing.
There was a male standing up with blue hair with light purple highlights and blue wolf ears and tail, one gray angel wing with a bandaid on it, green eyes, an eyepatch over one of his eyes, a small red hat, a gray choker, blue shirt, gray pants, gray shoes and only one leg so he had crutches.
There was also a girl sitting down with light blue hair with darker blue highlights, a small blue-ish purple hat, purple sunglasses, blue eyes, a white and purple dress, a purple star necklace, purple stockings and purple shoes with star designs on them.
The girl noticed me and started speaking.
???: Hello there!
Claire: Hello! What are your names?
???: I'm Amethyst and this is River!
Claire: I'm Claire!
River: Nice to meet you...
Claire: It's nice to meet you too!
Amethyst stands up.
Amethyst: So, what are you doing, Claire?
Claire: Oh, I was just gonna walk around the city a bit more!
Amethyst: That's nice! Well, hope you have fun with that!
Claire: Thanks!
I walked away from Amethyst and River and walked around the town for a bit. I decided to go to the cherry tree behind the grocery store. I kind of was hoping Alice was there already as well, not sure why. When I got there, I saw Alice with someone I hadn't met before. It was a female that looked a bit like E.C. she had pure white skin, white and red hair with white bear ears and tail, a white and pink bear mask, one white demon wing, a black shirt, gray pants, red eyes and white and red shoes. Alice looks sad, her head is being bandaged by the other person and there are glass pieces on the ground next to them...
Claire: Uh...Alice...? You ok...?
Alice: Yeah...! I'm fine...!
???: No...You're not...
Claire: What happened...?
???: Her brother threw a glass bottle at her head...
Hearing that I felt...angry. Very angry.
Claire: What.
Alice: Violet, Claire, It's ok...
Claire: No. It is not ok!
Alice: I'm used to it by now...
Violet: I know...but you shouldn't be...
I walked over and sat down next to Alice.
Claire: Alice...how long has he been hurting you like this...?
Alice: Since we were kids...
I go quiet, my rage silently building up.
Alice: Are you ok, Claire...?
Claire: Yeah...just fine...
Alice: You sure...?
Claire: Yup...!
Alice: Alright...
I watch as Violet finishes bandaging Alice's head.
Violet: Done!
Alice: Thank Violet...
Alice smiles at Violet. I stay silent, I'm not sure what emotions I'm feeling...I just know I'm very angry at Andrew right now. Alice stands up, walks in front of me and then hugs me. She starts to cry silently.
Claire: H-Hey...! You ok...?
Alice: Yeah...I'm just...happy...to have people that care about me...
Alice smiles at me, tears streaming down her face. I smile at her as well and we decide to walk back to our apartment together. She was clinging to me the whole way there but on the way there we ran into Andrew and Alice hid behind me, looking like she's about to start crying again.
Andrew: Hello Alice. Hi Claire!
Claire: Hello Andrew...
Alice: ...
Andrew: Got nothing to say, Alice?
Alice: ...
Andrew: You'll always just be weak.
Claire: Leave her alone. Now.
Andrew: What? Am I not allowed to tell the truth?
Claire: It's not the truth. You fucking bastard!
Alice: Claire...just l-leave it alone...
Claire: No! I won't let him hurt you anymore, emotionally or physically! He shouldn't be abusing you!
Alice grabs onto my arm looking scared.
Alice: Please...leave it alone...!
I go quiet for a bit. I look at Alice and I sigh.
Claire: Fine...
I glare at Andrew as me and Alice walk to our apartment. We entered the apartment and sat in the dining room together for a bit. We talked for a while. I tried to make Alice feel better the best I could, but it didn't do much...after a while I headed into my room and laid down on my bed thinking about how I could've done more when we ran into Andrew. I laid there for a while then decided to go to sleep.
~ End Of Day 16 ~

~ Bloodmoon City ~
CasualeClaire Just Moved Into A New City Named Bloodmoon City! She Goes Around Meeting More And More People And Realizes Just How Strange Everything And Everyone In The Town Is, She Decides To Stay In The Town And Becomes Friends With The Many People That...