~ Start Of Day 28 ~ December 5 ~
I woke back up at around 7:30AM. I walked out of my room, walked outside the apartment and started walking around town. I ended up walking to the bar where I saw Lunar sitting down at a table.
Claire: Hi Lunar!
Lunar: Hey..!
Claire: Mind if I sit down here too?
Lunar: I don't mind..
I sat down at the table with her. I sat there talking to Lunar for a little while then I started looking around the bar from where we were sitting and I saw Clover enter and she started looking around, eventually she ran up to me and Lunar and hugged Lunar
Clover: Hi Miss Morningstar!
Lunar: Oh god...not you-...I mean-! Uh- Hi Clover!...
Claire: Clover...? Why are you here...?
Clover: I got lost...I just went to the closest place...
Claire: Oh...
Clover: But that's ok! I'm with Miss Morningstar now!
Lunar: Don't...don't call me that when I'm not working...
Clover: Sorry...!
Lunar: It's fine I guess Clover...
Claire: Your last name is Morningstar?
Lunar: Yeah...
Claire: That's...Interesting...?
Clover: Yeah!
Lunar: Sure it is...
Claire: Uh...well imma get going. Cya later!
Lunar: Wait- no- don't leave me here with her...
Lunar looks at Clover.
Claire: Sorry Lunar...
I walked away from those two and walked outside the bar. I started walking back to the apartment and I saw Skylar sitting down on the sidewalk so I walked up to her.
Claire: Hey Skylar!
Skylar: Hi!
Claire: What are you doing?
Skylar: Just sitting here! Waiting for Ruby so we can hang out!
Claire: Oh, alright!
Skylar: It's a beautiful day outside, isn't it?
Claire: Yeah, It is!
Skylar: What do you plan on doing today?
Claire: I'm not sure, I haven't done much today.
Skylar: Wanna hang out with me and Ruby when she gets here?
Claire: Sure!
Skylar: So what kind of music do you listen to?
Claire: Uh I mean I listen to people like Marina, Rio Romeo and Nico Collins. What about you?
Skylar: Well, I sometimes listen to music by Marina as well and I also listen to people like Rosendale, Will Stetson and Cavetown.
Claire: Nice!
Skylar: Yeah...uh...do you have any relationships? Like a partner or something?
I think back to the 3rd when me and Alice's date happened and I smiled, blushing a bit thinking back to it.
Claire: Yeah actually! Alice is my partner now!
Skylar: That's nice!
Claire: Yeah, it is!
As we were talking more Ruby walked up to us.
Ruby: Hey guys...!
Skylar: Hi Ruby!
Claire: Hey Ruby, nice to see you again!
Ruby: Mhm...it's nice to see you again as well, Claire!...
Ruby smiles, I can tell she seems a bit nervous talking to me, last time we met she didn't speak much either but that's ok, she might just not be used to new people still. Even though we've met before and I've been here awhile I'm still the newest one in the city i think.
Claire: So, what did you guys want to do?
Ruby: I...I don't really know...sorry...!
Skylar: How about we go to the beach! Even though I can't go into the water, I can still play around on the sand and do things with you guys there! And plus you guys can go into the water no problem so you'll have fun as well!
Claire: Sounds good!
Ruby: You always have good ideas Skylar...! Um...can Snowy join us...?
I watch as Ruby looks down at her legs and her arctic fox slowly walks out from behind her, I guess they were hiding from us.
Skylar: Oh! Of course Snowy can join us!
???: Yay...! Thanks Skylar...
Skylar: No problem Snowy!
Claire: Oh god...another talking animal...
Ruby: Oh...is something wrong...?
Claire: No! No! Nothings wrong! I just...haven't gotten used to the talking pets yet...
Ruby: Oh...Alright...
Skylar: Well, come on! Let's go guys!
I watch as Skylar starts running in the direction of the beach. Me, Ruby and Snowy start following as well. We spent the rest of the day at the beach having fun on the sand and sometimes me and Ruby even went into the water while Skylar and Snowy stayed on the sand watching.
~ End Of Day 28 ~

~ Bloodmoon City ~
RandomClaire Just Moved Into A New City Named Bloodmoon City! She Goes Around Meeting More And More People And Realizes Just How Strange Everything And Everyone In The Town Is, She Decides To Stay In The Town And Becomes Friends With The Many People That...