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Two hour. Two hours is how long it take to tell me everything and to answer all of my question. I liked Bella but I was still on the rocks with the mutt Jacob. Unfortunately I have to play nice with him because he imprinted on my niece. Now it was my turn to answer questions from everyone.

"Grades." Esme and Carlisle asked at once.

"A in choir, history, and ELA. B in science and French. C in math."

"Any boy we need to break their face on a brick wall." Jas asked. While him and Emmett cracked there knuckle in the corner.

"No I took care of them a long time ago, we all know that." They both just nod their head.

"So where we're you durning the newborn war, or when the Volturi came to kill your family or even when your brother got married? Did you even get them a gift?" The mutt Jacob snapped at me.

"I didn't know about newborn war until after it was over, me and the Volturi don't really get along so being would have made matters worse and has for their wedding I had plans way be for I know about the wedding I couldn't back out of. I did get them I gift. I paid for the plane tickets,  the boat they had to ride to get to the island,the food and I paid for all the damages they made while they were there which let me tell you those damages were not cheap" I heard Edward, Jas and Emmett chuckle and I seen Bella bite her lip and look away.

"Really you couldn't back out for your brothers wedding. What were you doing?" The mutt throw his hands in the air and he raised his voice.

"If you really most know dog I was doing some reach for Edward!" I raise my voice higher than his.

"Oh." He had a dumb look on his face.

"Yeah oh is right." I turned to Edward. "When to I get to meet my niece?"

"Rose took her out of the room when you and Jake started to fight. Rose bring Nessie in please." Edward was still chuckling.

"You named your daughter after the loch ness monster?" I asked. Who the hell thinks that's okay?

"Not by my choice. They started calling her that while I was still turn. So now it here forever." Bella growled. Rose brought out Renesmess. Bella stood up and walked over to her. "Renesmess this is your aunt Jasmine. She kinda like you expect she was from the Volturi before grandma and grandpa got her." She explained to the little one. Renesmess walk up to me. She stood up on the couch to be eye level with me. She put her hand on my cheek. I see Aro, Jane, Demetri, Caius, and Marcus. It was like she was trying to ask if it was true that I was with them at some point.

"Yes I was but, that was when I was really little. Carlisle offered to take when they didn't want me anymore." I smiled at her. "Can you talk?" I questioned her.

"Yes i can but I like to use my talent." She answered.

"Just like your father i see." I pointed out. Edward chuckled at my comment.

"Is there a reason you and Jake were arguing?" Renesmess asked me.

"Me and him don't really get along that well." I explained to her.

"Kinda of like aunt Rosey and Jake don't get along?" Renesmee tilts her head. She puts her face on my hand and I see images of Jake and Rose having little arguments.

"Yes kind of like that except I won't be like Aunt Rose and antagonize it." Renesmee just nods her head and walk over to Jacob. She seems kinda interesting. I know the Volturi would be interested in her and will keep a close eye on her and the family.

"Sooo when can i take you shopping?" Alice came out of nowhere and scared the shit out of me.

" Jesus Christ.. Alice! I've only been home for 2 hours and 20 minutes. Can't I just relax and unwind.  I was on the plane for 10 hours. I just want to relax and vibe." I love Alice to death help me sometimes I really just want to like kick her. That may seem to simple but it's only thing I can think of like kicking her is the worst thing I can think of right now that is how my head feels around her sometimes and I can't think so it's always the first thing that comes to my mind it's just a kick her.

"Don't kick me little one." Alice giggled because I slipped and let her into my mind. Usually I was pretty good about keeping Alice from seeing my future. Which means if Alice could see my future Edward could read my mind at that moment to.

"That's right Jasmine." Edward put his arm around my shoulders. I cringed.

"Actually Alice i think I'm going to steal Jas. If that's okay with you." Jasper walk behind Alice and wrapped his arms around her. "I want to take her are welcome home hunt. Rosalie took her the last time she was here, soI want to do it this time." Jasper kiss her cheek.

"Fine, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook we will we going on a shopping trip soon." Alice stuck her tongue out at me. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Let's make this interesting." I rubbed my hands together waiting for Jasper to tell me his plan. "Whoever gets the biggest elk wins. If you win you can drive my Ducati 848 and if i win i get to pick your classes next year."

"Pick my classes? Is that all you really want?" He nods his head. "That's kinda sus but I'm down. Race ya." I bolted out the door with Jas not far behind.

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