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Before anyone had time to do anything Renesmee was sprinting out of the woods right into Jacob's arms. Five seconds later someone else came out of the woods. A man that stood a little over 6 feet tall with Pale Olives complexion, black hair, and red-eye stood at the opening of the field. Demetri. Why was he here? It can't be them checking up on me. I looked at Renesmee so I could listen to her mind and find out what happened.

"Renesmee is the only reason you ran because you remembered him from when Aro came to see you?" I asked her. She just nodded her head. I kissed to top of her head. "You did the right thing," I reassured her.  I turned to look at Demetri then looked at Jake. "Take her home and tell them that we have a guest." I started to walk to Demetri.

"Where are you going?" Seth asked with a shaky voice. Of course, he would get involved with this.

"Going with him," I said as I point at Demetri, who was leaning against a tree waiting for me. 

"No your not." Seth grabbed my arm and tried to pull me back. "He is too dangerous of a vampire for you to go along with." The word rushed out of his mouth. I ripped his hand off of me. 

"This is not how this works. You don't control me. I lived with Demetri for a couple of years before Carlise took me in and he was the only one that was close to being nice to me. I trust him just as much as I trust my family. I trust him more than I trust the pack." I Could the hurt in his eye from my comment. I turned my back on him and jogged up to Demetri. 

"Having trouble training your mutt dog?" Demetri Smirked as I jogged up to him.

"He's not for me to train, That is his alpha job," I growled and pulled him into the forest. We ran until we were about 3 miles to the house. "So what are you doing here? Jane already came and checked on me before the school year ended?" I asked him.

"I left." Were the only words he said

"You left?" I started to laugh. I was laughing so hard I had to hold my stomach. I looked up to see his reaction. Demetri had a straight face. " are not joking are you?" I immediately stopped laughing.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" He cocked his head at me. 

"How did you just leave? That's not a thing. They don't just let people leave like that out of the blue." I started to speak very fast.

"Carlisle was able to leave."

"That was only because he chose to feed on animals instead of humans."

"Aro saw how miserable I was there. 500 years in that place is hell." He looked around.

"Why come here? You know Edward doesn't like you very much." I giggled. He looked down at me. 

"Yea I know but I wanted to be with you, my best friend. You're the only person who understands me." He looked into my eyes. I Blushed. We have never had feelings for each other but he still had a way of making me blush like a madman.

"Well, we're about to find out how Edwards going to take this great news...He's waiting on the deck for us." I could hear him now. I already knew what Edward thought but Carlisle had talked him out of ripping Demetri's head clean off. 

"How mad does he seem?" Demetri gulped. 

"Pissed" was all I had to say and Demetri got a looked oh-shit- I'm-doomed looked. I giggled. As we walked up to the porch I could tell Edward wanted to ripe his neck off. "Edward before you do anything: you should know he left the Volturi and we know I know he's not lying." I dragged both of them into the house and tossed them gently on the couch.

"Hello, Demetri." Carlisle politely greeted him. "What do we own this lovely surprise visit for. I'm sure we have done nothing wrong."

"No, you have done nothing wrong. I left the Volturi and wanted to tell my favorite person." He put this arm around me. Right as he did that Seth and Jacob walked into the room. Seth and Edward tensed up. Seth walked out of the room. 

"Look like the alpha still didn't train his pup." Demetri leaned over and whispered into my ear. I elbowed his side. 

"So just got up one day and decided you didn't want to work for the most powerful vampire coven and they just let you go?" Jake plopped down in one of the armchairs. 

"Well, it wasn't that easy. The only easy one to get to agree with me was Marcus. He has always been the understanding and most level-headed one."

"Agreed." I and Carlisle said at the same time. I think Marcus doesn't even want to be a part of it anymore. 

"It took very little to convince Aro, He saw I was miserable. It was Caius that took the longest to convince and I'm still unsure if he is truly convinced." Demetri Sighed.

"And it's just magically safe to have him around?" Jake snickered.

"It's just as safe as having a newborn around her half-human child, no offense Bella or the ticking time bomb wolves." Rosalie chuckled at my comment. 

"Don't you come after Bella like that, She can control herself better than any newborn."Jacob jumped out of the chair. 

"No, she is right Jake." Bella stepped in front of him. "Alice, can you see anything?" She turned to Alice who had just walked into the room.

"I can't see past everything. The wolves, Renesmee, Jasmine. There are too many things interfering."

"Look it's only for three months then he can go with me to school. Where it won't affect you guys. Plus then when they come to check on me before the school year starts and after it ends The Voltri will see that he is with me." 

"What about after you graduate?" Edward asked.

"I would like to go on a vacation, we can figure it out after that." 

"I still don't think it's a good idea." Jacob scuffed.

"Good thing this house is full of questionable decisions." 

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