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I giggled, Seth was trying to balance a spoon on his nose.

"I swear to god I know how to do this... I've done it before." Seth was getting frustrated with himself. I just sat there giggling.

"I believe you, don't worry." I rolled my eyes. "Beside, I think it's time for us to leave. You paid the bill 45 minutes ago, and we're still here." I looked at the clock that was across the restaurant. Seth turned and looked at it.

"Oh yeah, I guess you're right." He got up from the booth, so I fallowed. "Goodbye Mary!" Seth called to her.

"Goodbye, Seth, and sweet pie, don't be a stranger. Stop by whenever  you like." She turned to look at me.

"I will ma'am." I smiled and waved while walking out the door. I jumped into Seth truck. I didn't realize how cold it had gotten outside. I started to rub my hands up and down my arms. Seth wrapped his jacket around me. "Thanks." I slid my arms into the jackets arms.

"You're welcome Jas." Seth said.

"Don't let Jasper hear you call me that. He might rip both of your heads off." I giggled.

"Oh really n, w why is that?"

"Because that's mine and his thing. We call each other Jas and his very protected of that." I smirked. He just nodded his head. We sat in silence the rest away. As we pulled up to the house, I saw Edward and Alice standing on the pouch having a serious talk. "I wonder what their talking about?"

"I have no clue." Seth looked over at them, worried.

"Well, I'm going to find out." I jumped out of the truck. "Hey, what's going on? Why do you guys look so serious?" I walked up to the porch. They looked at each other, and then Alice sighed.

"Nessie is sick, and Carlisle can't not figure out what it is. I can't see her future because of the wolf always being with her."

"You can't see the wolf future?" I was flabbergasted. Why had nobody told me this.

"Yep, just like I can't see anybody's future that has one of them on it. For example, I couldn't tell how your date was with tonight because it was with Seth. Even if I just wanted to know you were ok, I wouldn't be able to see it." She looked too frustrated. 

"Can I see her?" I looked back and forth between them.

"Follow me." Edward said with no emotions at all. I walked behind him upstairs. My hands started to shake. We walked into Carlisle, which had been transferred into a hospital room. Heart monitor, IV bag, and all the other stuff  that belongs in a hospital, not a house. I looked at the bed to see Renesmee. She looked extremely pale, her hair had lost all of its shine, her skin looked if I touched it would fall off.

"How could this have happened in the short amount of time I was gone? I was gone for four hours! What happened?" I leaned up against the wall for support.

"We don't know, it was all of a sudden.  She hasn't grown since three days ago. Her skin, hair, and teeth have lost most of its nutrients. About two hours ago, she passed out and fell down the stairs." Carlisle said all this without looking up from his book. I couldn't look at her a minute longer, I had to get out. I walked out of the room. I couldn't look at everyone sad face or listen to the sound of Jakes heart going millions miles per minute. As I laid down on the couch, I wrapped the jacket I had on around my torso. Wait, jacket? I didn't bring a jacket with me tonight. Oh, never mind, it was Seth. I forgot he gave me it when he saw I was cold. Speaking about him, where was he. He wasn't in the room with everyone else. I heard a loud noise in the kitchen. One thing you need to know about me is I'm nosy, very nose, and it will never change. So I got up to expect what was going on in there. The smell of dog was in there, so my only guess was it was Seth or Leah. It was Seth. He was in the pantry.

"Didn't you eat enough at the dinner. For gods' sake, you ate a huge ass burger, fries, three milk shakes, and two pieces of cheesecake." I giggled. Ass he pulled his head out of the pantry he hit it on the door frame.

"I wasn't making anything for me. It was for Jake. I'm sure he hasn't eaten anything since this all went down." He put bread, peanut butter, and honey on the counter.

"How did you know what happened when you weren't in the room?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Super hearing. I was sitting on the porch and listened to Carlisle." I just nodded my head. I sat on one of the bar stools that were by the island. The whole time I watched Seth make a sandwich. It was weird but his presents were nice to have. I shook my head. Girl, snap out of it. You know this won't ever work. There is too much a stake, too many lives.

"What's wrong?" Seth looked at me concerned. I just shrugged my shoulders. "Ok, well, I'm going to go take this to Jake."

"Ok..." I whispered. As he walked away, I put my head on the countertop. After a few minutes, two cold arms wrapped around me. "Hi Demetri." He chuckled.

"How do you feel?" He whispered in my ear.

"Well, let's see, my niece could be dying. I have a guy chasing me when could lead to extremely bad situations." I leaned up against his chest and closed my eyes.

"Well, we could leave." He looked very serious about what he was saying.

"No, no, no, no. I can't. What about Nessie. I can't just leave her."

"After she gets better than. Look, we've been friends for years. We've flirt, we've kissed, almost had sex..." I slapped my hand over his mouth.

"Shut up. Would you like to stay alive. If Jas or Edward hear that it almost happens, they will kill you." He chuckled again.

"Think about it, please. Just think about it."

"I will , I promise." With that, I walked out of the room

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