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I was exhausted and all I have done is spent the day with the pack. I keep my promise to sam and tried to come by more often. We spent the day at the beach in the Reserve. The boys and Leah tossed the football around. The girl sat around and watched them. I was sitting a few yards away on a tree root reading a book.

"That must be a good book for you to sit around reading on a nice day like this." Seth came over to me. He sat down on a root next to me.

"Yea it's not that good, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is better." I shrugged my shoulders.

"You know what's better if the lovebirds would actually become lovebirds," Paul shouts from a crossed the beach. I flipped him off.

"Hey, there are children here!" Quil throws his hands in the air.

"Sorry, hey Rachel can you cover Paul's eyes?" I yelled to her. Everyone was laughing but Paul. "Are you sure I can't punch him?" I looked at Seth.

"100% sure."

"What about if I just broke his nose a little bit?"

"His werewolf powers would heal it in seconds."

"I feel like it still would be worth it," Seth smirked.

"Let's go for a walk, I know of a little spot not too far in the woods that is gorgeous this time of year." Seth stood up holding his hand out for me to take. I was hesitant on taking it. After a few seconds, I grabbed his hand. He pulled me up and starts to drag me to the woods. From behind us a few whistles came from the pack. I rolled my eye at this. We walked for a while in silence. We are very good at beginning silently around each other but never awkward. After a few minutes of walking a pond-like thing came into view. It had some rocks around it and small plants that I couldn't tell what they were.

"Those are Northern blue flags." Seth pointed at the plant he a just looked at. 

"They're nice looking." I sat down on a rock.

"Only nice?" He asked.

"Yea I like spider plants more than anything else." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Is it home to lots of spiders?"

"NO, they are plants that are part of the lily family that has long narrow leaves with a central yellow or white stripe. I like them because they look so simple and look good pretty much anywhere." I splashed some water on him. He moved away slightly and laughed. 

"Can we talk about everything, us?" Seth rubbed his hands on the back of his neck. I looked away and looked into the distance.

"Have you ever realized the word bed looks like an actual bed?" I asked.

"I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!" 

"And I'm subtly and politely avoid it!" 

"You can't just keep avoiding it, at some point, it has to be dressed." 

"There isn't a lot that can happen, we can't be in a relationship. It's dangerous for everyone, my family, the pack, your mom." I said quietly and he looked at me.

"You are not scary in the slightest, do you realize that? You put on a big charade that you are some big and mean person but you're really not. You take care of everyone one way or another. You and jake fight all the time but god forbid Rose says something you think is too far, then you're defending him. You are not going to hurt us or me." Seth stepped closer to me.

"It's not me a worry about hurting you guys. It's the Volturi. They still check up on me yearly to make sure I haven't gone on a mass killing spree. Plus Edward told me about when they came for Nessie, they were not happy to find out that you guys exist. Can you imagine what they will do if they find out we're in a relationship together? I already think that Nessie and Jake are going to have problems later on." My eyes started to water but I quickly stopped them. A few seconds later he just walked away but not back to the beach, farther into the woods. Once he was out of sight I heard a howl and then another howl from a different wolf a few moments later. I could smell the pack before I see them run by. I shook my head and ran throw the wood back to my house, as I didn't want to face the girls, expectantly not Leah. Walking up to my house I realized how quiet it was. It was never this quiet, even vampires think of stuff 24/7. But right now there was nothing. It was like Bella was using her gift to prevent anyone from using their power. 

"Jasmine." Dad was standing on the deck.

"What's going on I can't use any of my gifts. Is there something you guys are trying to hide from me? Or is Seth in there telling you what just happened? I swear to god I'm not..." Dad cut me off.

"We have a guest.." He glanced throw the sliding glass door.

"Who?" I walked up the steps.

"Follow me." He opened the door a jester me to come with him.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"I think it would just be better for you just to see for yourself who it is." We walked throw the house to the staircase. "They are in my office."

"You're not coming with me?" His face told me no. Nodded my head. I climbed up the stairs. My heart beat profusely. I stopped in front of Dad's office I could fill that I could use my gifts there. I took two steps back and then I couldn't. So I was kinda right Bella was using her gift not to hide something, but to protect us. I walked forward again and put my hand on the door and open it. A man sat at the desk, his skin was almost translucent, with very long and jet-black hair  His eyes are a milky red color that could make anyone freeze in fear. The man at the desk I had hoped I would never have the pleasure of seeing again. 


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