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The boys piled their plates high with food and then spread out in the dining room and living room. There were no walls separating the living room and dining room, and the only thing separating the dining room and kitchen was an island. I and Emily sat on the island and made some small talk. 

"So how is life, Jasmine," Collin asked from the couch.

"As normal as it can get being a half-vampire." I rolled my eyes.

"So, not very normal?" Jake walked into the room with Nessie right behind him. 

"You went feeding?" Nessie asked me. I raised my eyebrow at her. How could she tell? 

"Yes... but how..." She cut me off.

"I can smell the Elk on you and your eye color." I just nodded my head, but the fact that she could smell it had me worried.

"Did you go before everyone left?" 

"Yes, Rose and mom took me to make sure I was set while they are gone." Good, at least that's something I don't have to worry about her. I grabbed a banana muffin off the counter and started to eat it. 

"Are you staying for the bonfire tonight?" Jake was at the counter getting some food.

"There is a bonfire tonight?"  I tapped my fingers on the countertop. 

"Yeah, but it's not like the one you went to last time. We are just hanging out tonight."  He said with some bacon in mouth his mouth. I cringed at that. 

"Yeah, I'll stay." I turned in my seat to watch the boy. They were having a heated discussion about some kind of sport and what team was the best. 

"The Tigers are so much better than Seattle!" Paul waved his hand in the air. Everyone else went against what he said. 

"Are you guys talking about football?" I asked. There were gasps all around the room. 

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME OR MY SON AGAIN!" Embry stood up and dragged Seth out of the room. Everyone laughed.


It was 8 PM, and we are currently sitting around the bonfire. Sam and Jared left a few minutes ago to go get some stuff from the store. We sat around and just talked about random stuff.  After fifteen minutes, Sam and Jared got back.

"Finally, what took you guys so long?" Paul shouted. 

"This goon couldn't pick what booze he wanted." Jared slapped Sam's chest.  "And he only got the basic stuff." Sam rolled his eyes. Do they drink? 

"What's with the puzzled look?" Seth asked me. 

"They're holding a box." 

"And?" Leah sat next to me. I laughed. They start to pass around drinks.  

"So because of your guy wolf's gene, does it take more booze for you guys to get drunk?" I asked.

"Yea, it does." Jared spoke up. "What about you and your vampy gene?" I shook my head.

"No, I still get drunk, but thanks to Emmett, my tolerance is pretty good." I shrugged my shoulders. 

"Alcohol of choice?" Leah asked.

"Tequila, but don't let me have more than three shots." I ran my hands up and down my arms.

"Why?" Seth came and sat next to me.

"Well, when I drink more than three shots, I turn into someone else. I swear I will try to start a political debate just to get a raise out of people, dance on tables, and either I will cry or I will make someone else cry, and probably eat a family-size thing of Oreos, no matter which side of me you get." I scratched the back of my head.

"Let's get some drink into that girl system." Quil and Embry fist bump. 

"NO, I will not be getting drunk tonight. We don't have time for that." I shook my head back and forth. It took a good fifteen minutes, but Jake finally got a drink into my hand.

"You're drinking for two tonight."

"And what does that mean?" I asked.

"I'm not drinking or staying long because Nessie is at my house, so you're drinking for me and you tonight." I just nodded my head. I only took little sips trying to stay sober, but I couldn't say the same about everyone else. Each boy has at least drank three different fifths of alcohol plus some wine coolers here and there. Jake left an hour and a half to go to get back to Nessie. You know, at first I didn't like calling her that, but it has grown on me. I looked at my phone to see that it was almost 11:30. I felt a heavy mass being put on my shoulder. I looked over to find Seth's head.

"Are you okay? Should I take you home?" I asked.

"Well, for one, you can't go anywhere because we drove here in my truck." Crap he is right. "For two, there is no way I can go home drunk. My mother would kill me if she saw me like this." He had a look of horror on his face. 

"Well, I could drive us back to my house, and you can stay there for the night," I recommended. Paul and Collin howled. 

"Get it!" Quil shouted.

"If you don't shut up, boy. He ain't getting anything tonight." I turned back to Seth. 

"Are you sure?" Seth raised an eyebrow at me. 

"About what you getting laid or about you staying at my house?"

"Both?" The balls on that boy. Drinking has given him some balls. 

"100%, you're not getting any from me, and yes, again, 100% you can stay at my house." I stood up and put out my hand. He grinned like a madman and took my hand. We said goodbye to everyone and then went to his truck. "Give me your keys." I held out my hand for the keys.

"Umm...what?" He tilted my head. 

"You are drunk, so you are not getting behind that wheel." 

"You had the stuff to drink as well." He pointed out.

"Yes, two and half hours, and I also didn't even get halfway through it. Plus, I drank three bottles of water even though it only hydrates me. So I am more capable of driving than you are." He shook his head but handed me his keys. We got inside his truck. I drove to my house.  God, I am so in love with this truck. I would marry this truck. After fifteen minutes of driving, we pulled up to my house. I looked over at Seth. His head was resting on the window. "Come on, I'll get you to bed." I opened the door and hopped out. I heard Seth follow. I looked behind me to find him wobbling around. I laughed at him. 

"Are you laughing at me?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him.

"Yes, because you can't even walk in a straight line." I giggled. 

"I can do other things straight." He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I shook my head. 

"I don't know if I want to kiss you right now or push you off the deck." I opened the door and walked into the house. 

"May I pick for you?" He walked into the house and right into the living room. 

"No, I'm an independent woman who can make her own choice. Now come on." I walked up the stairs.

"I thought you said I wasn't  getting any tonight."

"You're not, but you do get a bed to sleep in. I'm mean, but I'm not a dick."  I opened my bedroom door. "You can stay in my room in my bed."

"Where are you going to sleep?" He sat on my bed.

"In my bed." I walked over to my dresser and opened the bottom drawer. I pulled out a shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "Here are some clothes for you." 

"Why do you have guy clothes?" He looked at the outfit. Seth was still smiling like crazy.

"Because guys' clothes are so much more comfortable than girls." I walked into my bathroom to change. I put on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I brushed my teeth and then walked out. Seth was lying on my bed. I walked over.

"Move over, you have to share tonight." I pulled the covers back and climbed in.  

"I will share anything with you." I blushed but rolled over on my side so he couldn't see it. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I decided not to move it off of me. I slowly started to drift off.  

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