Ch. 14

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Boom! Boom! Boom! The loud laugh of Emmett soon followed after. We have spent the last couple of hours in a meadow that is by the mountains blowing up random shit. Rocks, Old furniture, my old homework folder, and a bunch of other stuff. 

"That was pure awesome!"Emmett jumped up to go put the next thing up. "So...Seth imprinted on you? Penny for your thoughts, Five bucks if there dirty."  He hesitated to ask me. 

"One, we both know you're not getting five bucks from me. Two, we also know how dangerous it is for anyone to get into a relationship with me."

"That's not what I asked." Emmett gave me the give me actually answers I want look.

"He seems okay, He's a little childish. More childish than you and that says a lot."I joked with him.

"Well, that kind of hurt." Emmett grabbed his chest. "You love me and my childish ways." I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Anyways...You act differently than any other person I've seen with the whole imprinted-on thing."

"Wow me different, I would have never thought that in a million years ." I giggled.

"Ok smart-ass, It's like Jake and Nessie rarely leave each other side and Edward tells us all the other wolves pretty much always think of their other half. You are just breaking the rules a little bit... maybe it's because you have a soft spot for Demtri."

"It's not like that with him and he knows it. Dem was the only one I had in the hell hole and he was the one who convinced Aro to let me go with dad." I would never call Carlisle, dad to his face because I know it makes him feel uncomfortable. 

"I know Jasmine, I know." We sat there in silence with only the sound of wind blowing through the trees. "I think it's time to go back home. We have lots of stuff that needs to get done tomorrow." I simply nodded my head in agreement. 

As we walked up to the house I could hear someone playing piano. I knew it was Edward, he played when he was stressed. The song he was playing switched. He began playing my Favorite song, Hallelujah. I turned to say something to Emmett, but all I found were the trees. I shook my head. Of course, this was pretty much planned without being planned. I walked up the patio stairs and leaned against the railing listening to him play. I played piano too but not as well as he did. I knew I would never be as good as Edward. 

"You know I don't like it when you men gang up on me like that, it's worse than when the girls do it," I note. I hear him chuckle. I walked into the front room and go sit on the piano.

"You better not let Esme see you doing that, She'll have your head." Edward got up from the bench and leaned next to me.

"Naw I think she use to me doing this by now." 

"If you say so but when she rips you off the piano, I'm going to laugh and say I told you so." I just rolled my eyes. "How was blowing stuff up?" He questioned me.

"The normal. We blow up the chair Alice hated. Now we just wait and see how long it takes Jas to realize it's gone."

"Oh, that's a fight waiting to happen."

"Waiting? please it's been a fight for over 40 years now. If anything the fight will turn into a grudge now." We sat in silence for a few moments. "I'm sorry I got pissy earlier, you can just be so hard-headed at times. It frustrates me at times."  

"She's my daughter, how could you expect me not to be hard-headed about that." I shot him a snarky look. "But you and Rose made good points. It would look odd if Bella and I were telling someone who looked like a grown woman what to do." I smirked. "Wipe that off your face little girl, we still have to discuss you."

"ME! Why me?" I looked at him in fright.

"As you said earlier and I Quote 'More or less big brother'  care to explain?" He pushed off the piano. 

"Nope nope nope nope!" I shook my head vigorously. He chuckled and started to walk out the door.

"Well if you don't want to tell me that's fine but, there are three other people you need to worry about because they are not happy whatsoever." Edward didn't even need to tell me names. I knew who they were. Alice, Demitri, and Seth. I'm not too worried about Seth, It's the other two that worry me. I walk upstairs dreading what wrath will come at me tomorrow. I opened my bedroom door and didn't make it three feet into my room before I was tackled to the floor. I banged my head on the legs of my desk chair.

"What the actual fuck man!" I twisted around and saw it was Demetri.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He looked pissed mixed with sadness.

"Does it really matter? It happened, so what? I'm not a virgin." I shrugged my shoulders.

"We tell each other everything. You are my best friend! Don't you trust me?" Demetri pleaded with me. 

"Of course I do but you have to realize some things aren't meant to be shared." He nodded his head and walked out before I could say one more thing to him. I shook my head and lay down on my bed. Today has been way too eventful for my liking. As I drifted off to sleep the last thing I heard was a wolf howl in the distance. 

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