1. This installment shares a release date with Toxic Taste.
2. Burt's line about Julie Newmar but not two-ply, is a reference to the first Jelly Side Up!. It pays homage to Brer Rabbit's line, "Everybody likes celebrities and everybody uses toilet paper. Myself, I use two-play Julie Newmar."
3. In the scene where Patty confesses she has bipolar, my dad kept trying to make Chad & Jeremy make fun of her. But I made it clear that they would never do that, and that television is supposed to handle serious issues with understanding and without judgment.
4. A bunch of Batman villain actors are mentioned in here. Including Liberace, Tallulah Bankhead, and Art Carney.
5. Les Camembert and Dr Fusion are the main antagonists in Teen Beach Movie. Since they're played by Kevin Chamberlin and Steve Valentine, I always called them "Bertram and the Minister of Spring".
6. Originally, my plan was to make Jeremy Clyde's villain character Hermann Gessler threaten to steal the mountain. Mainly because in the original Bunk'd episode, there was a line where Emma and Eric looked alike. I wanted to reuse that line with Gessler and Jeremy, but I realized it wasn't needed. Plus, my friend Ava suggested we use Les and Dr Fusion, so I replaced Gessler with them.
7. Patty Duke actually did have bipolar disorder. The only difference is that she didn't actually know until the 70s. No one, not even the producers of her show, knew they gave her an identical cousin because she had bipolar.
8. Ava and I were watching Bunk'd one day and we were on the episode where Luke visits his siblings at camp. Ava asked me, "who's gonna be Luke when you make a Jelly Side Up out of this?" and I instantly told her Adam was.
9. I planned this installment about a year ago. I was showing one of the others to a teacher at the transition academy I used to go to. And he said "I noticed you didn't add Adam West to this cast." So I started planning an appearance for him, and it's finally here!
10. My dad did Les's voice, but I did Dr Fusion's voice, and there were times where I couldn't stop laughing and needed to do more than one take.
11. I almost didn't add the applause track for Brer Fox, but my dad insisted we do it, threatening to cancel the franchise. So I added it in.
12. Burt was right about the lipstick prank being an Andy Griffith reference. There was an episode of The Andy Griffith Show where Don Knotts is sleeping on a park bench and Andy Griffith puts lipstick on his face. The result of the prank is hilarious!
13. At first, Brer Fox was supposed to call Jeremy a hog chuckler, but my dad thought it was stupid and changed it to Snorty McEngland.
14. The one part of the original Bunk'd episode that wasn't in this installment is the element where Lou and Hazel both dated Eric and fight about it.
15. The theme song is an instrumental cover of Goober Peas that you would hear in the Splash Mountain queue.
16. Burt's reaction to the lipstick on his face is "holy Sleeping Beauty!" This references Princess Aurora having lips red as a rose.
17. Adam West really would improvise a raunchy line in the original Batman show. There was a famous line he ad libbed where Batman says to Robin, "this shows the oncoming thrust of manhood."
18. Chad & Jeremy really did appear on Batman, and the description of their episode is exactly accurate. Julie Newmar's Catwoman plots to steal their voices and hold the British government to ransom. Of course, Batman and Robin save them when the government doesn't pay.
19. In the beginning of this film, Adam says the line he used to say after upstaging Burt, "Sorry, Burt, I had to do it".
20. Kevin Chamberlin also played Bertram in JESSIE. When my dad saw him on the show for the first time, he said to me, "Is that the evil guy from Teen Beach?"
21. It was mentioned that Adam lived in Space Mountain in Explosive Pizza.
22. Les Camembert is not to be confused with Brer Camembert, the skunk in Skunk Cabbage.