The Break-up (Part 2)

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Last night you were with Hayes and you got a call from your mom that your very elderly grandmother had died. You were in shock and didn't show any emotion until you rushed home and saw your mom.
The next day, you stayed home in bed all day reminiscing about all the good times you spent with your very much loved, grandma. Hayes texted you and told you he was coming to check on you. He walked in on his phone as usual.
"Hey babe, are you sick?"
You sat up and wiped some of your tears and your throat chocked up, "My um, my grandma died yesterday."
Hayes sat down on your bed next to you, "Wow, I'm so sorry." He said while giving you a hug.
"I'm gonna really miss her. You know one time-"
"So there's this party tonight you wanna go with me?"
You looked at Hayes with confusion, "Did you just ask me to-"
Hayes cut you off again, "I know you're sad and all but this will get your mind off it ok, so let's go!"
"I'm not going to a party Hayes."
"Alright well everyone wants me to be there so I have to be there."
You realized what he said and laid back in your blanket and said, "Get out and don't come back."


Lately Taylor has been really distant for some reason. In order for you guys to get back on track, you decided to surprise him with some new pj's you bought yourself. You knew he'd be working late tonight so it was a perfect time to wait in bed for him to get home and see the surprise.
It was 12:45 and you heard the door shut so you sat up on the bed with a smile. Taylor walked in the room and didn't look at you but put his jacket on the chair and sat on the bed to take off his shoes. You snuck up behind him and put your arms around his neck. "Hey, how was your night babe?"
He didn't answer.
You got up from the bed and walked in front of him and stood with your hands on your hips.
"What do you have on?" He said in an irritated voice.
"I bought something new for you to see me in. Do you like it?" You asked enthusiastically.
"(Y/N), you're barely wearing anything."
"Taylor what is it with you? Why have you been acting like you don't wanna be with me anymore?"
He sighed, and then chuckled, "Maybe I'm just not attracted to you anymore."
You both stared at each other and then you grabbed a jacket, some sweatpants, slippers and purse then left without saying a word.


Shawn has been going to rehearsals for his tour and this time you have been tagging along to see how these things actually work. For the last few days Shawn's intern has been errands for Shawn and running you up the wall. Every chance he get's, he flirts with you and he knows you and Shawn are together. Today he jumped the line again and touched your butt.
"HEY! You better quit flirtng with me or I will get you fired."
Josh moved closer, "you threatening me?" He said with a smirk.
"I'm not kidding Josh, stop this right now or I'll-"
And Josh put his lips on yours but you didn't back away until Shawn yelled, "(Y/N)?"
You pushed Josh away from you, "Shawn it is not what it looks like!"
Josh walked up to Shawn, "We were going to tell you about us."
"Save it. I have to get back out there but when I come back I want both of you gone."


"Hey Aaron lemme quiz you!" You yelled out to him while you sat on the coach.
He came and sat next to you, "Hit it!"
"Ok question number one, where did we first meet?"
"Ummm, at that night club on 5th street."
"What? No, we met in high school, I was crying in the halls and you cheered me up. Anyways next question, when was our first kiss?"
"The movie theaters right?"
"Um no it was in the car when you told me to look another way and when you turned back you kissed me."
You looked over and saw Aaron on his phone, "Aaron are you listening?"
"Listen this is boring you wanna go upstairs?" He asked you while moving closer to you.
"Aaron if you don't remember any of our special moments why are we together?"
"Ok so I forgot, it's not that big of deal ok, chill out." He moved away from you.
You got up and threw the blanket that was on your lap at him. "Better idea you can chill out here by yourself because I'm done."


You and Cam have been living with each other for a while and you do plan on marrying each other. Today you thought it would be good to make sure Cam is on the same page as you with your future plans.
"Ok so I wanted to talk to you about our future together."
"Alright but hurry because River Monsters is coming on at eight!"
"Cameron this is serious. Ok, first things first"
"I'm the realist!" Cameron interrupted.
"Can you be serious for two seconds? Ok, do you want to have kids, if so how many?"
He laughed, "If we have kids you're definitely being a housewife."
"You don't actually believe a women's job is to cook, clean, and take care of the kids do you? Never mind, don't answer that. Next question, what stable job are you going to have?"
"I wanna own a farm with a bunch of goats named George and then I'll sell their milk and call it, G.O.A.T Milk Production."
"Cameron can you grow up?"
"(Y/N), can you have fun?"
"We need to get our lives together or we're not going to make it. We're adults and we have to plan our future now or else we'll never have a new house, a wedding, a family or any of our own stuff."
"What are you talking about get married and a new house?"
You paused. "Do you not plan on marrying me?"
"I mean I don't know yet. Anything could happen."
You got up and starred at him. "Well start planning what you're gonna do without me because I'm out of here."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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