Gone, Gone, Gone

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Nash: "You've always done the same for me.."

Nash was your best friend before boyfriend. Of course when you first saw each other you were attracked but you took baby steps into the relationship. After being his best friend for a while you knew a lot about him and he almost knew you like the back of his hand. When you started dating it was no different then before. You both took care of each other almost as a married couple would.

Cameron: "And I would do it for you..."

No matter what you and Cameron went there you both loved each other. Through the good and bad days there was no way you could stay away from Cameron. Whenever he needed something you are right at his side. There was no doubt in your mind that he would do the same for you.

Jack J: "When you fall like a statue I'm gonna be there to catch you.."

Even though Jack loved to play around with you almost all the time he was really sincere deep inside. He was so protective over you almost as if you were a castle and he was your wall. He supported you throughout everything and if you were to fall he would be there to catch you.

Jack G: "You will never sleep alone.."

No one could separate you and Jack. You loved to spend as much time with him as you could together because you never knew when it would end. Cuddling with you in his big muscular arms at night made you feel so safe.

Shawn: "Like a drum my heart never stops beating for you.."

You loved music almost as much as Shawn did. The passion that he heard in your music made him feel warm inside. His heart always starts racing when he hears you sing. When you heard, it almost matched the beat of your song.

Aaron: "I'll love you long after your gone.."

Being with Aaron just made you want to melt. At this time people would say you both have 'the feels' for each other. You always wanted him around. To you it was boring without him by your side. But it didn't matter you both loved each other no matter the distance.

Taylor: "Your my crutch when my legs stop moving..."

Being with Taylor and him being with you, you never wanted to see each other hurt. But when Taylor broke his arm you were there through every step. You drove him almost everywhere because you didnt think it was safe to drive with one hand. You cooked or bought him breakfast, lunch, and dinner because you didn't want him cooking with one hand. But you didn't want him to break anything for you to cater to him. You were going to be there for him no matter what.

Hayes: "Your my head start..."

Being with Hayes for a year now you noticed how well you worked together. No matter what you were doing, if it was challenging or not you and Hayes would always work together. He loved to face everything with you. Sometimes he needed that little push at the finish line and he was honored that those hands would be yours helping him win.

Matt: "I'll be at your door tonight..."

There was so much on your plate your whole life. Your family just had so many problems. Matt always listened when you wanted to talk. He felt so bad that you both were two young to live together. He wanted you to be happy and safe with him in a home with just the two of you. But since he had to wait a little longer he killed time by coming to your house every friday night for secret sleepovers.

Carter: "Tell me what you need.."

Past relationships caused you become very cautious. You had your eyes on Carter all the time. You knew with all his fans it was hard for him to stay tied down to you. Basically you were insecure and you always told Carter he didn't have to be you. But then you would tell him you love him. He was confused. He just wanted to be with you and he wanted you to trust him. But you both wanted to just communicate.

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