Cute Moment

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Cameron: It felt like you hadn't seen Cam in forever. Now that he was home you gave him your undivided attention. He did the same but he was a little touchy. While you were in the kitchen making dinner you felt a light tap on your butt. "Cameron!" your yelled. "Ugh babe I'm sorry my hand slipped" he said. As you started chopping peppers the same hand lightly slid around your cheek. "Oh babe there goes my hand again" Cameron tried to hide. Then you put the knife down and turned around to look Cameron in the eyes "May I please finish?" you asked him. Then before he answered he picked you up and put you on his shoulder, "Yeah but I want dessert first."

Nash: You were at Nash's house so excited to see him because he had been gone for a few weeks. He had Skylnn and Hayes with him so you insisted that you all do something fun together. Then Hayes came up with hide and go seek and Nash sighed but agreed while Skylnn squeled in happiness. Hayes counted first and everyone else ran around the house looking for a spot to hide. Since you have played with Skylnn before you knew exactly where the bestplace was, the dryer. You hopped in and silently closed the door and prepared to be found last. But one minute later you saw the door open. Surprised, you looked up and saw Nash. "Hey what are you doing?" you asked Nash. "No what are you doing? I always hide here." And before you could tell Nash to go hide somewhere else Hayes and Skylnn ran in. "HEY YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN TRY!" Skylnn yelled. "Well this time our great minds won't alike" Nash said and winked at you.

Shawn: Today had been a long day at school. Even though it was the same old stuff you do everyday, it was monday. No one in there right mind liked monday unless there is a new cafeteria menu. And to kick off your perfect day you had to walk home. Someone made up an amazing rule that if you only live a mile away then you need to walk to school. When you started your walk you thought about what you would do when you get home. Maybe call your boyfriend Shawn and eat a snack. But just as Shawn popped into your head he showed up driving right next to you in his fresh, new car. Then he rolled down the window to say, "Hey cutie you need a ride? "

Aaron: Finally Aaron had the time to go on vacation with just the both of you. Today you were going to spend the day at the pool. It was so much fun finally getting to talk to Aaron without an interruption of a phone call or one of the guys yelling for him. After tanning for about thirty minutes you and Aaron finally decided to get in the pool. You got the noodle and he got the ring. But the noodle got boring so you came up with a better idea. You swam underwater and secretly tipped Aaron or of the ring. And out of no where he grabbed your arm and pulled you down with him. While you were panting you said "Really Aaron?" Then he answered "Hey wherever I go you go."

Jack J: Lately Jack has been on your mind a lot. He has been so busy but he wasn't the only one. Music was kind of his priority and school was yours. Even though it seems like the happiest time of the year when school ends, this is the most hectic time for you. Exams and finals made you wanna go bald. But usually this never make you and Jack feel distant. It was a wierd feeling too. However, no matter what you and Jack were going through you were always his number one fan. That meant liking and revining his vines and favoriting his tweets. Then you saw Jack tweet he posted a new vine so of course you went to look at it. While it was loading you saw the caption for the vine that read "To that one person out there" and in the vine was a slideshow of pictures of you and Jack from all the fun memories you guys have had so far.

Jack G: Just at about 3am you felt like you were hot by a bus and then a bunch of horses stepped on your chest. There was no way you could go on your date with Jack today. It was really disappointing because dates with Jack are always fun. He us the highlight of your life and it sucks when you let him down. But he took it really good when you broke the news. Since you were so tired and just out of it this would be a good time for a nap. And when your dream just got to the good part, a large hand started to shake you. When you turned with your blanket over your face and one eye open you were pretty sure Jack was standing there with a bunch of movies and a lot of your favorite foods. Then you hard Jack's soft voice say "Hey babe I'm fine with our date being inside. As long as I'm with you nothing else really matters."

Taylor: So far you had been to three buisness meetings with Taylor. He is trying to get so much work done and didn't want to go through it alone so he called you to join. It was so cute watching him get all fancy and sophisticated. He looked so perfect in his suit, tie, and nerd glasses. After the fourth meeting you were kind of starving and you could see in Taylor's eyes he agreed with you. When you finally sat down in Longhorn you couldn't wait to eat. The waiter finally showed up to take your drink order and before you could even get the words out of your mouth, Taylor stopped you and told the waitress his and your favorite drink. "Ok I will be back with some bread and those drinks" the waiter said. Then you looked at Taylor with a confused face. "What?" he questioned you. "How did you know my favorite drink?" you asked him. Then he grabbed your hand, "Babe if we are going to be together I need to know you like the back of my hand because you are my other half and it would be kind of awkward if you dont half of yourself don't you think?"

Hayes: You were bored so you texted Hayes. He was free for once so he invited you over. Since you just wanted to stay inside you left with your sweatshirt and sweatpants. When Hayes opened the door he gave you a big hug and you followed him upstairs to his room. You made yourself comfortable on his bed while he went to get you guys something to drink. Hayes left his phone on the bed and while you were on yours you felt a vibration. When you looked over you saw the ugliest selfie of yourself as the background of his phone. "What is this?!?" you said to Hayes. "Hey I think that is the cutest picture of you yet and I wouldn't mind waking up to that every morning" he smiled at you. You couldn't help but smile back he always gets you with that smile.

Matt: For about two weeks Matt has to leave because of buisness with the boys. You hate it when he leaves for so long. When you started dating you knew what you were walking into but it does sometimes hurt. Sometimes you wish he could just chill out for awhile. But you couldn't stop his success. At 5am you were up driving Matt to the airport. It was early and you didn't have the patience for crying. Watching Matt carry his bags away it almost got to you. But then he turned around and ran back towards you. "Hey I forgot to give you back your wallet." And you didn't even get to ask why he had it because he speed of so fast. Then you opened it to see what he took. But all your money was there and all your cards. And then you noticed a picture of Matt. You picked it up and on the back it read, "I won't be gone for long but picture me all be with you! Love your Dino."

Carter: Today you were spending the whole day at Six Flags with your boyfriend Carter and all the other guys. So far everyone was having an awesome time. There were plenty of fans for everyone to meet. You loved to watch Carter meet his fans because he was so nice and caring towards them. Kind of like he treats you. But to be honest rollercoasters are fun but you are afraid of heights. And even though Carter knew your greatest fear that didn't stop him from taking you on the highest ride you every seen. When you sat down in the tight-spaced seat with Carter he looked at you to see worry in your eyes. "Carter I really don't know about this" you said. "Hey if anything happens just know we will be together ok?" he said.

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