Good Thing

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Carter: "both getting emotional.."

Carter has been very lowkey for a while and you know why but you don't want him to stay that way. He has so many fans out there who still love him and they deserve to know that Carter is ok. Not all of his fans have gotten the chance to meet him and they should still be given that opportunity. No matter what, you just want Carter to know he's still loved and he shouldn't give up.

Matt: "I ain't never felt the way you make me feel.."

Have you ever had someone make you feel love and hate at the same time? Have you ever had someone you wanna punch in the face then make out with all night? Being with Matthew makes you feel all of those emotions. He's so loveable but he's still a boy which is why he makes you so mad at him sometimes. You can't stay mad at him because he gets all cute and then you don't know what else to do but give in.

Nash: "let your guard down.."

For as long as you and Nash have been together, you'd think you both would tell each other everything but the truth is you're still hiding a little bit from Nash. What you're hiding is something so deep in your heart that if you tell Nash and he ends up hurting you, it will crush you. Letting everything out just isn't that easy.

Cam: "it's goin be you me.."

For the first time you and Cam talked seriously about getting married. A few times you guys would joke about you being his wifey and he's your hubby but now you guys are getting serious. There's no one else you want to be with other than Cameron. You truly love him.

Shawn: "something that you gotta know.."

"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" Shawn asked you while you were on the phone.

"Yeah I'll be right there." You replied.

You walked into his dressing room, "Hey, you ok?"

Shawn got up and hugged you. You hugged him back but pulled away and looked at him.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I just love you so much. I can't believe how much you do for me and how much you love because if I were you I'd be so tired. But you're so strong."

You kissed him then looked at him. "Shawn, if I wanted to leave I would've already done it. But I love you and that's why I'm staying with you through everything ok?"

Aaron: "stand in the middle of the floor.."

When you and Aaron were in bed you were staring out the window and saw one star in the middle of the sky alone. It reminded you of the time you and Aaron went to a party and you and Aaron were the only coulme there slow dancing. Lots of kids your age would rather turn up at parties but you and Aaron like to get crazy and rock steady.

Taylor: "why can't it be what it is.."

The problem with dating someone famous is the fact no one is ever good enough to date Taylor. His fans don't want him to be with anyone except for them. Most of time you don't pay attention to what they say but now its getting kind of annoying. You and Taylor have been together for a while so shouldn't the hate comments be done by now?

Hayes: "good thing keep happening.."

First thing you think of when you hear the word happiness is Hayes.
He's really the best you've ever had. All the boys before him never said I love you and meant it or actually treated you like a real girlfriend. Hayes just makes you feel worth it, like you actually deserve someone.

Jack J: "give it all to me.."

Nobody wants to be halfway in a relationship. When you're with someone you have to put in 100% to receive 100% back. Jack doesn't feel like you've been putting everything in the relationship. You know you've been a little bit laid back but you don't want Jack to feel that way. Some things about yourself, you're just not ready to reveal.

Jack G: "they be speaking on what they don't know.."

Jack knows he has a fan base, however he doesn't understandvwhy his fans continue to find out every little thing about him and put it out on social media. He believes his personal business should stay personal.

How does everyone feel about Taylors opinion on Madison Beer on his you now broadcast? I still love Taylor & Jack and I'm pretty upset Madison is coming in between them. CANT WE ALL JUST GET ALONG!!!

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