Hunt for the artifact. Darkspawn Alert!

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Pirotess still sees Bellara with certain reserves because she's a High Elf like Deedlit and says to herself "This High Elf is resourceful, but seems a little innocent. She seems unaware of the fact that the Dark Elves like myself served the God of Darkness Falaris, or as they call him now, one of the Forgotten ones"  

 Then she says "The only thing i care right now is to bring this child to the Veil Jumpers. I don't mind a little detour to search an artifact about our shared culture"

Bellara says "Thanks!" 

The group began their search of the Elven artifact that was heavily guarded by the metalic guardians of the old Elven city and several unregulated magic passageways and security measures. 

(play the gameplay video) 

As they advanced they saw something alarming there were something that was feared by everyone. Darkspawn 

Pirotess thinks "This brings back memories. Those Darkspawn look a lot like Goblins" 

Pirotess keeps thinking "The only difference is that this Darkspawn are less intelligent and more insidiously dangerous than the Goblins in Marmo

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Pirotess keeps thinking "The only difference is that this Darkspawn are less intelligent and more insidiously dangerous than the Goblins in Marmo. Physical contact with the creature's blood is always fatal at middle term, unless you become what in this continent of Thedas is known as a Grey Warden" 

Pirotess, Harding and Bellara fight through the carnage and carved their way into the artifact's chambers.

(see gameplay video) 

After defeating several foes, Bellara, Harding and Pirotess found their prize. A contraption that had a spirit called the Nadas Dirthalen, who seemed to have abundant information of the ancient Elven civilization. 

Bellara asks "Shall we head back to the Veil Jumpers camp?" and Pirotess replies "Yes" 

They went back unaware of the horrors that would await them  

Dragon Age: Veilguard. Pirotess's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now