The Grand Necropolis. The Mourn Watch

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Pirotess, with her changed appearance and unyielding determination, went to talk to Bellara. "Albeit i am a Shamanist fighter, i still know little of the Veil. Let's hope Bellara have someone competent" 

(Play dialogue video) 

After that, Pirotess and Bellara went to the Crossroads in hopes of finding the right mirror to Nevarra. 

While walking, Pirotess says to Bellara "Heard a few things while i was a slave in Tevinter about Nevarra. I'm impressed that the people in the South abhors Blood Magic, but are perfectly comfortable with Necromancers", Bellara responds "While i don't condone Blood Magic, i know that any school of magic could be as dangerous as such. Besides, I've seen your fighting style." 

Pirotess then says "I picked a few things before i was with the Fangs of the Beast and the Shadow Dragons. I told my former master thad i'd fulfill my mission before the wound i made in my wrist healed. Used Blood Magic from my wound to perform a mind control spell on the woman who the people of this land would later know as Lady Inquisitor Lavellan*"

***In this universe Deedlit became the Inquisitor*** 

Bellara interrupts her and says "Whoa, whoa, wait! Did you met the Leader of the Inquisition, Rook?!", Pirotess then answers "That is a question for another time. We're here" as they crossed the Eluvian that reaches straight into the Grand Necropolis. 

(see dialogue video) 

After meeting with professor Emmrich, Pirotess then saw something that made her smile. Inside the Grand Necropolis she glanced at something that was only present in the Lighthouse when Neve was present. 

She saw a Wisp, or as people of Marno and Lodoss knew, A fairy

Pirotess then ask herself "What would drive those spirits into this enormous tomb

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Pirotess then ask herself "What would drive those spirits into this enormous tomb...? Besides the animated corpses, that is. I still don't know what would Nevarra think of nations like Marmo, so i'll say that i'm from Teveinter" 

Emmrich told Bellara and Pirotess that the Spirits were restless and they were being changed into Demons. Bellara and Pirotess decided to assist Emmrich in his quest to find the cause and put an end to it. 

(Play action sequence video) 

Pirotess, Emmrich and Bellara managed to stop the Venatori cultist that were trying to sap the magic from the Necropolis. One of them even had a special artifact called the Hand of Glory. Someone was tampering with forces beyond their ken. 

(Play the Dialogue video) 

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