This is Pirotess's time to shine as the main charcter in the story as part of a group of heroes that will stop a great evil from coming out of the Fade
This is both a fanfiction and a gameplay guide for Dragon Age and Record of Lodoss War enthusiast...
Pirotess and Neve arrived to Treviso with the help of the Eluvian. Once the jewel of Antiva, the city was occupied by the Antaam, the Qunari Army.
Despite being occupied, the trade and the economical success of the city showed how resilient the Antivans were and how the Antaam behaved differently than the Arishok's forces that invaded Kirkwall years earlier. Unlike the Arishok's forces in Kirkwall, they seemed more prone to frivolities than the former Qunari. Some even behaved like Tal-Vashoth and the other Qunari didn't seem to care.
(See gameplay video)
The group went to see the Talons of the Antivan Crows. In the royalty of assassins, they were looking for their King. The Demon of Vyrantium
Pirotess knew that mission would be difficult. She says to Caterina "You will have your grandson... one way or the other, you have my word" and Caterina gave her directions to reach a mage that could take them to the Ossuary
(Play the video scene)
Pirotess found Lucanis, but he was different. He became what was known as an Abomination
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Lucanis then says to them that the Venatori known as Calivan is one of his targets since a year ago and that he has his blood in a Phylactery that could use to submit him.
Pirotess and Neve agreed to help Lucanis to destroy his Phylactery and to deal with Calivan.
While they were following clues and defeating Venatori, Pirotess couldn't help but see the Lucanis's partial resemblance to Ashram. Like Ashram, Lucanis also had something inside of him. In Lucanis's case spirit of Compassion that was corrupted from its original purpose and turned into a Spite Demon. Lucanis's case was unique since he was no mage and yet he became an Abomination still.
After breaking several Red Lyrium crystals they were near of the Phylactery and closer to Calivan and that much closer to Lucanis's retribution.
(See gameplay video)
After finding the phylactery, Pirotess , Neve and Lucanis faced the warlock Calivan, but he used Blood Magic to summon a Pride Demon while fighting the heroes.
Pirotess then used her shamanistic powers to defeat the Pride Demon while Lucanis and Neve killed Calivan.
Pirotess felt something wrong was wrong with Lucanis, but the mission was successful, they had rescued a literal Demon.