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-Makaylas POV-
I got woke up by someone jumping on my bed. "Makayla get up" someone yelled
"Come on today is going to be a fun day" another person said. I opened my eyes and saw Katelyn and Brittany."brittany what are you doing here?" I asked hugging her
"Niall has plans for today" she said
"Where is he?" I asked. Brittany pointed beside me. There was a little box sitting there. I opened it and here was paper. I opened it and it said:
Good morning princess,
I have your day planed today:) I have made some reservations and I will meet you sometime today. Don't miss me too much. I have brought Brittany and Katelyn out here so you can have a nice relaxing day with your girls. I love you see you soon
I grabbed the other page that was in there. It said:
1.Get breakfast
2. Go shopping
3. See a movie
4. Have lunch
5. Spa time
6. Go to Dinner
"Let's go shall we" Katelyn asked
"Yes we shall" I said getting out of bed
"Go get ready we will be waiting down stairs when you are done" Katelyn said
"Ok" I said. They left my room. I checked what time it was, it was 8:00 am. I got some clothes and went to the bathroom and changed. Then I brushed my teeth, hair and put deodorant on. I grabbed some shoes and put them on then went down stairs. We went out to the car and got in, Katelyn was driving. She put in a CD. One direction starting playing. Brittany started singing, then me and Katelyn joined. Me and Brittany started dancing. When we got there we got out and went in. We where seated then ordered our drinks. Then our food. " so Niall planed all of this?" I questioned
"Yep" Brittany said. I nodded."so Brittany how was your flight?" I asked
"Interesting" she said
"How so"
"Well there way a guy on there that kept flirting"
" did u tell Liam"
" yeah, that's where it got funny. I told him I had a boyfriend but he didn't believe me so I called Liam and Liam told him to leave me alone or else he would hunt him down. The guy didn't believe him so he kept flirting and trying to lay moves on me" she said. Me and Katelyn started laughing. We got our food and ate. "How much is it?" I asked the waiter
"It was already payed for" he said
"By who?"
" umm... Niall Horan"
"Ok thank you" I said. I can't believe him. I was going to pay. We went out to the car and headed to the mall. When we got there we went to a lot of different stores. We went into almost every store. Every time I went to pay at a store they said it was already payed for. When we where done shopping we went to see a movie. We got out of the car and went in. We stood inline for our ticket. When it got to us the women gave us an envelope. I looked at her kinda funny. I looked at the envelope. "Dear, it's from Niall" she said. I nodded and opened it. Inside there was a note and 3 tickets to a movie. The note said: I hope you aren't mad at me for paying for everything
I let out a little chuckle. We went inside the theater and watched the movie. When it was over I went to stand up but Brittany and Katelyn pulled me back down. "Wha-" I said
"Look at the screen" they both said. I did and there was a picture of me and Niall. I looked at the girls then back at the screen. There was a few pictures of me and Niall then a video of Niall came on" hey babe, I miss you. I hope you are having a great day and I will see you soon." He said. Everyone in the threaten said "awww." We left the theater and went to another restaurant. We got our food and drinks. We talked and shared some good laughs. When we were done there we got back in the car and headed to the spa. When we got to the spa we were waiting in the lobby. " I've never been to a spa" I said
"Nether have I" Katelyn said
"Me three" Brittany said
"Well, this will be an experience for all of us" I said
"Yeah" they said.
"We are ready now, so if you would please follow me" the women said
"Ok" I said. We followed her down a dark hallway. We went into a room and there was changing rooms in there. She handed us each a robe for us to change into. We went into the changing room and changed. When we came out she took us into another room with a sauna in it. We went and sat in it and talked for a bit. Then we went into a room and there was a few sofas. The lights where off but there was some candles. We sat down and they took us one at a time to get a message. Then they took us back to the changing rooms. We changed and left. We went out to eat again. When we got to the restaurant we got a table and ordered our drinks. "Are you ready to order?" The guy said. That voice was awful familiar. I looked up and i saw he had a menu in front of his face. I knew it was Niall but I acted like I didn't
"Yeah, I'll take the BBQ chicken" I said
"Ahh great choice"
"Yeah it's my boyfriends favorite" I said
" o is it now"
"Yeah. You know you guys look a lot alike"
"How so"
"Well I can't see your face but.. You guys have the same color hair, same accent, and looks like you have the same body" I said grinning from ear to ear. He let out a laugh"same laugh too" I said. He put the menu down. I got up and jumped into his arms. He layed his  lips on mine and gave me a passionate kiss. "I missed you" I said
"I missed you too" he said pecking my lips. He sat down beside me. We got our food then ate. We ordered desert. "Makayla" Niall said
"Yeah" I said looking at him
"I need to tell you something" he said taking your hand
"Ok" I said. You stood in front of your table. "Makayla you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are the love of my life. The sparkle in my eye. I would do anything for you, I would walk a thousand miles just to have you in my arms." He said then got down on one knee. I started crying. He pulled out a box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring. "Makayla Tomlinson will you marry me?" He asked. You wiped a tear away.
"Yes of coarse" you said. He stood up and you kissed him. We both wrapped our arms around each other. I pulled away" I love you" I said
"I love you too princess" he said. He put the ring on your finger"perfect fit" you said. He nodded and gave you another kiss. Everyone one in the restaurant was aweing and cheering. I turned around and saw Katelyn and Brittany" CONGRATULATIONS" they yelled hugging me
"Thanks" I said wile hugging back. There was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Louie"congrats little sis" he said hugging me
"Thank you" I said hugging back. We went outside and got in the car. "Did you guys help?" I asked Katelyn and Brittany. They nodded there head
"We had to make you have a fun time before your proposal. Niall had to go to all the places we did to pay, so we had to keep you busy" Katelyn said
"O" I said
"And I helped Niall when we were out" Louie said
"Ok" I said. When we got home everyone was in the living room. We went in there. " what did you say" mom asked. I held up my hand. Everyone screamed and clapped. Me and Niall held hands wile they congratulated us. When they where done we went upstairs.

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