91 Be Good

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-Makayla POV-
" I tried to be nice and give you another option but you refused" Ollie said to me
"Because I was scared" I yelled back at him
"Of what!?" He yelled back
"You" I screamed. He put his hands on the bed and leaned over. He just looked at me. "Can we just go to bed" I said. He didn't say anything he just crawled in bed next to me. I grabbed the comforter off of the bed and a pillow and laid down on the ground. "What are you doing" Ollie asked. I didn't say anything I laid on the ground and covered up. "Answer me" he yelled. I sat up"get up here now" he said"and don't make me repeat myself" I got up and put the pillow and comforter in the bed. I got on the bed and laid down and laid on the edge of the bed. "Come here" he said
"How much closer do you want me to be" I snapped back wile turning towards him. He lifted one of his eye brows "sorry" I whispered scooting over a little
"Are you on your period or something" Ollie asked. Oh no he did not just ask that. That is one thing you do not ask a girl. ESPECIALLY WHEN SHE IS NOT!!! Ohh I wish I could punch him! Lord please strike him dead. I just bit my lip so I wouldn't get in anymore trouble. "Hmm So you must be" he said wile laying down. I sat up and said "for your information, I AM NOT!! And if I was it wouldn't be any of your business anyway!" I yelled at him. I threw the pillow at him and starting running for the door. He grabbed ahold of me and pushed me onto the bed, he got on top of me and held me down "DONT YOU EVER YELL AT ME" he yelled wile spit flew out of his mouth and onto my face. I forced my knee up and hit him where it counts and pushed him off of me, the only reason I could push him off of me was because I hit him where it counts. I ran out of the room and started running down the hallway "ZAYN" Ollie yelled. Seconds later zany was chasing after me. I ran down the steps and into the living room. I grabbed the lamp and hit zayn in the head with it which caused him to fall to the ground. I went to run for the front door. If I could just get out and get help to get Katelyn free then we would be ok. I open the door and start running out then someone's arms aggressively grab me and carry me back into the house. Whoever it was they pushed me into the doorway and I fell on the ground. I looked up and it was zayn"what happened to you zayn" I asked with tears forming in my eyes
"I'm not who you thought I was" he said
"Why are you doing this, what did we ever do to you" I asked raising my voice a little
"Alright I'll take it from here" Ollie said
"Good I'm already annoyed by her" zayn said waving me off
"Come now" Ollie yelled. I slowly walked over to him. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. I held in my tears so no one would see them. Once we got to the room Ollie locked the door and laid down. I laid down too. Then there was a knock at the door. I looked at Ollie, he got up and opened the door. "Umm I don't know, she's been very bad" Ollie said loudly. They talked for another minute then Katelyn and Oliver walked in the door. As soon as I saw Katelyn I ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Did you try to get away" she whispered to me. I nodded my head
"Are you ok " she asked me. I nodded my head again
"Katelyn, were just on the edge of town" I whispered to her
"Woah, seriously" Katelyn asked in shock. I nodded my head.
"You got outside" Katelyn said
"Yeah, for one split second it felt like freedom, like I had gotten away then someone grabbed ahold of me" I said to her
"Who was it?"
"Zayn" I said. She shook her head
"Times up" Oliver said
"Goodnight" Katelyn said to me
"Goodnight" I said. They left and Ollie closed and locked the door again. "Can I ask you just one thing?" I asked Ollie as he got in bed
"I guess" he said shrugging
"What happened to zayn" I asked
"Alfie said he will kill him, the boys and his family if he didn't do this" Ollie said. My mouth fell open in shock. Ok that's a new low for Alfie.
-2 1/2 months later-
Nothing has changed. Where still stuck here. The only thing that has changed is Eleanor and Cassandra make out with Alfie in front of us all the time. I had to go pee really bad..again. I have been going pee a lot. "I half to go to the bathroom" I said to Aden and Albert. "I'll take her" Albert said. Aden nodded his head. We where once again watching a movie with Aden and Albert. They could only come once a week because they had other work to do is what they said which I don't understand because they make it sound like there in a gang but they seem to nice. I went into the bathroom and Albert stood outside the door. I hadn't had my period since I was home I thought. I couldn't be pregnant. I looked under neath the sink and there was pregnancy test so I opened the box and took one out and I peed on it and it said you half to wait for 3 minuets. "Sorry Albert, it's a #2" I said. I sat there and waited for the results. I knew what the answer was going to be. After a few minuets had passed I think I was ready to look at it. I read the box one more time to make sure if you had 2 lines for pregnant and if there's only 1 then your not. I picked up the little test and flipped it over and looked at it. There was two lines. I dropped the test. "Not only had Alfie been keeping me and Katelyn here's he's also been keeping a baby, a little tiny child here. Oh boy is he gonna pay for this. I was so exited but then again I was so scared. I half to tell Katelyn. No one else, I don't want anyone else to know. I wrapped the test up in toilet paper so you couldn't see it, i put it in the trash can. I washed my hands and left the bathroom. We walked back down the hall and to the living room. "Can I talk to Katelyn for a second?" I asked once we got back to the living room
"Sure" Aden said
"In private" I asked
"Well we can't do that, but we'll stand on the other side of the room, how's that?" Aden said
"Yeah, thanks you, that's good" I said. I went and sat down beside Katelyn. "Katelyn im pregnant " I whispered to her
"No your not " she said
"Yes I am, I found a test in the bathroom and took it and it was positive" I said excitedly
"Is it ollies?" Katelyn asked
"Why would it be his" I asked
"You mean he didn't rape you?" She asked being extra quiet on the last part
"No, why would you think that"
"Because that night a few months ago he took you to his room and I walked in and he had his tongue down your throats then I heard you scream shortly after that"
"Ohh, yeah well after you guys left he didn't do that, I went and laid down and he put on a clown mask and and smacked my butt so I turned around to yell at him then I about peed myself, that's when I screamed" I said
"Ohh, so it's Nialls and yours" she asked. I bit my lip and nodded my head
"OMG" she screamed jumping up and down "what happened" Albert asked
"Oh we just got off our period" I said quickly
"Yeah, us girls kind of celebrate when that happens" Katelyn added. I stood up and she gave me a big hug " hey im praying renay... eats guacamole.. not.. apples...nor.. tomatos" Katelyn said. I looked at her confused
"What" I asked
"What is the first letter of every word I said?" She asked
" umm H, I, P, R.. I don't know, I don't remember" I said
"I'm pregnant too" Katelyn said with a big smile on her face
"Louis's..right??" I asked. She nodded her head
"OMG, goals!!" I said

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