7 Stalker

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-Zayn's POV-
"Want to go swimming" I asked
"Zayn it's pitch black, we can't see anything, a bear could come and eat us cause we wouldn't see it coming " Katelyn said dramatically
"I'll keep you safe"Harry smirked at Katelyn
"Oh no I'm good"she said sarcastically
"I will" Louie offered
"Ok, I'm better now let's go" she said
"Who..hold the phone, what if there's like creeps or stalkers out there" Makayla said
"There's no stalkers out there"Liam said. There was a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Liam said getting up and opening the door.
"Hello,there" A deep voice said. You couldn't really see him because it was so dark outside, you could just see the outline of him. "He scares me and why is dressed in all black" Makayla whispered to me
"Hey what did you just tell him" The guy said to Makayla
"She said that she liked your outfit" I said saving her
"Yeah we're did you get it at...Gucci ?" She asked
"Listen you you better shut up" he said trying to get in the door but Liam wouldn't let him
"You need to leave" Luke said going over to the door.
"I'm sorry" she mumbled
"You are all warned" he said walking away
"I'm scared" Makayla said as Liam closed the door
"It's ok I won't let him hurt you" Niall said coming over to Makayla and giving her a hug
"Let's go" Ashton said
"What do you mean let's go, we are not going out there when a creep just showed up at our door!" Katelyn exclaimed
" I agree with her" makayla said
"We'll be okay" I said. We went and got our bathing suits on and went outside and we're swimming when Katelyn said"I swear I just saw someone run from one tree to the other over there on the hill"
"Your just seeing things" I said. She just shook her head and ignored me. A little wile later Makayla said she swear she saw someone come closer and go behind the house
"You two are just trying to scare us"i said
"You see that thing that looks like an alien over there, standing at the corner of the house" Makayla said to me as I looked over at it
"Yeah"  I said looking back at her
"We'll you see that alien thing over there it ....."she stopped as her jaw dropped "what" I asked
"It that alien thing...It's gone" she continued
"No it's n...."i started to say looking at it but it was gone. She was right.
"Well that's no creepy at all"katelyn said looking at me getting scared . We all jumped out if the pool and we're heading to the house when harry stopped. We all stopped because Harry was in front of all of us.
"GO HARRY" Katelyn  screamed
"There is that guy that was dressed in all black" Luke said
"Going somewhere" he said
"Yep back to the pool" Ashton  said
We we're going to the pool but he started chasing after us and we started running Around the house. "can someone call the cops" Liam asked
"we don't have our phones idiot" Harry said
"Correction, I do" Makayla said pulling her phone out of her baiting suit
"You always have your phone don't you"Louis asked her
"No, but I was creeped out by this guy so that's why I did bring it, just in case" makayla explained
"We'll it's not going to work now since you got it wet" Liam said
"Don't take this the wrong way but you need to dye your hair blond" Ashton said
"I have a waterproof case.. thanks Ashton " she said dialing 911
"Hello"she said
"Hurry let's go, there he is" Luke said. We ran into the house. When we all got in there we locked all the doors and windows and closed all the curtains.
"Hello" Makayla said again"there is a guy chasing us and I think he's trying to kill us" she said quickly. A few moments later makayla hung up and said "the cops are on their way.
"Let's watch some t.v to get our mind off things" Ashton said sitting down. We all nodded our heads in agreement.
"Breaking news" An alert came up on the tv
"There is a guy outside this house and is trying to kill 9 people inside including the famous Harry,Liam,Zayn,Ashton,Luke,Niall and his girlfriend Makayla, Louie and his girlfriend Katelyn."
"We're not dating" Makayla said to the t.v" does everyone think were dating?" She continued
"yeah" Ashton said getting a magazine off the table. There was a picture of Niall and Makayla together. 
" how do they know we're together, we just started dating?" Katelyn questioned.
"That's the fandom for yah" I said
"Girls your missing the point" Liam said
"What's the point then" Katelyn said
"That everyone knows we are being stalked by a murder" Luke exclaimed
"Katelyn"louis asked
"The t.v just said that your and Luke's dad is the stalking killer  and that he is one of the worlds most wanted criminals"
Everyone looked at Luke and Katelyn
"I might have forgot to mention that about our dad"katelyn said
"COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP" the police yelled.We came out with out hands up. When we came out there was guns pointing at us, all around us. "Thats not any of them" one of them said
"We're is he" one of the offers asked
"We don't know" Luke said
"There he is" someone yelled he said running toward him then jumping him.We watched the police put him in the backseat. We had to fill out a little report then went went back inside.
"So what is your dads name" Louis asked
"Oh, you don't half to tell us but where did you stay all these years because there is no way you could have stayed with him and we're is your mom" Niall asked
"Me and Luke would stay at relatives and friends house for 2 years since Luke is a year older than me and I was 15 when he kicked us out of the house and Luke was 16. And our mom.....she...um....." Katelyn said starting to cry
"She passed away and that's when he kicked us out"Luke finished for her. Makayla went over to Katelyn and gave her a hug.
"How did she pass, if..Umm you don't mind us asking love" Louis asked wile going over to Katelyn and rubbing little circles on her back.
"Dad killed her.. In front of us." Luke said.
"I'm so sorry I will never make you do any thing again, I will never scare you again, I will never kiss you again unless you want me to, I will treat you like a real lady,and stop stealing you, anything and everything."harry said
" Thanks" Katelyn said
"And by the way Katelyn, the only reason I've been doing all that crazy stuff is because Ashton told me that you and Mak read an imagine and I was weird and creepy in it so we thought it would be funny to make it seem like it's true" Harry explained
"Wait, louis..and the gun..?" Katelyn questioned
"That makes so much more sense now!" Louis said
"I told him to play along, he didn't know what was going on either" Harry said
"Ohhh" She said
"Who wants to go to kings island tomorrow" Niall asked
"Yeah like a double date with the rest of the boys"Louis said
"You and Kat are the only ones dating" Makayla said
"Yeah about that, will you me my girlfriend"Niall asked Makayla smiling
"Yes" she said jumping up and going over to hug Niall. " awww yayyy" everyone cheered
"It's about dag on time" Ashton said
- The next Day At Kings Island-
-Niall's POV-
We park and walk in. When we get our wrist bands and get inside the gates, we looked around at all the rides.  "What should we do first" I asked taking Makayla's hand and intertwining our fingers. She looked at me and smiled and gave me a hug
"Awwwww"ashton said
"are you mad that where together?" Makayla asked after letting out a little chuckle. Gosh her laugh is so cute. "No I'm happy for you" Ashton said
"Then why did you get mad when  Liam kissed me"
"Because you weren't dating him"
"I'm not aloud to kiss when I'm not with someone?"
"No! And that's final" Ashton said rather loudly.
Makayla's eyes widened and she looked at me, I tried to hold in a laugh but I couldn't then makayla started laughing, then we all started laughing.
"So where do we want to go" Luke asked
"I don't know Katelyn you pick"louis said
"I don't know, Ive never been here before" she said
"I have"Makayla yelled
"Ok we're do you want to go" Luke asked
"To this one ride I have no idea what it is called but I know we're it is"she said
"Sounds good" everyone said
Smiling, she pulling me along.
"Right here it is"she said. She is so cute, she's like little kid sometimes.
"How much longer"Zayn asked
"zayn, we're here" she said
It was a boat ride, in a tube, on a river
"Niall it's not what you think, trust me it's fun" she said smiling at me
"Ok we need two groups" she said
"Niall, makayla, Louie Katelyn in the first boat and everyone else in the other boat"louis said. Everyone got really wet but me and Makayla got wet the most. Makayla was right it was really fun. We went to the next ride, and the next, and the next ride. We rode u till the park closed, and I half to say, it was one of the greatest moments of my life. I had an amazing time with all the people I love.

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