97 Labor

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-Makaylas POV-
"goodnight love you" niall said to me as he put his arm around me
"goodnight, love you too" i said wile pecking his lips
"Ni we forgot to turn off the light again" i said wile letting out a little chuckle
"ahh man, ill get it" he said wile getting out of bed. He turned the light off and headed back to the bed. I got up on my knees. When he lifted the blanket up to lay down i jumped at him and yelled, with that niall fell the ground. "why did you do that" niall asked
" cause i knew it would be funny" i said wile laughing
" you scared the crap out of me"
" sorry babe"
"its ok, everyone needs a good fright every once in a wile" niall said wile getting into the bed. I just nodded my head.
" i wouldnt scare you right now tho cause your water mught brake" niall said
" yeah dont do that" i said. We again layed down and niall put his arm around me and we soon drifted off to sleep. When i woke up i was in pain. I checked what time it was, the clock read 12:32. "uhhh" i said wile putting the pillow over my head. "o my gosh" i said. The bed was a little wet" babe" i said wile shaking niall
"hmm" he said wile rolling over
"niall get up" i said
"what happend" he asked wile rubbing his eyes
" i think my water just broke" i said
" are you serious" he said wile sitting up
"yes look" i said wile pointing to the spot on the bed
" oh my gosh babe, are you ok?" he asked wile trying to comfort me
"niall we need to get to the hospital" i said
"okay, lets go" he said. He got out of bed and got dressed then he helped me get out of bed and got my shoes on" dont worry about getting me dressed. Just grab a pair of clothes for me" i said wile grabbing my phone and charger. Niall helped me down the stairs then we grabbed the diaper bag and got in the car. " breath babe, well be there soon" niall said wile rubbing my leg. I just nodded my head. Once we got to the doctor niall helped me inside and as soon as we walked in the door he yelled for someone to help" my wife is going into labor" niall said. The girl behind the check in desk grabbed a wheel chair and i sat down in it. Moments later we where in an elevator and on our way to a room. We got a room and i got settled in and niall checked us in. The doctor came in shortly after that" so you still have a little bit longer till your dialeted fully" the doctor said
" ok, thanks doc" niall said
" did you text me mom" i asked
"yes babe, and my mom, is that ok?" he asked
"yeah are they on their way?"
" yeah they should be here in about 5 minuets"
"ok, thanks, did you text the boys and kate and britt"
" not yet i, but ill do that now" he said wile texting them. A few minuets later Niall and I's mom walked in. "Hi honey" my mom said wile coming over and giving me a hug
"Hi guys" I said
"How are you doing" Maura said
"Well I'm ready to have this baby" I said wile rubbing my belly
"I bet" they said. The doctor walked in"are you ready?" The doctor asked
"As ready as I'll ever be" I said
"You'll do good" the doctor said.
-1:03 am-
Finally I heard my little baby crying. "Your done" the doctor said. I relaxed and smiled knowing that was over with. "Here is your baby girl" the doctor said wile laying her on my chest
"Baby girl?" Niall asked
"Yeah, she's got blue eyes like you and brown hair like her momma" the doctor said
"We have a baby girl" I said with a tear running down my face. Even though we where told a boy I'm still really happy.
"Yes we do, my baby princess" Niall said wile wiping my tear away.
"Well get her cleaned off then you can have her" the nurse said
"Ok" I said. She took the bay and went and cleaned it off. There was a  knock on the door"come in"Niall yelled. Louis and Katelyn walked in. "Are you done" Katelyn asked
"Yes" I said
"I think China heard you screaming " Louis said
"Well it's not the most painless thing I've ever done" I said
"Smack him for me" I said to Katelyn so she did. "How's the baby" katelyn asked wile coming over and giving me and Niall a hug. "Good, umm something unexpected happened" I said
"What's that" Louis asked. The nurse brought over the baby and handed her to Niall
"You had a girl!?" Katelyn said. Niall nodded his head
"What, I thought you where having a boy" Katelyn said
"So did we" I said
"Do you want to hold her" Niall asked
"Yes of coarse" Katelyn said wile setting down her bags. Everyone took turns holding our new baby girl and the doctor had to put on the boy clothes but she still looked cute. Everyone stayed for hours wile we talked and laughed. She looked a lot like Niall. She had the same eyebrows and mouth as me tho. "So what's her name" Maura asked
"Well even tho, we where expecting a boy we have thought about girl names" I said
"Her name is Aaliyah" Niall said
"Aww what a wonderful name" my mother said.
"Sorry to ruin the moment but I think my water just broke" Katelyn said
"O my gosh are you serious" I said wile sitting up
"Either that or I just peed my pants" she said. Louis ran to get a doctor and they quickly took Katelyn to another room
-Katelyns POV-
Once they got me in a room and I got settled in it was 12 in the after noon." O my gosh when can I have this baby" I said
"With how it's looking not for another few hours" the doctor said
"Because your not even close to being all the way dilated right now" the doctor said
"Dang it, ok" I said
-11 hours later-
"Alright your ready" the doctor said.
"Thank the Lord, it's been to long" I said
"You ready babe" Louis asked wile grabbing my hand
"Yes Lets Do this" I said
"Here we go" the doctor said
"You are done" the doctor said
"You did great babe" Louis said to me. The doctor laid the baby on my chest "congratulations"the doctor said
"It's a boy" I said
"Yes thank you Lord" Louis said wile sitting back in his seat. I looked over at him
"What are you going to do when we have a girl" I asked
"Then I'll be ok, I just wanted a boy first" Louis said
"I guess the woman at the ultrasound place got me and Maks pictures mixed up" I said
"Ohh, that would explain"
"He looks a lot like you" Louis said
"Do yah think?" I asked
"Yeah, I mean look at him" Louis said
"I think he was your nose" I said
"Mm, I guess" he said.
"Well get him cleaned up then give him back to yah" the nurse said wile taking him. "Thank you" I said. There was a knock at the door. "Come in" I yelled. Makayla and Niall walked in with baby Aaliyah in their hands
"How are yah" makayla asked
"Good" I said. The doctor brought in our baby" haha she switched our things didn't she?" Makayla said when she saw the baby was a boy
"Yeah I guess"  I said
"What's his name" Niall asked
"Tommy" Louis said
"Aww that's such a good name" makayla said
"Thank you" I said
"Can I hold him?" Makayla asked
"Of coarse" I said. Louis handed her the baby.

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